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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上一、单项选择题。本大题共40个小题,每小题 2.5 分,共100.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。1.What a poor job Ive done!_2. (D)1.Do it again.2.3.You can do it.4.5.Do your best!6.7.Dont be upset. No one can do it better than you.8. 3.Are you doing anything special on Friday, Bill?_Oh, what a pity!4. (B)1.No, nothing spe

2、cial2.3.Yes, I have promised to call on some friends4. 5.Yes, of course6.7.No, Im not sure. Why?8.1.Id like to make an appointment with Mr. White._2. (C)1.Sorry, he is busy at the moment.2.3.Why didnt you call earlier?4.5.Certainly. May I know your name?6.7.Sorry. He doesnt want to see you.8.1.This

3、is the worst film ever produced. Do you think so?_2. (B)1.Youre wrong2.3.I dont think so, Im afraid4. 5.Not at all6.7.No, thats not real8.1.My dear! I made a mistake again._2. (B)1.Be careful.2.3.Dont worry. We can do something to make up for it.4. 5.What a pity!6.7.You should worry about it.8.1.Unb

4、elievable! I have failed the driving test again!_. This is not the end of the world.2. (B)1.Good luck2.3.Cheer up4. 5.Go ahead6.7.No problem8.1.Excuse me. Do you think I could change my appointment from 2 to 3 oclock?_2. (A)1.Sorry, my timetable is full.2. 3.No, you cant.4.5.Its not right to do so.6

5、.7.Its up to you.8.1.Im thinking of buying these new boots. What do you think?_2. (B)1.Dont ask me.2.3.Its good for you.4.5.Id rather not.6.7.Good choice. You need some warm shoes for the winter.8. 1.How about going to see a film together this evening? Lets make it 6:30 at your place._2. (B)1.Yes, i

6、t does me good.2.3.Ok. Ill be ready.4. 5.Id like that very much.6.7.Whats the best time to meet?8.1.I think Tom works harder than Bill._2. (C)1.Im glad to hear that.2.3.Im sorry fro Bill.4.5.Im sorry, but I cant agree with you.6.7.Thank you for saying nice things for Tom.8.1.Can you speak any foreig

7、n languages?_2. ()1.Yes, I can speak any foreign languages2.3.I dont know4.5.Yes, I can speak English very well and a little Japanese6. 7.I often speak English at home8.1.Ive got two tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together?2. _3. 4. (C)1.The tickets must be expensive2.3.The match mu

8、st be exciting4.5.Why not? Lets go6. 7.The place is too far way8.1.who is that man?_2. (C)1.He is a student2.3.He is Doctor Took4.5.A driver, I suppose6.7.Hes drunk8.1.What do you think of this red hat? Do you think it suits me?_. Perhaps another style would be better.2. (B)1.I like it very much2.3.

9、Sorry, I have no idea4.5.I really dont think it looks good on you6. 7.Yes, I know what to say8.1.Have a nice trip._2. (C)1.Why not.2.3.Thank you, the same to you.4. 5.You are right.6.7.Lets have it together.8.1.Tom is the boy _, everyone thinks, will win the first prize.2. (B)1.who2. 3.whom4.5.whoev

10、er6.7.he8.1._ we should go to the park depends on the weather.2. (A)1.What2.3.Whether4. 5.If6.7.That8.1.Im afraid these shoes are not _ in your size.2. (B)1.applicable2.3.available4. 5.accessible6.7.adaptable8.1.The teacher said, “What are you thinking about?”=The teacher asked me _ thinking about.2

11、. (B)1.what were you2.3.what you were4.5.what I was6.7.what was I8.1.Fresh air, enough exercise and nutritious food _ to good health.2. (C)1.add2.3.attribute4.5.distribute6.7.contribute8. 1.Can you find out _ her pen?2. (C)1.where Alice had put2.3.where had Alice put4.5.where Alice has put6. 7.where

12、 has Alice put8.1._ is a fact that English is accepted as an international language.2. (D)1.What2.3.This4.5.That6.7.It8. 1.Spring is the season _ flowers are in full bloom.2. (C)1.whose2.3.which4.5.when6. 7.its8.1.The sun heats the earth, _ is very important to living things.2. (D)1.it2.3.that4.5.where6.7.which8. 1.Yesterday the teacher told the students, “You will learn two lessons this week.”=Yesterday the teacher told the students that _.2. (B)1.you will learn two lessons this week2.3.they would learn two lessons this week4. 5.they will lea



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