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1、八年级英语期中测试卷 i 根据句子意思,从下面每题的、B、C、三个选项中选出恰当的词语完毕句子,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共7小题,每题1分,小计7分)24. enns ganrents livi th corysid. Th lie_the cit A.insde .outse i the cre of -Cld ou comeand_h machinfo me, Mke? It est wo or me. -OK,ut ot. perate Bdevelp C.imove-Jerry ove bsktbal verymuchan e as it_he can. Y, he s o

2、od t sps but pori tudy.He houd sndmore tme on ty. Ans B.wher sice 27. -hatsthe_bewnhanghai nd hzen? -Is but 1500 kiloetres Asped .aount C.ditnce28I hear hatyou wil go on an eucatona ecage visit to Lnon next term. Yes. And thin the ittet il be frindly and_may newthigs_me. .challene;to B.intduc;to C.k

3、ep;of29-dyou ee aonei he classrom ater clas? -No,the classrmas_whe i le A.empty Bhuge C.or30. -Cold you lend han? I have_ig out the prom. -Wih easu Wait in. A.opetitin B.trouble CsucceeedIII.完形填空(5分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、C、三个选项中能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共10小题,每题15分) n Farnworth oeo te mot opu fotal

4、l reesler(花式足球玩家)n th wold.He_a footballovng fml,andsartdan fooball when he wasabout igt yarol. John waned be a poessoal ootbal_2_.Hoev,t around 14 yers old,he_33_footall,becaus h wsn ejyingit y mor Lter,John watceda telvision_34_bu freesle foball. Ithesow,may ks can se any par o their body t pefort

5、icks wth_35_H wav teestd in the sr,so he_36_ o t a fooballschooltlearnsoestye ric. Aft thee yas o praice,Johtok part n teMasers o Game Frle old mpionhip(锦标赛)in sterdm(阿姆斯特丹,荷兰首都)。n the_37_round,he facedMW,a fmous frestr.Both ofh perfomeery_38_butJohnfially eame he inr o thegm.rom theon,Johntar to be

6、ome_3_in e orld freetl fotbll. “ loveth sort,”an_40_ Im, ill s dofreese.”31. A.esout B.coe rom .comaout32. A.at first B.at e end Cinall33. A.hid y Bkept off C.as unaware of 34. A.ogram B.notce Caderisemet35. A.eleviios .pele C.fotballs36. .advied Bdecid Csucceeded37. A.inl Becnd C.fit38. A.well ba C

7、.correl39. A.ataic B.un C.fmos40. A.whnever .one Ceven hIV.阅读理解(30分) 阅读下列短文,从下面每题的A、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共2小题,每题1.5分) Dar Jmes, Imhappy that yo sayed wth user in ina laston.real ejoyed soig you h to makedumplins antakigyou t scool with e.My amily wre all ver sad hn yu wnt hme really happy

8、an ijut canno wait togo andvisityour home and our school Californa nxtmnh.b In urewht toaewithe. Is itcold in Calforn?Doi ne t take lots of arm lothes? Id let tak gift to tha yur famy for leting e stywith them ug he ucatoal exchage.Whato youthink they wouldlik?Ihope youangive me o ave. Iv reaaboo ab

9、otArca customsto hlp meet rea orhe trip.d love to r m real Amerian ood and gsightseeinwhy. Ie never viedanyotr cotrbefoeand Ive nver enon pae,btithikite gretfun. caot ait to o. I ope to rfrom yousoonBes wshes,Liing41. ha idJaes o h L Mg lastont? T mde dmlins. The went o school ogethr. eytookarmclts

10、hy trdsme rea Amerin ood. A B C D42. Hw des L Min fee aot og California next mnth? A.Terble .Exitd .Supised. D.Angry.4Wtd Li Mindtoe imsl ready f he min ripaccordng to t pasge? .Hetied some Aerica food B.H tied bein on boarda lne. C.Herie tovisit moe regn conties D.Her abo sme mericn customs44. Wat may iMin probably No nex mnh ccodi tote passag? Ty se Amecn oo. B.Stay toetr with James. C.Tak Jame a Chinspy. D.G sighteeig tJames



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