人教版九年级 Unit 1 How can we become good learners第2课时学案

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1、 精品资料Unit 1 How can we become good learners课题课型阅读课执笔学习目标学习新单词和重点词组:学习重点通过阅读,向他人学习如何学习英语。学习难点如何学习英语。学习过程自主空间【温故知新】B.词组互译1、finish reading a book_ 2、做个报告_3、获得主旨大意_ 4、read word by word_5、读语块_ 6、理解的比你认为的多_7、be patient_ 8、练习口头表达_9、改善写作_ 10、take notes_11、大声重复出来_ 12、memorize sentence patterns_13、努力通过阅读前后句来猜

2、测单词的意思_二、导学释疑:词组互译:1.发现学英语难 2.语言学习的秘密 3.learn to learn english 4.a bad dream 5.肢体语言 6.如此以至于 7.糟糕的发音 _8.fall in love with the movie _9. as well 10. 有用的句子 11. 通过只听关键词理解意思 12. a piece of cake _13. it serves you right _14. 更好地理解英文电影 C.词区别. voice/noise /sound(1)voice 多指人说话、唱歌、鸟的叫声。(2)noise n noisy adj. 吵

3、闹的 指不悦耳的吵闹声 如嘈杂声、噪音等 make a noise制造噪音(3)sound n 泛指人听到的任何声音。 v 听起来There was a loud _ outside the classroom. The physics teacher had to raise his _: “ Light travels much faster than _”.( ) At the foot of Wulian Mountains, you can hear the _ of running water. A. sound B. noise C. voice D. silence( ) Do

4、 you like the song You and Me? -Of course. It _ great. A. sounds B. looks C. smells( ) Oh, my god! The kids are making too much _ here. I cant do anything. A. sound B. voice C. noise D. footstep ( ) He knows _ about this event. A. a lot of B. lots of C. many D. a lotD. 预习,做3a文章前的3个问题。挑战一:Read 3a alo

5、ud.挑战二:完成3b.学生展示不懂的问题,老师解答。【展示引导学习】1、介词to的运用成功的秘诀 _门的钥匙 _问题的答案 _ 足球赛的票 _2. Why did Wei Fen fi nd it diffi cult to learn English?find+宾语+adj.+to do sth. .Wang Dan found it easy to learn English.写出find的其他用法发现.怎么样He found English very easy (easy).发现某人在干某事。Yesterday I found a boy playing in the park.发现.

6、Gina finds that she can not answer the question.find/invent/findout/discover的区别Idiscovered(that)shewasagoodcook.discover指 ,某种 而以前未被发现的事物或未为人所知的东西。Edisondidntdiscoverelectricity,butinventedthelightbulb. invent指 ,即原来 而后来 东西。Ifoundawatchontheroad. Ifoundmycatasleepinmybed.Theteacherwantedtofindoutwhoha

7、dbrokenthedoor.findout表示 老师要找出谁砸坏了门。 三、巩固提升:一、单项选择题1. Liu Tao found useful to listen to the tape.A. that B. it is C. it D. this( )2.It is easy for him _ a big car.A. drive B. for driving C. driving D. to drive( )3. he learned a lot about the local custom _ by traveling.A. the same B. as well C. eith

8、er D. too二、根据汉语提示写单词。1.The old man walked so (quick) that I could hardly follow him.2.The girl was afraid (go) home because she failed the math test again.3.I find that (take) notes in class is a good way to learn English .4.You can get the meaning of the conversation by (listen) for the key words.5

9、.The teacher told us to read the passage once again to have a better _(understand) of it.四、检测反馈:.单项选择 1.-How do you improve your listening? -I improve it by _.A.watch English movies B.to watch English movies C.watching English movies D.watches 2.I try not to _ mistakes in my homework.A.do B.have C.m

10、ake D.spell3.When you find some new words ,youd better _ in the dictionary .A. look up it B. look them up C. look it up D. look up them 4. The teacher told us that it was a good habit _ in every class .A. to take notes B. take a note C. take notes D. to take note5.I find _very impartant to study Eng

11、lish well? A. its B. that C.this D.it五拓展延伸:I.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Wei Fen found it difficult _(learn) English?2.Its too hard _(understand) the voices.3.I learned _(use) sentences likeIts a piece of cake” by_(watch) the movies.4._(memorize) words and phrases is a good way to study English.5.My writing also _(improve) by taking notes, doing exercises and reading a lot.


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