2022年高三英语 语法与综合 完形填空

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《2022年高三英语 语法与综合 完形填空》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年高三英语 语法与综合 完形填空(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2022年高三英语 语法与综合 完形填空“Ill paint any animal in the 6 of your own home,” Amy Turner says . “Wouldnt you like a nice picture of your loved one ? Ive had 7 of dogs ,cats ,parrots ,prize bulls.”“Prize bulls !” I cant 8 looking up and down our street .The 9 of any of my neighbours 10 bulls in their back ga

2、rdens makes me smile.“I dont have any animals ,” I say as we look past each other ,She must be 11 some little cat or dog would e running down the hall to give the game away 12 it is the first chance Ive had to 13 the air outside .It is one of those spring mornings when you wake up and find winters g

3、one .Even the camellia in the garden 14 has flowered overnight ,pink blossoms which look shocking 15 the quiet greens and greys.“Why are you still in your dressing gown?” Amy says ,turning her 16 back me . “Its nearly lunchtime .Are you ill?” “Im fine,” I 17 . Im not going to tell a stranger Ive jus

4、t been sick in the toilet upstairs and would still be 18 my fingers down my throat if the doorbell hadnt rung. But now Im not sure what to do next .Amy is still standing there. She doesnt seem to think that not having a pet is a good enough 19 .“Im starving,” she says and I smile politely ,nodding t

5、he 20 you do before you say goodbye.1 Aside-by-side Blittle-by-little Cback-and-forth Ddoor-to-door 2 Aan ordinaryBa professionalCa greenDa serious3 Aeven BeverCjustDsimple4 AputBtouchCplaceDrun5 Aan excuseBa dealCan explanationDan opinion6 AinterestBfortChopeDhonour7 AexperienceBpicturesCfeelingDse

6、nse8 AavoidBenjoyChelpDappreciate9 AideaBthoughtCsightDtouch10AkeepingBsellingCbuyingDtraining11AwishingBthinkingCmeaningDsupposing12AwhenBandCas Dbut13AsmellBbreatheCfeelDtake14AbesidesBnearCoppositeDfarther15AatBwithCforDagainst16AmindBeyeCattentionDheart17ArefuseBagreeCtellDlie18AstickingBlifting

7、CleavingDclosing19AcauseBresultCexcuseDfault20AdirectionBwayCheadDwork (十)It was a half-mile walk from our small house to the beach road , where the 1_ would be waiting for us .But that morning Janet was much worse . She couldnt make 2_ walk . And I couldnt carry her . The path to the beach was stee

8、p and narrow and 3 at the water s edge .I was a stranger far from home . I didnt know 4 to turn for help . But I needed it badly . I hurried down to the beach and I found help .Four fishermen were about to go out for their morning 5 . I told them about my sick little sister . Could they help me get

9、her down the 6 ?I hardly got the words out of my mouth 7 they dragged their boat back onto the sand . They climbed the hill with me . One looked at Janet and they 8 their heads . They talked softly to one another . “ 9 sick to sit in a chair,” one said .“Better carry her 10 in bed ,” said another .A

10、n iron cot (儿童床) 11 along the cliff ! I was frightened . How could they do it ? 12 the men told me not to worry . “Truly easy , truly 13 ” they said .They tied a rope to each leg of the cot . Each of them threw a rope 14 his shoulder and held the end in one hand . I understood what they meant to do

11、. 15 they carried the cot down the path , they would use the ropes to keep the cot 16 .But what if one of the men slipped and lost his balance ? What would happen to him to the others-to 17 ? The men just smiled at my alarm. “That 18 will make us even more careful.” They said .The men went down the

12、path . Every 19 was a careful one . Always the cot was level , with never a bump . When they reached the beach road , they quietly lifted Janet into the taxi . 20 , they stretched her out on the back seat .We made the morning train for Tokyo . And there an ambulance was waiting to take Janet to the

13、hospital . The doctor told me that I had got my little girl there just in time . Janet would be all right soon .1 Adoctors Btaxi Cboat Dfishermen 2 Aa Bher Cthis Dthat 3 Aonly Bmuch Cright Dstraight 4 Ahow Bwhat Cwhere Dwhen5 Acatch BtrainCexercises Dhelp 6 Aroad Bway Cpath Ddrive 7 Awhen Bwhile Caf

14、ter Dbefore 8 Ashook Bnodded Cheld up Ddropped 9 AVery BTooCSoDTruly 10Asitting Blying Ckneeling Dstanding 11AtookBbrought Clifted Dcarried 12AAnd BBut CThen DSo 13Ainteresting Bexciting Cdangerous Dsafe 14Aover Bon Cthrough Dacross 15AAsBBecause CBefore DSince 16Asmooth Bunchanged Clevel Dunmoved 17Ame BJanet Cthemselves Dthe-cot 18Achance Bmatter Cproblem Dtime 19Awalk Bstep Cfoot Dpace20AAnxiously BQuickly CNervously DCarefully (十一)In some cities , workaholism(废寝忘食工作)is so mon that pe



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