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1、2022年大学开学的自我介绍 2022年大学开学的自我介绍1My name is Liu _x. Because of the name, I used to call myself the queen of stars on the internet. Do not think that I am too arrogant, because the stars themselves are ordinary and shining, so I like them. Of course, I wish I could be one of many stars. If one day you m

2、eet a girl called star dance on the Internet, it must be me - 11 years old, monkey, virgo.Of course, I have with the stars very ordinary appearance: big eyes, but very bright; neither tall nor short nose; not too big or too small mouth; white skin, a not too long or too short tail pigtail, high up i

3、n the back of my head, flash flash, very naughty. (but my mother cut my hair short now)I have a wide range of hobbies, such as music, microcomputer, Mathematical Olympiad, english. Well, theres one more thing you cant think of! Let me tell you, its cosmic exploration - Stonehenge, crop circles, alie

4、ns, for example. In a word, I like everything that is unknown.I particularly like music, since I was 6 years old, I began play the piano, less than nine years old, I was out of the piano six. When I played Mendelsohns Venice Barcarolle, I feel like being in a ripple on the surface of the boat, the s

5、ilence, the moonlight shines down, like scattered on the surface of mercury, flash, beautiful.I also played the love guitar. I took two lessons and I started to play chords. I have learned many beautiful songs such as years ago, walking, Red River Valley, childhood and so on.You ask me why I love mu

6、sic so much, but I dont know. But when I was in the music melody, I felt great enjoyment.I also like the Olympic math because it can develop my intelligence and keep my head spinning. A difficult problem is like a castle, although it is difficult to overcome, but as long as I use my head, you can fe

7、el the joy of success.Of course, the United States must have shortcomings, my shortcomings is very sloppy, looking for something at home every day, today wearing a watch, tomorrow will not find it, what things are everywhere. Oh! My family cant help me. Dont look at me. Im careless in life. But I do

8、nt do it carelessly. I can check every question carefully. However, when occasionally careless, like what I do, because not carefully, the paper clearly requires simplification, but I made for the ratio! Miserable, dizzy, faint! Because of this, the teacher gave me 4 points. After several lessons, I

9、 must correct this bad habit in the future. The oxis not blowing! Trust me!What exactly does it look like to me? In the future there will be three years to verify. I really really want to be the North Star - the brightest star in the sky, of course, and it takes a lot of effort. I hope that in the n

10、ext three years, I can get along well with my teachers and classmates and break through the difficulties with my teachers and classmates!2022年大学开学的自我介绍2列位好,我叫_,本年_岁,_人。我能来到这里进修异常开心,一向以来我都很看好_这个行业。跟着_的展,它为21世纪_。厥后,我开端对_孕育发生爱好,专心研讨,三年的大专便是在不停的造就爱好,不停的进修前进中渡过的。三年的大专生存有如过眼云烟,一去不返,独一留下的便是我的常识和技巧,如今的我将要走向


12、想 ,我四处搜集证据。皇天不负有心人,终于找到了!我的一个堂弟,名字正是叫夏X。这仅仅是巧合吗?不,这是夏禹老祖宗在天之灵给我的指引。我,夏某某,正是伟大君王夏禹的后人,我比历史上哪个贵族都更贵族,更别消说现代人了。和大家相识已经快两年了,两年的算不得长,可也不短,话说了解随着时间的推移而增进,但是我觉得大家太不了解我了。虽说我占座座靠后,上课从来不回答问题成绩倒数来得快,集体活动能逃则逃,见着大家也难得打个招呼,但各位如若因此而忽视我的存在,实在让我心碎了。我就像一个荒岛上的囚徒,内心比鲁滨逊还孤独。好容易机会站在台前,不如借此机会加深大家对我的认识。所以今天的演讲题目为:自我介绍。忘了和大


14、everyone!My name is _x, from Jiangsu _. Very pleased to enter the academic atmosphere of the _college. After all, for every student, public undergraduate is a dream that is worth working through. Today, it is becoming the youth of the post, dream of the stage, the struggle of the blue sky.For this w

15、as rooted in the heart of the dream, we work hard, we fought in the busy high school life, we only know must strive to finish each paper, do well every quality inspection, in each examination room are outstanding. We dont even have time to ask ourselves if its going to be hard work.Today, I finally

16、arrived at _xand came to the beautiful campus of the university. Actually, in March of this year, I stepped into this city with a long history for 4 times. However, the legend of the picturesque scenic spots: Dr. Sun Yat-sens Mausoleum, Mochou Lake, the Qinhuai River, Confucius temple, I never want to see. Those famou


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