2019年七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday测试卷 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、第八单元测试卷.听对话,选择正确的答案。(5分)(B)1.How old is the girls cousin?AShe is fine.BShes only two.CShes young.(C)2.Is Jacks birthday on March 27th? AJacks birthday is on March 18th.BNo, it isnt.CYes, it is.(A)3.Whens Sallys birthday?AIts on July 6th.BYes, he is.CYes, it is.(A)4.When is the art festival?AOn May 9

2、th.BOn May 8th.COn May 18th.(B)5.When is her birthday party? AOn June 31st. BOn July 31st. COn July 30th.听短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)(C)6. How old is Mikes brother?A12.B4.C9.(B)7.Does Mikes sister like icecream?ANo, she doesnt.BYes, she does.CYes, he does.(A)8.When is his mothers birthday?AOn January 21st.BOn

3、January 31st.COn February 21st.(C)9.How much is the cake?A$16.B$20.C$30.(B)10. Where is the birthday cake?AOn the TV.BOn the table.COn the sofa.听短文,完成表格。(10分)NameAgeBirthdayJane 14_11_ Kate_12_June 4thMike13_13_ Jo_14_December 16thTom13_15_ 11._July_7th_12._14_13._June_4th_14_12_ 15._November_1st_ 【

4、知识运用】(30分).单项选择。(10分)(A)16._ is Toms birthday, Lucy?_birthday is on June fifteenth.AWhen; HisBWhen; MyCWhat; HerDWhat; His(B)17.How _ is your father?He is_years old.Amuch; fourBold; fortyCmany; fourthDold; fourty(C)18.We go to school _ half past seven_the morning.Aat; atBin; inCat; inDin; at (A)19.M

5、ary, happy birthday to you!_.AThank youBThe same to youCYes, thanksDDont say so(B)20.When is your birthday?Its _ April 22nd.AinBonCatDfor(A)21.When is the English speech contest(演讲比赛)?Its _ March.AinBonCatDto(B)22. Miss Gao is _ and_English teacher.ABobs; JaneBBob; JanesCBobs; JanesDBob; Jane(D)23.I

6、 really want to watch the basketball _.AtripB.bat C.play D.game(D)24.My friends _a birthday party for me.AisB.are C.hasD.have(A)25. I am not free now, _ I cant meet you.AsoBbutCandDthen.完形填空。(10分)I have a big family.There are _26_ people in my family.My grandfather is sixtyfive.He was born(出生) _27_

7、October 10th.My grandmother is sixty._28_ birthday is on February 6th.My fathers birthday is on July 10th.My mothers birthday is two months later(随后)Its on_29_ 10th.We have a Family Day on _30_ first,the first day of a year.On that day,my grandmother and my mother _31_ to go to the store.They _32_ s

8、ome food and clothes for us.My grandfather goes to _33_ his friends.My father is at home and cooks(烹饪) for us.I watch TV and _34_ computer games.It is a relaxing and _35_ day.Do you think so?(C)26.A.threeBfourCfiveD.six(D)27.A.inB.atCfromD.on(A)28.A.HerB.HisC.MyD.Your(C)29.A.JuneB.AugustCSeptemberD.

9、July(B)30.A.DecemberBJanuary CFebruary DNovember(A)31.A.likeB.comeCwantD.enjoy(B)32.A.affordB.buyC.sellD.want(C)33.A.watchBlookC.seeD.look at(A)34.A.playB.takeCcalDwatch(D)35.A.boringB.difficult ChealthyD.happy.补全对话。 (10分)从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使对话的意思连贯、完整。其中有两项是多余的。A:Good afternoon, sir!B:Good afternoon

10、!A:36._C_B:Yes, please. I want to buy a birthday present(礼物) for my son.A:37._A_B:He is twelve years old.A:38._B_B:Its on November 3rd.A:39._D_B:He likes to play soccer.A:40._F_B:Sounds good.A:Look at this soccer ball. Its nice.B:OK. I will take it.AHow old is your son? BWhen is his birthday?CCan I

11、help you?DWhat does your son like to do?EWhen is your birthday?FWhat about buying him a new soccer ball?GDoes he have a soccer game this term? 【阅读理解】(50分).阅读选择。(20分)(A)Many students have their favorite(最喜欢的) star. What does the star do? When is the stars birthday? What does the star like? Lets have

12、a look.Student Favorite starPaul,13Name:Guan Xiaotong Birthday:September 17th,1997 Likes:dancing(跳舞) She sings and acts well. Kate,15Name:Ning Zetao Birthday:March 6th, 1993 Likes:sports He swims very well and gets many prizes(奖).Alan,13Name:Zhao Liying Birthday:October 16th, 1987Likes:actingShe act

13、s in many TV plays and films(电影). Betty,14Name:Zhang Yixing Birthday:October 7th,1991Likes:music(音乐) He sings well and has a lot of concerts(音乐会). (A)41.Guan Xiaotong is _ favorite star.APaulsBKatesCAlansDBettys (B)42.Ning Zetaos birthday is on _ ASeptember 17th BMarch 6th COctober 16thDOctober 7th

14、(C)43._ English name is Zanilia. AGuan XiaotongsBNing ZetaosCZhao LiyingsDZhang Yixings (D)44.Zhang Yixing likes _AdancingBsportsCactingDmusic (C)45.How old is Betty?A12B13.C14.D15. (B)Jim was born(出生) on August 15th.And its his fifteenth birthday today.He asks his friends to come to his birthday party.Jims pare


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