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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。2020年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题(安徽卷,解析版)第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she want.A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever答案是B。【解析】选A。考查情境交际。句意

2、为:“哦,听起来你说地就像说母语的人一样。”“那里啊,我要表达自己的看法仍然有些困难”。A项为“并非完全”;B项为“我不介意”;C项为“你说的对”;D项为“你能喜欢我很高兴”。根据句意选择A项。24. To be great, you must be smart, confident, and, _, honest.A. therefore B. above all C. however D. after all【解析】选B。考查副词辨义。句意为:要想成为伟大的人物,你必须聪明、自信,而最重要的是要为人诚实。A项为“因此,所以”;B项为“首先,尤其是,最重要的是”;C项为“可是,然而”;D项为

3、“毕竟;终究”。根据句意选择B项。【解析】选 D。考查时态与主谓一致。句意为:该工厂使用了65%的原材料,其余的用作其它用途。非限制性定语从句中的主语rest意为“其余的”,谓语动词应与of后的名词一致,而which指代先行词materials,故谓语用复数;定语从句中的谓语应与主句中的谓语动词used一致,故用过去时态。从时态和主谓一致两方面考虑,选择D项。28. Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, _ it will keep for two or three weeks.A. when B. which C. w

4、here D. while【解析】选C。考查定语从句。句意为:剩下的任何东西都可以放入冰箱,在那里可以保存两三周。本题考查非限制性定语从句的关系副词。由句型结构可以看出,该题中的先行词refrigerator在从句中作介词的宾语,该介宾结构在定语从句中作地点状语,故选择关系副词where。when在从句中作时间状语;which在从句中作主语或宾语;while是连词,不能用于定语从句。32. I didnt ask for the name list. Why _on my desk? I put it there just now in case you needed it. A. does

5、it land B. has it landed C. will it landD. had it landed【解析】选B。考查句子时态。句意为:“我没有要名单,怎么名单在我桌上?”“我刚才放在那里的,免得你需要。”问句中谈论的事情即“放”的动作发生在过去,强调的是对话发生时的情况,需要使用现在完成时,故选择B项。第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D),选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When I begin planning to move to Auckland to study, my

6、mother was worried about a lack of jobs and cultural differences. Ignoring these 36 , I got there in July 2020. 37 I arrived, I realized the importance of getting a job 38 my living experience. Determined to do this 39 , I spent several weeks going door-to-door for a job, but found 40 response(回应).O

7、ne afternoon, I walked into a building to ask 41 there were my job opportunities(机会). The people there advised me not to continue my job search in that 42 . As I was about to 43 , a man who had been listening approached me and asked me to wait outside 44 . Nearly ten minutes later, he 45 . He asked

8、me about my plans and encouraged me to stay 46 . Then he offered to take me to Royal Oak to 47 a job.I was a little surprised, but had a 48 feeling about him. Along the way, I realized that I had 49 resumes(简历). Seeing this, the man 50 at his business partners office to make me fifteen 51 copies. He

9、 also gave me some 52 on dressing and speaking. I handed out my resumes and went home feeling very 53 . The following day, I received a 54 from a store in Royal Oak offering me a job.It seems that the world always 55 to you when you need it. And this time, it was a complete stranger who turned out t

10、o be a real blessing.【文章大意】作者由于去国外学习,人地生疏,求职困难,生活无着,但在好心人的帮助下,顺利地找到了一份工作,于是感到了人间的真爱,生活的美好。41. A. why B. wherever C. whether D. whenever【解析】选C。一天,作者走进一座大楼去问“是否”(whether)有自己能做的工作。A项为“为什么”;B项为“无论在那”;D项为“无论何时”。42. A. direction B. attitude C. language D. manner【解析】选D。那里的人建议我不要再以这种“方式” (manner)找工作。A项为“方向”

11、;B项为“态度”;C项为“语言”。43. A. answer B. work C. leave D. refuse【解析】选C。此处寻找工作未果,作者正要“离开”(leave)。A项为“回答”;B项为“工作”;D项为“拒绝”。50. A. stopped B. knocked C. glanced D. appeared 【解析】选A。明白了这个问题,他在他生意伙伴的办公室“停”(stop)了下来。B 项为“敲打,敲击”;C项为“扫视,匆匆一撇”;D项为“出现,露面”。51. A. right B. more C. former D. different【解析】选B。他给我“又”印了15分简历

12、。此处数字后用more表示“再,又”。52. A. pressures B. agreements C. impressions D. suggestions【解析】选D。他又针对我的穿衣和说话提了些“建议”(suggestion)。A项为“压力”;B项为“协议,契约”;C项为“印象”;53. A. lonely B. funny C. disappointed D. satisfied【解析】选D。我分发完简历回到家感到非常“满意”(satisfied)。A项为“寂寞的,孤独的”;B项为“滑稽的,可笑的”;C项为“失望的,沮丧的”。54. A. call B. tip C. present

13、D. report【解析】选A。第二天,我收到Royal Oak这个地方的一家商店打来的“电话”(call),提供给我一份工作。B项为“小费”;C项为“礼物”;D项为“报告”。55. A. turns off B. goes over C. gives back D. looks up 【解析】选C。当你需要这个世界时,世界似乎总会对你有所“回报”(gives back,归还)。A项为“关闭”;B项为“转变;检查”;D项为“仰望;尊敬;拜访”。第三部分 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

14、APassage 1The Information Highway is the road that links computer users to a large number of on-line services: the Web, e-mail, and software, to mention just a few. Not long ago, the Information Highway was a new road, with not many users. Now, everyone seems to want to take a drive, with over 30 million families connected worldwide. Not surprisingly, this well-traveled highway is starting to look like a well-traveled highway. Traffic jams can cause many serious problems, forcing the system to close down for repair. Naturally, accidents will happen on such a cr


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