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1、-银座商城股份物流与供应链管理研究 20世纪80年代以来,经济全球化的持续开展,科学技术水平的不断提高以及 社会专业化分工进一步深化,一些兴旺国家开场了一场物流革命,从而促进了本 国国民经济的开展,中国物流业起步较晚,但进入2l世纪以来,国物流业持续 升温,开展势头相当迅猛,开场受到中央、地方、乃至企业的广泛关注,人们越 来越认识到,物流产业的开展是促进经济增长的加速器。物流配送是连锁经营 的关键环节,是支持连锁超市经营的根底,也是连锁经营的核心竞争力所在。国 外连锁超市问竞争,实为配送体系的竞争。零售企业开展物流是为到达降低企 业经营本钱、增强企业竞争力的目的。银座商城股份(以下简称山 东银

2、座)紧跟时代步伐,也J下在逐步做强自己的物流业。供应链管理是进入21世 纪后企业适应全球化竞争的一个有效途径,一种新的管理模式。 本文以银座物流与供应链管理作为研究对象,首先介绍了研究的目的、 意义及国外物流与供应链管理现状,总体上采用了规研究的方法,按照提出 问题、分析问题、解决问题的根本思路,结合银座物流与供应链管理实际状 况,运用物流与供应链管理相关理论,对银座物流与供应链管理进展了层层 剖析,如银座物流管理现状、运作模式等的分析,发现银座物流与供应 链管理存在的问题并通过分析,提供了银座物流存在问题的相关优化解决方案。 本文的主要意义在于为银座今后的物流与供应链管理提供切实、可靠的理论

3、依据, 理论指导实践,使企业少走弯路,实现更好、更快地开展。为零售业物流管理提 供可参考的现实依据。 本文的创新之处有两点:一是从现代物流与供应链的开展趋势提出了银 座物流与供应链管理应当走绿色开展及大力开展第四方物流的道路;二是从部 和外部两个方面比较系统、全面地分析了银座物流与供应链管理中存在的缺 陷对银座物流与供应链管理的影响,并提出对策建议。 关键词:银座商城 绿色物流 供应链运作模式 管理创新 大学硕士论文 ABSTRACT Since l 980s,t11e suStajnable development of me globalization of economy,science

4、 卸d tecllnology unce硒抽g improvement of the level of specialization alld sociaJ如rther deepening,some deVeloped coulltries beg锄a logistics reVolution,tIlus facilitating coun仃y t11e deVelopment of national economyChiIla logistics sta】rtting evening,but since tlle 2 1 st century,the domestic logistics w

5、anns up cominuously,momentum quite r印idly,锄d begiTls to be central goVemment, local 90Vemments,and entelprises e*tenSiVe concem,tll9 growing realiZalion tllat logistics industry deVelopment is t0 promote economic铲owthacceleratorLogistics distribution is tlle key link of chain business,it is support

6、supemarket chain mallagement is based on me f-锄ily锄d cham business corc competitiveness lies Domestic 觚d intemationaJ ch血 supemarket distribution system,iet11e competition be锕een tlle competitionRetajl entelprises for development of logistics ente叩rise management is t0 reduce cost, erdlaIlce tIle co

7、mpetitiveness of孤ente叫se pu叩oseShandong silver mall Co,L1D(hereina趾r refe仃ed to雒shandong silVer)follow times pace,is铲adudly孤d s昀nger own logistics industrySupply chaill management is iIl me 2 1 st centu巧ente甲rise for a globaLl competition of an eaectiVe way,a new management model BaSed 0n shaIldong

8、silVer logistics锄d supply chajn management嬲t11e research object,firStly ill们duces tlle脚ose of tlle research,t11e signific锄ce锄d tlle domestic alld iIltemational logistics锄d Supply Chain management status,generaJly adopted nomative research metllod, according to propose 狮d 锄aJysis problem, problemsolV

9、ing b硒ic ide嬲,combilling shandong silVer logistics肌d supply chain mallagements actual situation,using logistics锄d鲫pply chajn m锄agement related theot0 shandong silVer logistics肌d supply chajn m锄agement,such嬲shandong silVer layer弛aJyzing present situation of logistics management,operation mode for ana

10、lysis,found tllat sh锄dong silVer logistics趾d supply chain m柚agement problemS, and mrou曲the锄alysis pr0Vides me gim强logistics problems of tlle releVant 2 大学硕士论文 optimization solution11lis paper majnly significance is to gim狐允ture logistics and Supply chaill management pr0Vides a feaSible and reliable

11、theoretical baSis,me theo巧 instmction舯actice,causes tlle ente叩rise to aVoid detours,acKeVe better姐d饥ter developmentFor retail logistics mallagement pmVide reference for reaJistic b勰is 111e movation ofs paper plaCes tllat haVe t、7l,o points:one is舶m modem logistics and supply chain development tI-end

12、s for shandong silVer logistics aIld Supply chain management shollld walk green deVelopment and Vigorously deVelop t11e fo删l paur哆logistics way,2丘Dm intem2ll锄d e*tem甜tv旧 雒pects quite S)rstem,a comprehensive analysis of tlle shandong silVer logistics and supply chain management t11e defectS e*isting

13、ill shandong silVer on the iIlnuence of lo西stics锄d supply chain m锄agement,肌d puts forw乏耐the couIltenIleaSures aIld proposals K呵words:Silver maLll;Green logistics;Supply chain; operation mode; M弛agement inIloVationResarchon logistics distributionprobiemoffresharricultualproductofchangshaABSTRACTFresh

14、 agricultural products due to easy decay, difficult storage, easy transport for a long time, the producer is facing market risks. Changsha City of fresh agricultural product logistics distribution center location in its distribution pattern, and inventory control is e*isting a lot of problems. The r

15、eason is because of its infrastructure, the overall level is not high, the imbalance of development; distribution industry talent lack; distribution technology level is low and the support of fresh agricultural products distribution development system and policy are not perfect. So we will start fro

16、m three aspects, one is the development of modern agricultural products distribution patterns, two is the optimization of fresh agricultural product center location, the three is the optimization of inventory control. Therefore, only the Changsha fresh agricultural products logistics distribution e*plore correct, reasonable, scientific thought and countermeasure, in order to improve Changsha fresh agricultural products logistics modernization level a


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