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1、2022年考博英语-山东大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题When traveling, you are advised to take travelers, checks, which provide a secure _ to carrying your money in cash.问题1选项A.substituteB.selectionC.inferenceD.alternative【答案】D【解析】名词词义辨析。substitute “代替品”;selection “选择”;inference “推断”;alternative “供替代的选择”。句意:旅行时,建议你带上旅

2、行支票,这是对携带现金的一种可供选择的安全保证。选项D符合题意。2. 单选题Science is based on experiment,on a willingness to( )old dogma, on an openness to see the universe as it really is.问题1选项A.encounterB.convertC.challengeD.formulate【答案】C【解析】动词词义辨析。encounter “偶然遇见”;convert “转换”;challenge “挑战”;formulate “规划”。句意:科学是基于实验的,愿意去挑战老教条,以开放

3、的眼光去探求宇宙的本质。选项C符合题意。3. 单选题If it is true that morality cannot exist without religion, then does not the erosion of religion herald the _ of morality?问题1选项A.regulationB.basisC.beliefD.collapse【答案】D【解析】名词词义辨析。regulation “管理,规则”;basis “基础”;belief “信仰”;collapse “倒塌,失败”。句意:如果道德离不开宗教是真实的,那么宗教腐朽不就意味着道德丧失吗?选

4、项D符合题意。4. 单选题The destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City _ shock and anger throughout the world.问题1选项A.temptedB.provokedC.summonedD.enveloped【答案】B【解析】动词词义辨析。tempted “引诱”;provoked “激起”;summoned “召集”;enveloped “包围”。句意:纽约双子塔的毁坏在全世界激起了震惊和愤怒。选项B符合题意。5. 单选题A balance used for weighing drugs or jewe

5、ls must be a( )instrument, but this would be quite unsuitable for weighing coal, sand or blocks of stone.问题1选项A.distinctionB.correctionC.precautionD.precision【答案】D【解析】名词词义辨析。distinction “区别”;correction “改正”;precaution “预防”;precision “精确的”。句意:用来称药品和珠宝的是一种精密仪器,这种仪器不合适称煤、沙或石块的重量。选项D符合题意。6. 单选题The Psych

6、ology of Warranties Protection RacketIf extended guarantees are overpriced, why are they so popular?CUSTOMERS tend to agonise over the relative merits of different models of electronic goods such as digital cameras or plasma televisions. But when they get to the till, many spend freely on something

7、they barely think about at all: an extended warranty, which is often more profitable to the retailer than the device it covers.Shoppers typically pay 10% -50% of the cost of a product to insure it beyond the term covered by the manufacturers guarantee. ( 1) Yet products rarely break within the perio

8、d covered, and repairs tend to cost no more than the warranty itself. ( 2)So why, asks a paper published in the December issue of the Journal of Consumer Research, so many consumers still buy extended warranties? The authors Tao Chen of the University of Maryland, Ajay Kalra of Rice University and B

9、aohong Sun of Carnegie Mellon University examined purchase data from a big electronics retailer for over 600 households from November 2003 to October 2004.(3 )If a customer is about to buy something fun (i. e., a plasma television rather than a vacuum cleaner), he will be more inclined to splash out

10、 on extra insurance. This is because consumers value “hedonic” items over utilitarian ones, regardless of the actual price tag. (4 ) The study also found that poorer consumers are more likely to buy “potentially unnecessary and overpriced insurance”, because they are more worried about the expense o

11、f replacing a product if it breaks.( 5) But although most policies go unused, he admits that the emotional tranquility that comes with buying a new warranty is not in itself without value, even if “rationally, it doesnt make sense”.问题1选项A.This is especially true if the item is on sale, as finding an

12、 unexpected bargain leaves buyers feeling flush and pleased.B.The terms of these deals vary (and there is often a great deal of fine print), but they usually promise to repair or replace a faulty device for between one and four years.C.Only in the present century has one species man acquired signifi

13、cant power to alter the nature of his world.D.This is because consumers are more likely to buy “hedonic” items.E.They concluded that the decision to buy a warranty had a great deal to do with a shoppers mood.F.The popularity of warranties should logically depend on the likelihood of a products failu

14、re, says Mr. Kalra.G.That makes warranties amazingly profitable: they generate over $ 16 billion annually for American retailers, according to Warranty Week, a trade journal.问题2选项A.This is especially true if the item is on sale, as finding an unexpected bargain leaves buyers feeling flush and please

15、d.B.The terms of these deals vary (and there is often a great deal of fine print), but they usually promise to repair or replace a faulty device for between one and four years.C.Only in the present century has one species man acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world.D.This is because consumers are more likely to buy “hedonic” items.E.They concluded that the decision to buy a warranty had a great deal to do with a shopper



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