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1、2022年考博英语-北京科技大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题The meridians of longitude are imaginary great circles drawn from pole to pole around the earth. By international agreement, the meridian of longitude passing through Greenwich, England, is numbered zero. The earth is divided into 360 degrees, and the merid

2、ians are numbered east and west from Greenwich. There are 180 degrees of longitude east of Greenwich and 180 degrees in the westerly direction. New York has a longitude of 74 degrees west which means it lies on the 74th meridian west of Greenwich.Since the sun appears to travel around the earth in 2

3、4 hours, it will move 360/24 or 15 degrees in one hour. This reasoning can be used by navigators to determine their longitude. Imagine that we have set sail from Greenwich, England, after having set a very accurate clock, or chronometer, to the local Greenwich time. As we travel westward toward New

4、York, we notice that the sun is going “slower” than our chronometer. At the time that our timepiece reads 12 oclock, the sun has not quite reached the zenith. As a matter of fact, when our clock reads noon, what it really means is that its noon in Greenwich, England. Our clock continues to tell us t

5、he time, not at our present location, but at Greenwich. Let us wait until the sun is directly overhead (noon at our location) and then read the time on our clock. Suppose it reads 1 oclock. This means that there is one hours difference in time between our longitude and that of Greenwich. As we menti

6、oned earlier, this corresponds to exactly 15 degrees of longitude, so our longitude must be 15 degrees west. The world is divided into 24 time zones, and each zone corresponds to 15 degrees of longitude. New York is approximately 5 time zones west of Greenwich, so the time difference must be about 5

7、 hours. By maintaining chronometers on Greenwich time, ships can determine their longitude on any sunny day by merely noting the difference in hours between Greenwich time and local sun time and multiplying this difference by 15 degrees.Of course, longitude gives only half of the information needed

8、to determine our precise location. We must also know our latitude, which tells us how far we are north or south of the equator. The Equator is the zero line for the measurement of latitude. Circles are drawn parallel to the Equator to indicate other values of latitude. There are 90 degrees of south

9、latitude.In the Northern Hemisphere, there is a star called Polaris almost directly over the North Pole. This makes it possible to determine the latitude of a given point by setting our sextant to measure the angle between Polaris, the North Star, and the horizon. Mathematicians tell us that this an

10、gle is equal to the latitude at the point in question.To get an idea of our location, therefore, we need to know the local time, Greenwich time, and the angle between Polaris and the horizon.1. In order to get the precise location of a ship, the navigator must know( ).2. In order to determine latitu

11、de, the navigator must know( ).3. A navigators chronometer will always show( ).4. In relation to the earth, the sun will move( ).5. It can be inferred that the number of degrees of latitude in the Northern Hemisphere is( ).问题1选项A.his latitudetB.both his latitude and longitudetC.local timetD.the numb

12、er of degrees he is east or west of Greenwicht问题2选项A.Greenwich time and local timetB.a good deal of mathematicstC.the angle between Polaris and the horizontD.Greenwich time, local time, and the angle between Polaris and the horizont问题3选项A.local timetB.noon timetC.Greenwich timetD.sun timet问题4选项A.7,0

13、00 miles per hourtB.twice as fast as PolaristC.48th of the worlds circumferencetD.fifteen degrees in one hourt问题5选项A.18 degreestB.36 degreestC.4 degreestD.90 degrees【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:C第4题:D第5题:D【解析】第1题:细节事实题。题干意思是“为了得到船的精确位置,导航员必须知道”。文章第三段前两句提到Of course, longitude gives only half of the information

14、needed to determine our precise location. We must also know our latitude, which tells us how far we are north or south of the equator.(当然,经度只提供了确定精确位置所需的一半信息;我们还必须知道我们的纬度,它告诉我们我们离赤道南北有多远),可知B项“他的经度和纬度”正确。A项“他的纬度”不够全面;C项“当地时间”,这是用来记录格林尼治时间和当地太阳时间的小时差确定经度,C项错误;D项“他在格林威治东部或西部的度数”也是用来确定经度的,比较片面。因此,该题选择B

15、项正确。第2题:细节事实题。题干意思是“为了确定纬度,导航员必须知道”。根据倒数第二段第二句This makes it possible to determine the latitude of a given point by setting our sextant to measure the angle between Polaris, the North Star, and the horizon.(通过设置六分仪来测量北极星和地平线之间的夹角,就可以确定某一点的纬度)可知,测量北极星和地平线之间的夹角就可以确定纬度,所以C项“北极星和地平线之间的角度”正确。A项“格林威治时间和当地时

16、间”,这是用来确定经度的方法,A项表述错误;B项“大量的数学知识”文中没有提到导航员需要大量数学知识;D项“格林尼治时间,当地时间,北极星和地平线之间的角度”,这是为了掌握自己所处位置需要的,而不是确定纬度需要的,D项表述错误。因此,该题选择C项正确。第3题:细节事实题。题干意思是“导航员的天文钟总是显示”。第二段最后一句提到By maintaining chronometers on Greenwich time, ships can determine their longitude on(航海时保持格林威治时间,船只就可以确定经度),由此可知导航员的天文钟显示的是格林威治时间,所以C项“格林威治时间”正确;A项“当地时间


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