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1、初三上学期期末综合复习测试(二)一:单项选择(20分)1. -Do you know _man in blue? -Yes,hes a professor of _university. A.the;a B.a;an C.the;an D./;the2. Its said that another _bridge will be built _the river soon. A.30 kilometers long;over B.30-kilometer-long;over C.30-kilometer long;on D.30-kilometers-long;over3. They pref

2、erred _in bed rather than _horses.A. to lie; to ride B. lying riding C. to lie; ride D. lying; ride 4. After the rain, the water in the river_ several meters. A. was risen B. was raised C. raised D. rose5. The old men and children _ in our country. A. must take good care of B. must be taken good car

3、eC. must take good care D. must be taken good care of 6. The travel agency will _ us _ all the information we need. A. provide, for B. offer , to C. provide, with D. offer, with7.She _ Robert for more than three years. A has been married with B. has been married to C. has married D. married8.The hou

4、se _the old man lives _fell down in the storm last night. A. that, / B. which, / C. whom, in D. which, in9.- How do you deal _ your problems? - By _ problems _ challenges. A. to , regard as B. as, regarding, to C. with, regarding, as D. with, regard, with10. He used to _ up very late, but now he is

5、used to _ up early. A. get, getting B. get, get C. getting ,get D. getting, getting11. Can you tel me _ in the future? A.how life will be like B.how will life be like C.what life will be like D.what will life be like12. If I _ you, I _ wear a shirt and tie.A. am, will B. was, should C. were, would D

6、. are, would13. It was _lovely weather _ we decided to spend the day on the beach. A.such a; that B.such;that C. Such; as D. So; that14.-That hair band _ Lilys. - No, it _ belong to her because Lilys hair is very short. She doesnt need a hair band. It _ belong to Lucy because I saw her wear it yeste

7、rday.A. must be, mustnt , can B. maybe, cant ,mayC. may be, cant, must D. can be, shouldnt, can15.Keep the window _ and let the _ air in. A. opened, cleaned B. closed, freshed C. open, fresh D. close, clean16.Taiwan is _the east of Fujian and _ the Southeast of China. A. in; in B. to; in C. to; on D

8、. at; to17. Not only _ part in the contest, _he got first at last. A.he took;but B.did he take;and C.he took;and D.did he take;but18.The apples _ well and taste _. A. are sold; good B. sell; sweet C. are sold; well D. sell; well19.-Will you come to the dinner party? -I wont come unless Kate _. A. is

9、 invited B. can be invited C. will be invited D. has been invited20. By the time the doctor _, the patient _ for 2 hours. A arrives, had died B arrived, has died C arrived, had been dead D arrives, has been dead二:完型填空(30分) ASalads are very popular in western countries. Theyre made from uncooked vege

10、tables or fruits, and this makes them21 . They are tasty too. Salads are great to eat in 22 , when the weather is hot. They are light and cool. Heres a way to make a 23 salad. First, buy some lettuce, tomatoes and 24 . Buy a salad dressing too. Next, wash the vegetables carefully. Then, 25 the veget

11、ables and put them in a bowl. After that, add the dressing. Finally, mix the vegetables and the dressing up. And there you have your salad!21. A. delicious B. colorful C. healthy D. terrible22. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter23. A. vegetable B. fruit C. flower D. meat24. A. pears B. carrots

12、C. hamburgers D. beef25. A. clean up B. mix C. put up D. cut up B One day something went wrong with a mans bicycle chain(链条). The man could not repair it, so he looked 26 for help. The only house nearby belonged to a woman who had 27 there a few months earlier. The man knocked at the door, but the w

13、oman did not answer. The door had clear glass in it, and the man 28 see that the woman was home. He decided to knock again. Finally the woman came to the door. The man immediately explained his 29 . I can fix the chain, the woman said. Later when the bike was 30 to go,the man said, Thanks. I hope I can help you some day. I never need help, the woman said.The following week the man was riding his bike 31 he noticed the woman walking down the street. A strong wind suddenly lifted(拾起) her hat and sent it


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