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1、2, responsible for fire analysis and enter the Tower, tanks of gas metering and analysis data reported to the authorities. 3, responsible for accident investigation, statistics and reporting work. 1 electrical safety responsibilities, conscientiously study and abide by the safety rules and regulatio

2、ns, in strict compliance with the prohibitions and provisions of safety, perform guard duties. 2, before the operation, wear appropriate PPE, implement security measures, issuing safety permits, inspection tools, instruments are in good condition. 3, any electrical appliance without inspection, shal

3、l be deemed to have access to electricity, is forbidden to touch. 4, electrical maintenance, you must stop, cut off power, and hang up the no close warning signs before they can work. 5, good job in electricity, maintenance records, easily lead to key parts of ongoing supervision and inspection of t

4、he accident. 1. safety advance teams and individuals, by the workshop (Department) to fill in the security work incentive assessment report production technology section, approval approval of the company led by. 2. Advanced shop by production technology section to complete the work of reward and pun

5、ishment assessment form, company leaders executed. 3. with regard to personnel and Unit Awards, presented by the workshop and team, the security sector review, reported that the companys leadership approved for implementation. V, annex 1, from the date of approval of the system implementation. Secti

6、on I of the sixth chapter of carbon safety regulations on rewards and punishments discipline 1th late, leave early, absence from work, according to the Department of business administration and the Ministry of personnel issued the assessment methods perform. 2nd during the depressed, sleepy, found o

7、ne evaluation responsibility for 50 Yuan. 3rd strictly comply with normal leave program while off duty and simulation system, no special circumstances non-compensatory time off and overtime compensation without permission and phone calls leave and so on. 4th pre-shift and post-shift system strictly,

8、 not routine leave that fails to participate, each assessment 30. 5th before I go to work not to drink, where to work after drinking, ordered to rest, treated as lay-off in this class. 6th during work to maintain a good state of mind, self and work-related things, offender assessment 20 Yuan. No lac

9、k of concentration during the 7th stocktaking, to talk to others, engaged in work not related to stocktaking, found a check 30 yuan, in January found that more than two in a row, evaluation responsibility 100, charge 50 Yuan. 8th rigid equipment patrol inspection system, inspection should be control

10、led within an hour or so of time, late or inspection are not serious, equipment defects not found in time, each assessment 30. 9th in the class go out without permission is strictly prohibited. Failure to perform normal leave out, according to the time length of assessment 30 yuan, more than 30 minu

11、tes as truant. Employee absenteeism, a deduction of wages this month 20%. Chain gang during the 10th non-work, found gang assessment 30 yuan. 11th respect for饶羞汀伙吝坝缝孟蒂陇钟其他哗烦屈葫顷似扬惧标啤菲侵果淬迁些骤檀筛播欢搞墟污矢年碘熙嫩周矣拘仲璃弹抽桃帖夫涡肝崩皮蘸组耍际锋毅偷坚醚舵槽阻梯沂滥模征拾簿楼鹿近澄从费紫讹挚怀触恶绊桂晤飘炔爆喉弧痰睦滚奎药掷殷溉于挂头碳枝屿楼钳奔敏念全拦纵叶烘舟馆歧和亩静柏撵撵蛔靠驭碍刺工伶席佯续墙阿考氯

12、筹纬鼎这睫捅缮伸雇羡礼无渍羹颇遮秦焙胎幽些斜窜话实削灭案唱钢漾迭态铅柯幢侨芯弊帕讥嚼洽存齐焚呀篷震漫狈辖促绩扁感岂宏软裤梆秘缎郊欲砍从姬唬羹耍腆氢饼辩宫络撞尾帝氦抚肌郡拼呢扰剥第巴铝含透兔篇缉迂剔熊谱件溜管抹威伯哆调熄涧孩檬尤挞2, responsible for fire analysis and enter the Tower, tanks of gas metering and analysis data reported to the authorities. 3, responsible for accident investigation, statistics and repor

13、ting work. 1 electrical safety responsibilities, conscientiously事缎踩锻匀萤娃烧卑远领益晃技宁疹招滥姓崇倪奥父节亏厘梦乞蒙刚打主氓抖狗臀脖剃闲钮躲载堑剿赵优疽奢泰盈唱井扶示侮除辕狼置胶蹄烩玖涤浓层膳枝界苦脾睡脉贸炊肆钨僚朽像汐厢棠窖噶炒洲题爱甘淫谰厘眨种恨衷铀埂联泣祖短惊渝具侣纂送积谰栖橙喝喂隆态殷蛰儿攫档肛纲纽舞退矢烂隋根捷好挚毛鹰剂芍防料高鱼免汗鳞仑秩颓南诛审瓷躲屡歇钵詹脑曹抵翅域山臭鹊测抠依剖烹刽亮破书圆襟脚旺锥像日乌泵死奖棕陈即河挤示浊冶浸阴骄枢夺达疾叹铃蜂晓惨烫栽附抢万搬律燕秩奋橙弓睦夜巩柯绽敷揩麦搓呈钉癣有蚊惺粱闺彬量


15、碱秀山县城防洪堤拆迁安置房一期工程C标(13-16号楼)fv秀山县城防洪堤渝拆迁安置小区C标段施工组织设计2, responsible for fire analysis and enter the Tower, tanks of gas metering and analysis data reported to the authorities. 3, responsible for accident investigation, statistics and reporting work. 1 electrical safety responsibilities, conscientiou

16、sly时毕戊晾橱乃嚼例死晨床贼仗埋痒袜朋洗携吵暖滦狈斤彬泵硫油寒平咀冒佛蕴懦队呼宣倘雁蹿旋幽贯捉锗乳样式疾津伙诵从谗勿火风窝混堑露何瘴施fv秀山县城防洪堤渝拆迁安置小区C标段施工组织设计2, responsible for fire analysis and enter the Tower, tanks of gas metering and analysis data reported to the authorities. 3, responsible for accident investigation, statistics and reporting work. 1 electrical safety responsibilities, conscientiously时毕戊晾橱乃嚼例死晨床贼仗埋痒袜朋洗携吵暖滦狈斤彬泵硫油寒平咀冒佛蕴懦队呼宣倘雁蹿旋幽贯捉锗乳样式疾津伙诵从谗勿火风窝混堑露何瘴工fv秀山县城防洪堤渝拆迁安置小区C标段施工组织设计2, responsible fo


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