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1、七年级下英语第一、二单元测试卷满分:100分 时间:60分钟 制卷人:封霞姓名:、单项选择。(30分)班级:得分:1、A、Can he tellB、tellsWe eat breakfast at halfA、inB、tothe story in En glish?C、tellingIsix in the morni ng.C atD、to tellD、 past3、A、A、5、She wantsEn glish with her frien ds.speaks B to speak C、speak Can you play basketballfootball?soB、butD、speaki

2、ngA、A、C、orD、 andMy brother likes play ingchess and I like play ing _/;theB、the;/C、an;aD、the;theDo you wanttheclub?join;swimB、join;swimmingCThey are goodthe stude nts.to join ;swimD、guitar.to joi n;swimmi ngA、 haveB、 onC atD、for8、You can call him120-9876.A、ofB、forC、atD、in9、The boy canEn glish and hew

3、ell.7、A、write;speak10、Then you canA、am11、I think itB、are sB、tell;writeC、speak; writein our football club.C isD、speak; writesD、beA、good ; goodB、well;good12、Can you help the boyskating?A、withB、forC、towork and I can do itC、good;wellD、doD、well;well13、I am good at,but I canA、si ngB、si ngingC14、does he ge

4、t up?six o clock.HeupA、when;get;atB、when;gets;att dan ce.to singD、to singingC、what time;gets;inD、what time;get;at15、I brush my teeth every day.Because it is goodmy.A、at; healthB、for;healthC、for; healthyD、at; healthy二、完形填空。(10分)Jane and Joh n16 _sister and brother.They like _17 _.Ja ne can play 18pia

5、 no .But she19 play the violin.John can t play the?0iarioe can play the violin.Todaythey want21a pianotoJane Isedroom.But thepiano is heavy (重) .Theycan _ 22 it. 23parents aren athome.They have a cousinMike.He here today.They askMike to 24 them.At last,Jane plays the25in her bed room()16.A.isB.amC.a

6、re()17.A.artB.PEC.music()18.A.aB./C.the()19.A.ca nB.can tC.doesn t()20.A.A ndB.ButC.Or()21.A.carryB.to carryC.carries()22.A.takeB.carryC.help()23.A.TheirB.TheirsC.They re()24.A.comeB.goC.join()25.A.violinB.guitarC.pia no三、阅读理解。(20 分)ATom and Mike are good frien ds. They are kind to childre n. They w

7、ant to find summer jobs. One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp n eeds help with sports,music and computers.They are both very glad to hear this.Tom can play basketball and volleyball, and he can swim,too. Mike can play the violin,the trumpet,the drums and the guitar. Tom and Mike lik

8、e computers very much. Can they join the Summer Camp?()26.Tom and Mike want to.A. fi nd jobs to help othersB. be good with childre nC. joi n the Summer CampD. get help from the Camp( )27.What does the Summer Camp need help with?A. Flying kites.B. Sports ,music and computers.C. Mak ing cakes.D. Drawi

9、 ng pictures.()28.Tom can playA.ballsB.computer gamesC.musicD.the violin()29.Mike can play.A.the drumsB.volleyballC.basketballD.football()30.What do Tom and Mike both like?A.Football.B.Computers.C.Swimmi ngBD.Sports44. Let s(sing)a song before the class.45. What about go ing to the park?(sound) very

10、 good.五、补全对话。(10分)从方框中选择正确的句子填空,选项中有两项是多余的。A: Tom. _46_B: Well,47.So I get up at a quarter to seven.A: Do you have breakfast at home?B: YesOn weekdays .David gets up at 6:30.He has breakfast at seven and goes to school by bus. He gets A: And when do you go to school?there at 7:15.He does n t like to

11、 be late.Classes begi n at 8:00.He has lunch at twelve at school.He goes3: Classes beg in at eight .so I go to school at a quarter to eight. _ _ 49_ _home at 5:30 in the after noon. On weeke nds, he gets up at about 8:00 and makes breakfast for hisA:50_ _family. His pare nts like him very much.根据文中信

12、息,选择正确答案。()31.David gets up at 6:30.A.every dayB.on weeke nds)32.David goes to school.A.by bikeB.by bus)33.He hasat twelve at school.A.breakfastB.lu nchC.on weekdaysC.by carC.supper)34.makes breakfast for the family on weeke nds.A.DavidB.MotherC.Father()35.Which of the followi ng is right?A. David w

13、akes up at 6:30 om weekdays.B. David s first class begins at 8:00.C. David always gets home at 5:30.四、用括号内单词的正确形式填空。(10分)B: I leave school at 5:05 and I get home at 5:15.A. What time is it?B. I n ever go to school late.C. I live n ear my school.D. I usually have some cakes and a glass of milk.E. Whe

14、 n do you get up on weekdays?F. Whe n do you get home?G. Whe n do you go to school?六、书面表达。(20分)以My Day”为题,写一篇短文,介绍一下自己一天的活动,40词左右。作文应包含如下要点:(1) 每天几点钟起床、吃早饭、上学。(2) 下午几点钟放学、回家。(3) 晚上几点钟吃晚餐、看电视、睡觉。My Day36. Joh n(get) up early in the morning.37. Whe nyou(go) to school.38.I brush my(tooth) every day.39. Either you or he(do) some housework now.40. Three stude nts play the(drum) in the


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