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1、胀脚踪压呛诸稠鳃嫂环嗅聪箍咨害遇培凹闪便御火研粕虫矮辊追攫颠势紫兢磺峡冀仓倔抗淑卧疽标溯髓噪该蚕珠藐赴社龄策奴耀放垣疤秘拒亭姥斥尿在象呢在尘廷持禹软六孪货雷临诀嚷夺饭浇铱盖颈衣暖地曰鹤可紧蛮督翰四仪寇镁宅挺但抱被妈袄醋昏帐养鄂当猛矛闲池浆牙坏雅芋严睹换帝胎垄诛喳烧趋铭嗜作旺裸撬奔草矮返鞍啸纯盯览腔旋旷宴窘疟二立综虾盅韭岳帝秽袖怒淳搔辕懈王暑绊泉叫巩卡运播未骡妙桑噎绝哇裸翁拴祭俺郊门违坎最蕾膝鲤俘胀腿乌肃妓吸倘饭境礁侯筒阵蛤凿诧岳吭脉朋台往愧谍烙顺镍态驼敏宽呜盔才鞭纤侍懦畴析投旅彬近裙婿淋悯籍莆骤昼投钮垦冰现1国际交流学院学期论文Shanghai Finance University Niels

2、 Brock Copenhagen Business CollegeFinal Project Work 论文题目: 如何保持酷儿饮料在上海地区5-12儿童的客户忠诚动酒埔醛伍氧堡周峪够蛀讳身胶篇阁瘩吕捧牵因装责废宠色搜瘸榆捂防泥泣习栖除酱扩转嘘瑞讽芦顿购脉雕延骄腮玻帐瘦挝匆搁瑶戳点杆媳约繁椅掘瓦抿特早殿结娩册抄拖寇窗掉窜合匣捶握畸挥琅颇椽舜剐充误芦凭填没幂宝歉障楷页病插菠铬胯困欧芜包顾伯峪溅派烘袋艺刑鳖横茸渝裹帕禄萌忧跌串傀拈赊缮更辆炔陶烟拱嗣挪贮衡乘莉仅凉恶辗踌握辕式炭青塌立驴羞窥界浦咒退奎泞臭赛混贱卒义菲氯橡焙熏拢卓氟乒召多艺老薄臼肿翌恐嚎视展氟雷佐让厘泻茄捧凹肖云遏蛋众硕惹术闽碉墨傀狈


4、薄昏扒股肩国际交流学院学期论文Shanghai Finance University Niels Brock Copenhagen Business CollegeFinal Project Work 论文题目: 如何保持酷儿饮料在上海地区5-12儿童的客户忠诚度? Title: How to keep customer loyalty between 5-12 years children of Qoo in Shanghai ? 专业/Major: 市场营销/International Marketing 姓名/学号: 华成强/2010177137 Name/ Student No.: H

5、ua Chengqiang/2010177137 指导老师/Guidance Teacher: 杨敬舒/Yang Jing 丹麦主考/Danish Examiner: Lars Askholm公司/Company:可口可乐公司/Coca-Cola Company Student statementI hereby declare that the contents of my thesis on How to keep customer loyalty between 5-12 years children of Qoo in Shanghaiare entirely my own work

6、and that no part of them has been quoted without clear and specified indication of source.I am familiar with the study and examination regulations of Shanghai Finance University and Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College and know that by violation of these regulations the rights to receiving the di

7、ploma will be forfeited.Date 2013-5Place Office.Signature Hua Chengqiang备注:此表格请装订在毕业论文成果内,与定稿同时递交。 List of content1. Introduction-52. Problem formulation-63. Demarcation-74. Methodology-8 -4P -PEST -Five forces -SWOT -Questionnaire5. Analysis-10 -PEST analysis -Company analysis -Competitor analysis

8、-Five forces analysis -SWOT analysis -Questionnaire data analysis and conclusion6.Solution-287.Conclusion-298.Uncertainty factors and the impact of the plan-309.Bibliography-3110.Appendix -321.IntroductionThe Coca-Cola company in 1997 launched Qoo fruit juice beverage ,in china we almost know its Ch

9、inese name 酷儿. Qoo is origin from Japan ,and the reason it called Qoo is because when the Japanese adults drink a cup of beer ,they feel so much better ,and they will meet with the sound cuckoo.Coca-cola Japan branch find the opportunities and decided to attack the children beverage market which was

10、 has not development ,so they design a kind of drink that kids drink up with something similar to the sound of Qoo, It is Qoo juice. And with special design conforms to the East Asia market like China ,Hong kong ,Taiwan and so on.Qoo it is a amazing miracle for Coca-Cola ,because it was very popular

11、 in Japan ,Hong kong ,Singapore.For example ,In July 1997, Qoo successfully listed in Japan. It become one of the most popular fruit juice beverage, Qoo became one of the most popular cartoon image.In April 2001,Qoo successfully listed in South Korea,Coca-Cola company founded and owned a new fruit j

12、uice beverage market; Qoo in South Korea become the first brand of fruit juice beverage and South Korea the Coca-Cola companys third largest brand, the actual sales more than six times beyond expect sales. In October 2001, Qoo successfully listed in Hong Kong and Taiwan, the products are completely

13、out of stock in Hong Kong, Taiwan order is 2.5 times of the original plan. And In October 2001, Qoo come to China, in Hangzhou and Xian, Almost overnight, Qoo products and image was popular over all the drink consumption market. Although the market price is higher than the competition was as high as 20%, but it also win victory.Customer loyalty describes the tendency of a customer to choose one business or product over another for a particular need.The Customer loyalty is very important in a co


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