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1、初中英语词汇大全1. hae un doing th做某事玩的快乐2. ontme/i tie准时/及时3. a atoftime挥霍时间4. dscss about sh讨论某事5. go shoppig去购物6. the dayte omor后天7. p over绊倒8. hurryup赶紧9. te sh o sh把绑到10. lo of/ lo of许多11. come ve顺便来访12. ge tther聚在一起13. in te pe ir在户外14. wit for等待15. stoo do sth停下来做另一件事情16. tp dong sth停止正在做的事情17. be di

2、fnt rom跟不同18. wt s toost想要某人做某事19. wold lke sb o sth想要某人做某事20. gi a tal做报告21. ow/whatbout dngth去做怎么样22. behr for简称23. hlp s (o) ds协助某人做某事24. hlp bwith s协助某人做某事25. tk o想出26. o n/for a trip去旅行27. hae a et休息28. wath a footall am看足球赛29. too太而不能、30. start with以开始31. get to/ ariv in/达到32. alk about谈论33. h

3、 coming sume要来的夏天34. b ar fom远离35. go toth wrogway走错路36. lok afer/ tae ca f/arfor照顾37. thas/thankou for doig t感谢某人做某事38. tel a st讲故事39. hava taste尝一下40. h sm as和同样41. n e frm在农场42. hearsesb oing sth听见看见某人在做43. her/see b do sh听见看见某人做了某事44. listen t the sic听音乐45. pla with玩46. e friendl 对和谐47. get up起床

4、48. goto ed去睡觉49. wke u醒来50. lar about学习51. get hme到家52. once/twince/tretimes一次/两次53. be good at/do well i擅长54. play basketbll打篮球55. la the pino弹钢琴56. at this time o yea在一年的这个时候57. heran tee/vywere到处58. just nowa moent o刚刚59. a agood time/noy onesef玩的快乐60. take oes lce取代某人的位置61. k r检查62. o ons wayho

5、在某人回家的路上63. both d两者都64. nther nr.两者都不65. betwee d在和之间(两者)66. eihr or 或者或者67. eav/setoff出发68. die/le one lie失去生命69. had bettr d th最佳做某事70. givup放弃71. cieo o th决定做某事72. st otf me place出发去什么地方73. ask sb fr sth向某人要某物74. begood for对有好处75. mak bd th让某人做某事76. at th endof在末尾77. rst ofall一方面78. go sight-eei

6、g去观光79. all arud theworld全世界80. ookro/about向四周看81. lo utbe crful小心82. wie own写下来/记下来83. get reayfo为做准备84. ts tme fo sth是做的时间了85. in fct=fnay=nt end事实上86. gefn下车/上车87. atiniht半夜88. be/ge in ruble卷入麻烦89. fal down摔倒90. mind(m)doin th介意某人做某事91. instead of ing替代92. fom hn on从那时起93. takesome mdicne吃些药94.

7、bangry with生的气95. toke sbfomdong sh制止某人做某事96. s oona只要97. cc u th赶上98. fal behnd落后99. ee healty保持健康100. enjy doing喜欢做101. at he saetm与此同步102. n a raiyay在一种下雨天103. afr wie一会后来104. again and agai一次又一次105. all by oneself靠某人自己106. ass和同样107. as usual象平常同样108. atoce一次109. atthehdf 在头部110. be famsforas由于/

8、作为而出名111. b fed up with布满112. a ar 一双/副/条113. ltle/bi一点114. me to neelf苏醒115. do nes bet尽某人最大的努力116. aeto hemusic跟着音乐跳舞117. fall off从掉下来118. fid ot弄清晰,弄明白(侧重成果)119. ook for寻找(侧重过程)120. get on wellwith和某人相处的较好121. et back=rturn返回122. haold感冒123. ave a c咳嗽124. ae aheadac头疼125. hod a spotsmetig开运动会126.

9、 nockat/on敲在127. mke a oise做出噪音128. mak fces做鬼脸129. makeones ay to给某人让路130. mk roor给某人腾出空间131. nekad neck齐头并进132. payjoke n b开某人的玩笑133. urrlwith跟吵架134. refuse todo th回绝做某事135. osb of st抢某人的东西136. ooneor lat迟早137. takea set坐下138. ae urs o 轮流做139. echnself自学140. t ones rpis令某人惊讶的141. turn n/of打开/关掉142

10、. urn u/ down调大/调143. work out计算出144. in thedaytime在白天145. be ppuar with在流行146. onweekens/t he weken在周末147. get/e lst迷路148. feel ikedoing sh喜欢做149. ep吃光150. duy值日151. thankthank sor doin t感谢某人做某事152. more tha多于153. give cncet开音乐会154. n the mideof在中间155. across 在对面156. on thlfright在左边右边157. at the bc

11、k/font f在背面/前面158. at theendo在末尾159. ay godbye to 跟说再会160. t rakfat在早饭的时候161. be bn出生162. o out出去163. make a nowmn堆雪人164. make a weathr epot做天气预报165. go n 继续166. get ard结婚167. finh dong完毕做168. ros e world全世界169. ring usb打电话给某人170. later on稍后171. tr over翻转172. k out f掏出来拿出来173. ble o迟到174. forgt to d

12、o sh忘掉做某事175. rge dog st忘掉做了某事176. all he ean一年到头177. the way to 去的路178. rie t sb写信给某179. agree ith sb批准某人的观点或见解180. be fed upwth对厌倦181. hea ro收到(信件)182. ton在中午183. aringot停车场184. gas taton加油站185. incommon共同之处186. gt s o do th让某人做某事187. ording to根据188. g sraight始终走189. copin rom复印室190. thousans of成千上万的191. pla a ric on sb开某人的玩笑192. aswell也193. in oe piion依某人的观点194. bowut吹灭195. telie撒谎196. lie b对某人撒谎197. place o itees名胜古迹198. pn to指向 199. re to s跟某人打招呼200. ess u乔装打扮201. stay p不睡觉202. say an



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