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1、Unit 3family member 家庭成员family photo 全家福(家庭照片)your father/ mother 你的爸爸/妈妈Is this your father? 这是你爸爸吗?I think. 我想。Whos he? 他是谁?Whos she? 她是谁?my grandfather 我的爷爷Look! 看 Who? 谁?Unit 4 Whats the time? 几点了?Its seven oclock. 七点了。Its twelve. 十二点。Lets go to school. 我们去学校吧。All right. 好的。Lets go. 我们走吧。Its tim

2、e to have lunch. 到吃饭的时间了。You can go home now. 现在你可以回家了。Shall we watch TV?我们能看电视吗?Unit 1my school bag 我的书包Come here 过来on the desk 在课桌上Excuse me. 打扰一下。in English 用英语(表达)I see. 我知道了。Whats this? 这是什么?Whats that? 那是什么?in your pencil box在你的文具盒里Thank you. 谢谢你。Unit 2Yes or no 是或不是Come in. 进来。May I come in?

3、我可以进来吗?a nice telephone 一个漂亮的电话have a look 看一看Can I have a look?我能看一看吗?Is this a? 这是一个吗?Sure! 当然!What a nice telephone!多漂亮的电话啊!Unit 5 Whats ten plus five?十加五等于几?Whats eighteen minus four? 十八减四等于几?plus 加 minus 减Thats right. 对了。Youre wrong. 答错了。Unit 7I cant find 我找不到Wheres ? 在哪里?in the kitchen 在厨房里in

4、the fridge 在冰箱里in the study 在书房里Excuse me. 对不起打扰一下。Sorry, I dont know.对不起,我不知道。Unit 8 Im hungry. 我饿了。Im thirty. 我渴了。What would you like? 你想要什么?What about ? 怎么样?Sounds good. 听起来不错。Id like我想要Unit 9go shopping 去购物Can I help you? 我能为你效劳吗?What colour? 什么颜色?the red one 红色的那个Its nice. 它很漂亮。How much is it?

5、它多少钱?a pair of 一双,一对Unit 10Do you play? 你玩吗?play football踢足球play basketball 打篮球play the piano 弹钢琴play the violin 拉小提琴Do you like? 你喜欢吗?play volleyball 打排球play baseball 打棒球play the guitar 弹吉他Unit 11a good idea. 一个好主意。I like 我喜欢go swimming 去游泳go skating 去溜冰What do you like? 你喜欢什么?go climbing 去爬山go fishing 去钓鱼go skiing 去滑雪go running 去跑步go jogging 去慢跑go rowing 去划船



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