人教版七上Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag_ Section B(2a-2c)教学设计

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《人教版七上Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag_ Section B(2a-2c)教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版七上Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag_ Section B(2a-2c)教学设计(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教版七年级上册Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?Section B(2a-2c)教学设计教材分析 本课时选自人教版七年级上册Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag? Section B(2a-2c),是一节阅读课,主要话题为谈论房间物品的摆放位置。2a-2c是以2b为中心的阅读任务链。2a让学生根据图画提示写出学过的或者知道的物品名称,为阅读2b的文章提供了词汇铺垫。2b的阅读活动渗透了应该合理摆放物品的思想教育,让学生通过阅读,快速判断Kate和Gina谁的物品更整齐。在这篇阅读中主要强化了描绘位置关系的介词用法。在写作风格上,everywhere后面的破折


3、要的是要注意自己在生活中点点滴滴的细节。学习越繁忙,越要注意生活细节的条理和规范。学情分析 在SectionA以及SectionB(1a-1e)的学习之后,学生已经掌握了where问句和介词in,on,under的用法,也掌握了一些有关物品的词汇。话题内容也与他们的实际生活联系紧密,学生们容易接受,也便于形成英语学习的兴趣。整体设计 Teaching aims:By the end of this lesson, students will. 1.Master some new words “tidy,our,everywhere,always” and the usage of“and, b

4、ut”.2.Be able to describe Kate and Ginas room in their own words.3.Be able to describe their rooms correctly. 4.Clean their rooms on their own and form the good living habit. Teaching important and difficult points:1.Teaching important points: Talk about things around the house and where things are.

5、2.Teaching difficult points:Introduce a room in order.Teaching methods: Communicative teaching method,situational teaching method,task-based teaching method. Learning methods: Autonomous learning, cooperative learning(group work). Teaching tools: PPT, pictures Teaching procedures:Step 1: Greeting(1

6、min)T:Hello, boys and girls,nice to meet you.Do you know me? Im an English teacher, and Im also a singer.Step 2:Warming up(1 min) Sing a song “Where is.?”(Sound like “春天在哪里”) and show the picture of my room.Where is the light? It is on the wall.Where is the photo? It is in the frame.Where is the dog

7、? It is under the bed.I have a tidy bedroom.La la la la la la .I have a tidy bedroom.Welcome to my bedroom.Step 3: Pre-reading(2 min)Free TalkT: This is my tidy room, what can you see from it?Ss: .T: Am I tidy? My room is small but tidy, because I always tidy my room, I tidy it every day,Im a good c

8、leaner.What about you? Are you tidy? Today, lets go to see a room.Step 4: While-reading(8 min)1. T:Look at the picture. Here are two girls, who are they? Say hello to Kate and Gina. They are sisters, so how many rooms do they live ?S: One room.T: How do you know?S:From“In our room”.T:(Draw a rectang

9、le on the blackboard as their room.)2.ScanningT: What do they have in the room? Where are they?Read the passage and complete the chart about the things Kate and Gina have and where they are. ( Invite students to put pictures of things on the blackboard to check if they have mastered“in, on, under”we

10、ll.) Kate Gina Things Where Things Wherebooks and tapesin the bookcase Ss read the passage carefully and fill in the chart. During this process, ask students“Is Kate tidy? Is Gina tidy?”Step 5:Post-reading( 5 min)Task 1:The teacher acts Gina.T: Do you want to be Gina or Kate? Now you are Kate,please

11、 talk about your room.(Invite one or two students to show their results.)Then help Gina tidy her room.(Invite a student to put pictures in order.)Task 2:Group work Group in four,talk about your dream room.Im.,Im tidy.In my dream room, my.is/are in/on/under.I have a/an.Its/They are in/on/under.Welcom

12、e to my room.(Invite one student to show his/her result.)Step 6: Summary(2 min)T: If you want to have a room like this, keep your room tidy! Because if you dont sweep your house,how could you sweep the world?(一屋不扫而以扫天下?)Sing a song( Sound like “我和我的祖国”)I want to keep my room tidy,Tidy it every day.E

13、verything is tidy,The room is very clean.Mommy and Daddy go to my room,They are very happy.A tidy room, A happy family,What a beautiful day!Step 7: Homework(1 min)Clean your room on the weekend and send me a photo and description(描绘)of your tidy room, my e-mail address is .Blackboard Design Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag? Section B(2a-2c)A picture of Kate and Ginas room Kate Gina Things WhereThings Where books and tapesin the bookcase After-class reflection:_


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