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1、外贸英语经典情景口语对话Explanation 说明解释A: I think these patterns are quite good. Can you give me a price indication of theseB: Of course, its my pleasure. Well quote you the lowest price prevailing.A: Thank you very much. If your price is suitable, then we can make further discussion of contract.B: Here is our

2、 price list, our terms are cash within three months of date of delivery, if you can pay it within one month, well give you a discount of 10%.A: Very good. How many goods do you haveB: Can you tell me how many goods you intend to orderA: We want to order 900 dozen. B: The most we can offer you at pre

3、sent is 600 dozen.A: 我觉得这几个品种的花色不错。您能告诉我它们大概的价格吗B: 可以,我非常满意。我会给你们报现行的最低价格。A: 非常感谢。如果价钱合适的话我们就可以就合同内容进行下一步讨论。B: 这是我们的价目表。我公司的付款条件是交货后三个月内支付现金,如果贵公司能在一个月内付清货款的话,我们还能再给您打九折。 A: 非常好。请问您有多少件这种商品B: 您能不能告诉我这种产品你们想订多少A: 我们想订900打。 B: 目前我们至多能提供600打。Check term 商定条款A: Wed like to buy 2000 tons of rice from your

4、 company. Can you give me an indication of your pricesB: With pleasure. Youll find that we have given you the most favorable price in our business.A: OK, let me have a look. We shall be glad if you will quote us the best discount for cash off your list price for cash for this quantity.B: Please feel

5、 assured that we will give you the best discount we can give.A: Thank you very much. I also want to know how long it will take to make delivery.B: Three months. Would you accept delivery spread over a period of timeA: Yes, we normally do.A: 我们想从贵公司买2000吨大米,可以了解下你们公司的大概价格吗B: 我非常愿意给您提供信息。您会发现我们给您提供的是最

6、优惠的价格。A: 好的,让我看一下。对这样数量大又是现金支付的货物来说,如果贵方能再给些优惠的话我们会很高兴的。B: 请放心,我们一定会给您提供我们所能给的最大的折扣。A: 非常感谢。我还想了解一下你们通常要多久才能交货。B: 三个月。不知你们能否接受在一段时间内分批交货A: 是的,我们通常接受。Sign a contract 签订合同A: Can you tell me what the unit price of such carpet isB: Of course, here is the catalogue and the price list. You can have a look

7、. We also have many other kinds of carpets.A: The price seems accecptable for me. But I want to check whether you can supply the carpet now if we order someB: Of course we can. We can provide the quantity you ask for.A: Thats very good. Shall we sign a contract nowB: No problem. Lets check the terms of contract.A: 您能告诉我这种货物的单价是多少吗 B: 当然可以,这儿是商品目录和价格表,您可以看一下。我们还有很多其他类型的地毯。A: 价格对于我来说还可以接受。但是我想确认一下,如果我们现在下订单的话,你们可以提供这些地毯的现货吗B: 当然可以。我们可以提供任何你们需要的量。A: 那太好了,我们现在可以签合同吗B: 没问题。我们来商量一下合同的条款吧。


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