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1、2020年江苏省连云港市中考英语试卷一.单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每题所给的A.B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项1(1分)Which underlined letter has the same pronunciation with the one in the word cover?()AbecomeBsoftCjokeDcarrot2(1分)Leap is_film on the Chinese womens national volleyball team_film is directed by Peter Hosun Chan()Aa;ABa; TheCthe;

2、TheDthe;A3(1分)Mars Base 1 Camp was built in Jinchang, Gansu, to let young people experience for_()AitBthemCitselfDthemselves4(1分)The_of the meeting is to help teachers and parents achieve better communication()ApositionBprogressCperiodDpurpose5(1分)Our monitor Jenny is so_that she always keeps things

3、 in good order()ApracticalBgenerousCorganizedDmodest6(1分)If we dont protect nature, some wildlife_die out in the future()AneedBmayCcantDshouldnt7(1分)To complete her online learning, Suzy needs a computer or a mobile phone to receive messages_her teachers()AwithBduringCfromDthrough8(1分)In Miss Lins c

4、lass, many chances_to students to learn from each other()AofferBofferedCare offeringDare offered9(1分)I dont like the style of this Tshirt Please show me_one()AeitherBneitherCanotherDother10(1分)The Chinese language has become a bridge to_China_the rest of the world()Aconnet;toBtraslate;intoCcompare;w

5、ithDseparate;from11(1分)_is Ricky like?Hes humorous He often tells us funny jokes()AHowBWhatCWhichDWho12(1分)_famous Chinese songs, such as The Love Song of Kangding and Jasmine Flowers,were sung during the concert()AA number ofBThe number ofCA great dealDA great deal of13(1分)In order to send the dona

6、tions to the hospital as soon as possible, the drivers_ stopped to eat or rest during the journey()AnearlyBhardlyCbadlyDmostly14(1分)I have some tickets for the football match I called my friends to see_()Awhere did they buy themBwhy they liked to go thereCwhen did we go togetherDwhether theyd like t

7、o go15(1分)What a sunny day! Why not go cycling?_()ANo, I dont mindBYoud better notCThat sounds greatDIts my pleasure二、完形填空(共1小题;每小题15分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C.D四个选项中,选出最佳选项16(15分)It is hard to imagine how a person is to spend the whole life when only the head and hands are able to move Xu Rui

8、yang, an 18yearold student from Kunming, has suffered(遭 受) from spinal muscular atrophy(脊柱肌肉菱缩)(1) she was 2 years old At that time, the doctor said that most children with spinal muscular atrophy will only live a few years The family did not give up, or even just (2) To help Xu Ruiyang live with di

9、gnity(尊严),her parents (3) her living and learning skill strictly Opening a book or raising hands,some very easy actions for common people,(4) , are big challenges for Xu She had to use her head or(5) to work together with hands to finish these actions When she started learning to write ,she couldnt

10、even(6) a penBut she never gave upOnce she lost the pen, she picked it up and (7) writing Xu finally could write 500 Chinese characters before becoming a primary school student, after(8) thousands of times Over the past few year, Xu has overcome(克服) many problems, including the(9) caused by the dise

11、ase Her parents worried about her health and(10) her to drop out of school,but Xus answer was no(11) I read a book and do my homework, the pain is gone,said Xu When asked by reporters on how to deal with difficulties, Xu calmly said, PatienceWhen you cant change anything, crying is useless, so just

12、be(12) In Xus opinion, her sunny and selfconfident(13) comes from the love of her parents If we are not able to make her live longer,we can make her life wider,said Xus fatherThey travelled across China and more than 20(14) over the world,including Italy,Thailand and SingaporeDuring these trips, she

13、 developed an interest in learning a(15) language I think its cool to learn about other countries culture and express your feelings to others,said Xu Last June, she finished Chinas Gaokao and received an offer from Sichuan International Study University(1)A sinceB beforeC afterD until (2)A discussB

14、dependC complainD change(3)A managedB trainedC praisedD expected(4)A moreoverB perhapsC especiallyD however(5)A legsB feetC mouthD knees(6)A holdB dropC passD find(7)A stoppedB continuedC succeededD regretted(8)A imaginingB countingC recordingD practising(9)A cancerB feverC sadnessD pain(10)A warnedB forcedC advisedD allowed(11)A As well asB As soon asC As a resultD As usual(12)A patientB quietC relaxedD active(13)A personalityB appearance


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