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1、1. Wat are th gooqualities ofsocial entrepren? Dou knwa ocialtrepreneu? Ad hat is h/his oribtion o sciet?Scia entrepreneus ne sca charter i odr sciey wo tes t dr upon bine echique to n soltins osocil prolems.This cnpt aye alieda varit forgazatonswihdifent ie, ais, andbelief. Un onvenionaetreprenur h

2、 tpiclly measur erormanc in profit and retrn, socal ntrepreeu usuly sess asense of du whh ae int aunt osii retrno soet. Soci entreprenershp tpicall attemp ofrer broad social, cultural, a eironmntal olsoftnsscate ith hevolunr setor.A mes,ilo myb acnsidraion fr rtain compaies otherocialnteris Social e

3、ntrpreneur feseethe whole wold a poiive andojcieiew, thats another good qualty, use a esful bsiness man dent sle probls only fro buines spect They seee sunaswell as th dar sies ote scitybu tilld a siive f vi the ftre,wichhy liev that shold chnged by our civ behvior. heir bsiness noement contribute l

4、o tomny chaities and many otse sial ntreprenersinvt t uildfeifasttre contructions for or pel Alin all, they hld hopinion t goo businmani t te one who osses mney,bth oe who donae money t buildaetterod.rare s many fmous soal etrepreneus i hinnow,of which he Gungba s the mot ebatale peron inbusnesirc H

5、commits hmselfto chary fom, ad so fr h dnated lmost bionYuan t t socety is ehavir alo ers him thetle o “No1 platroiinChina”. Asfr Im cerne,no matter how d the way he use, di frs his uty tothe sociey an hlps the oo eopl indeed. So Im orthis socia entrprenu2 Whycints andpocyaers need ah ther? Howle ho

6、ld their rlationhipbe?ecentl,I redn aticleTheNew Styl Fellowhip bewen Sinti ndPoly Mkrwt by Knnethltshire He ad tha, in orerto setose uestonstht iffrnt nations in te wrld are conrontin, to oie sientific resarchs ndpolic-mkin processishe urent ffai. S, why sinis ad oicy aker ned each oter? Hoclose so

7、udthirrelnship e? n my opinin, tere are at est 2 reasonhat they ned ac other.Onthe on ha, plicymaker nee scietif researches as tfoundion sas t cheve pliticl cotrleffienl Takth gbal envomet exaple, germentneed scinis asssance toiue out ha kin of elent are ot olitsas t take drastic msures tote pubi.O

8、the ther han,e puiofcientifcdisovey adinnovaion requi al kind oadvancd equipmenan apl reouceswi cab suporeby governtand tention. Bides, nscientifi resach must e admite by he governmnanmust srve tpeople and he natonAs to o cose houlder reltonship ,t epds.I hodthe viw tat cintific reserchshicharelful

9、ore delopmet ofth nato and the upturn of peopls ing tdrd should get he spporto e whlnatin s hathe reltohip must becloseBin diffetaion, iven that diferetglof develpment, he ovrnment takes difeent attitud towarscietific resach. 4 Wat role doe nterneplay i thar ascorupo? w to enhan he role of Itre figh

10、tgaist corupion?As the ntiorruption campaig sprads ove Cina, t epotsucilleal caes citizens ow have more proachs n whchtheinernet plys ledig rle, ande are confidtthatteontrbutionade by nternt wil beven mor impessveI te raditonaanti-corupton campaign, discipline commissstartedtheir investigationain ba

11、sed o rpotg letters o it,and ths aproch sometimewasted to m tior alaed sspects Howevr, id te rd ban onecting oeey cor of h orld, concernd depatmnt now are essbe o reeive mreacrate nfomtio from ntives,torikeamoe argete investigatio in wy that mking quik and corrc deisionsnoh wors, the nerneth undoubt

12、edly improd the eficieny f he ati-coruptin system. O the tp fthat,we shoud ami that there i stil alot ned o b mproved. In the fuue, wn it come toani-corrption, te government should asi paricur peop to ae charge o onlie-eporting uch asmplifyig reprting steps, mproving nformaocuracyand askin for interiy infmain so as tstablis acomplete sueisionsystemhle seeing mor fru of ani-corrtio cmpain, we ae not alloedo rela urseve bu findmorer


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