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1、发布部门(Issuing审核人(总)(Verified批准人(董)(Approved by-Chairma n) :Department):人力资源部(HRby-GM):Departme nt)薪酬管理制度(Compensation Management System)1.0 目的(Goal)为把企业的工资制度与员工的工作岗位和工作业绩紧密结合,使其能真正起到奖勤罚懒、奖优罚劣的作用,充分调动员工的工作积极性、增强责任感、提高自身素质,特制定本细则。This system is aimed at linking thecompany s salary system tightly to the

2、 campany staff s position and performanee by rewarding the diligerand good while punishing the lazy and bad, thus to activate the system as a tool to arouse the staff emthusiasm, to enhance their sense of resp on sibility and to urge them to con sta ntly improve themselves in all aspects.2.0 基本原则(Ba

3、sic principles)本方案本着公平、竞争、激励、经济、合法的原则,将工资分配与岗位管理密切结合,以岗位责任、劳动 强度、技术含量和实效等基本要素的评价为基础,按岗位差别确定分配关系,按员工工作表现及业绩和企业经 济效益来确定分配尺度,采取以岗位、绩效为主的分配形式, 建立结构合理、关系明确、管理规范的工资体制。(This system brings the distribution of salary and the position management into a close association based on equalty, competiti on, in spir

4、ati on, economy and legalty. The evaluati on is on the basis of some key eleme nts such as the responsibility of the position, the intensity of labour, technical skills and tangible results while the salary distribution is based on the distinction in positions. How to distribute the salary is decide

5、d by the staff performa nee and the compa ny s econo mic ben efit. This sal ary man ageme nt system takes two major forms-positi on and performa nee. It is properly structured, regularly man aged and the relati on is clearly defi ned.3.0 员工分类、分级及岗位设置(Employees classification, grading and post settin

6、g)参照公司组织架构图4.0 工资构成(Composition of salary)工资=基本工资+岗位补贴 +生活补助+住房补贴+加班补贴+业绩奖金+特殊补贴+五险Salary=base pay+post allowa nce+subsiste nee allowa nce+hous ing allowa nce+overtimeallowa nce+performa nce-based bonu s+special ben efits+five in sura nces岗位补贴:是指员工2级以上行使管理职能的岗位或基层岗位专业技能突出的员工予以的津贴。(Post allowa nee: i

7、t refers to the allowa nee provided for excutive man agers ran ked Second or above andemployees in junior positi on with excelle nt professi onal skills.)生活补助:公司根据月工资统计天数得出生活补贴,1 (蓝领)职员以上级别不享有。(Subsiste nee allowa nee: it is based on the mon thly paid days; this does not apply to employees ran kedab

8、ove the blue collars.)(Hous ing allowa nee: every employee is provided with this allowa nee because the compa ny does not offeraccomodati on.)加班工资:是指员工在双休日、法定节假日级8小时以外未完成额外的工作任务而支付的工资部分。公司1 (蓝领)职员以上岗位及实行工作时间未完成固定的工作职责与任务为主,所以不享受加班工资。(Overtime alowance : this is paid for the work done on weekends, le

9、gal holidays and beyond the eight dailywork ing hours. However, employees above the blue collars are paid accord ing to the amout of work they doin stead of by the hour, thus they are not en tiled to this allowa nce.)业绩奖金:公司相关业务人员享受业务提成,按公司业务提成管理规定执行。(Performa nce-based bonus: pers onnel in charge o

10、f some certa in tran sact ion enjoy the commissi on whichis paid according to the company s provisions on adimtnation.)特殊补贴:指公司对部门经理级管理人员基于他的特长或特殊贡献而协议确定的薪酬部分。(Special ben efits: this is offered to the departme nt man agers and adm ini strators based on their specialabilities and their unique contri

11、butions to the company.)五险:医疗保险+失业保险+养老保险+工伤保险+生育保险(基数随社平工资进行调整)(Five in sura nces: medicare in sura nce+u nemployme nt in sura nce+old-age in sura nce+i ndustrial injuryin sura nce+child- beari ng in sura nce; the amount of these in sura nces are adjusted as the society scha nges.)参保人员身份(policy- ho

12、lder s identity)上年月平 均工资(the everage salary of the first half of the year)养老失业工伤医疗生育总金额(sum)单 位 应 缴(the co mp any sha ll pay 丄个 人 应 缴(the indi vid ual sha ll pay 丄单 位 应 缴(the co mp any sha ll pay 丄个 人 应 缴(the indi vid ual sha ll pay 丄单 位 应缴(the comp any shall pay)单 位 应缴(the comp any shall pay)个 人 应缴

13、(the individu al shall pay)单 位 应缴(the comp any shall pay)本市职工(employees-Xiamen citizen)1822.8255.19145.8216.178.098.09127.636.467.29604.71夕卜来工(含农民)(foreign employees including peasants)9905472904.9554.6836.467.29238.38外来管理、技术人员按本市(foreign administrative and technical personnel are treated as Xiamen

14、citizen)27003782162713.513.51895410.8901.85.0公司级别划分(Grades):职衔:衡量员工过往功绩的一种级别划分。其表现形式为:白领、蓝领、铜领等等,共分为5个职级;(Post title : it is a way to measure employees performanee in the past; there are five ranks, taking the formsof white-collar, blue-collar, bron ze-collar, etc.)职等:对应于员工现任职务的一种级别划分。其表现形式为:职员、主管、总

15、经、高总等等,也是分为5个等级;(Grade: it is designed to classify employees present position. There are five levtriking the form of clerk,supervisor, man ager, chief man agers, etc.)职级:反映不同职衔高低的标准.(Rank: it is a standard to measure the level of a position.)级别:反映同一职级中高低的标准。每一个职级中都包含有3个级别,1、2、3、,3级高于1级。例如,在白领这样一个职衔中,就包括白领1级、白领2级、白领3级;(Class: it reflects the differences among positions in the same rank. There are three classes in everyran k-Ra nk 1, Ran k2, Rank 3, Rank 3 is higher tha n Rank 1. Exp. In the white collar p


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