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1、一、选择题1He told me he would tell me _. Asomething surprisingCsomething surprisedBsurprising somethingDanything surprising2Helen is not good at maths, _she never gives it up.Aand BsoCbut Dbecause3-Can you describe_?-Yes I was walking when a bike knocked me down from behind Awhy did the accident happenB

2、when did the accident happenChow the accident happenedDwhere the accident happened4Do you know our new manager?Yes, she _ to be a friend of my sisters.Aturns upBturns outCturns onDturns off5The children wont go swimming _ their teacher allows them to do that.AifBwheneverCunlessDwhether6Thomas, _ mon

3、itor of Class Four, shows the foreign visitors around our school He is _ lively and clever boy.AA; aBa; the Cthe; a Dthe; the7Someone with an Internet connection can find information much _ than they can find it in printed forms.Aeasier Beasiest Cmore easily Dmost easily 8Wrong information is bad fo

4、r society. People need to think about what they read on the Internet, and decide whether it _ or not.Acome roundBreads outCthrows awayDmakes sense9Lisa likes reading. She often goes to the library _ Saturday mornings.AtoBinCatDon10I went to the park yesterday morning._. But we didnt see you.ASo did

5、we BSo we did CNeither were we DNeither we were. 11-My package hasnt arrived yet. Whats taking so long?-You just placed your order last night. _AWatch out! BBe patient! CHow terrible! DShut up!12Hi, Mike. Is that Jim?It _ be Jim. He has gone to Shanghai.Amust Bmustnt Ccan Dcant13-How does your mothe

6、r like your presents for Mothers Day?-Well,_ this sweater _that one is fit her. They are much too big.Aboth, andB.neither, nor Cnot only ,but also14Is this your fathers car? No. _ car is black.AMy BHis CHer DYour15The little girl _ trees in the West Hill with her parents last Sunday.Aplanted Bplants

7、 Cwill plant Dhas planted16Where is your mother?She is in Shanghai. She _ back next week.Awas coming Bhas come Ccame Dwill come 17 Lily, _ you look after yourself while your parents are away? Of course I can. Im not a baby.AcanBneedCshouldDmust18Go to _ sleep early. Then you will be able to concentr

8、ate in class tomorrow.AaBanCtheD/19Not only the customers but also the sales manager _ in favour of the system.AbeBamCisDare20If you have to send the computer to anyone, tell them to use it carefully._APromise! BHere it is. CPerhaps. DNo way.【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1A解析:A【详解】句意:他告诉我会告诉我一些令人吃惊的事情。som

9、ething surprising 令人吃惊的事; something surprised 感到吃惊的事;B 和 D 形式错误,修饰不定代词的形容词,应放在不定 代词之后。根据句意可知,这里表示“令人吃惊的事”,修饰事情用 surprising。修饰人,表 示“某人感到吃惊的”,用 surprised。故应选 A。2C解析:C【详解】句意:海伦数学不好,但她从不放弃。考查连词辨析。根据 Helen is not good at maths,“海 伦数学不好”,以及 she never gives it up.“她从不放弃”,可知前后句表示转折关系,所以应 用连词 but 连接,故答案选 C。【

10、点睛】本题考查连词辨析。A. and 意为“和;而且;于是,就”,表示并列、顺承关系;B. so 意为 “所以,因此”,表示因果关系,引出结果;C. but 意为“但是”,表示转折关系;D. because 意为“因为”,表示因果关系,引出原因。本题根据 Helen is not good at maths, _she never gives it up.可知前后句的意思是转折关系,所以应用 but 连接,故答案选 C。3C解析:C【解析】【详解】句意:-你能描述一下事故是怎样发生的吗?-好的,我正在散步这时一辆自行车从后面把 我撞倒了。why did the accident happen

11、为什么发生事故;when did the accident happen 事 故什么时候发生;how the accident happen 事故是怎样发生的;where the accident happened 事故发生在哪里。根据句子结构可知,这里考查宾语从句,从句中应用陈述语 序,故先排除 A 和 B。根据下面的回答 I was walking when a bike knocked me down from behind 可知,这里问的是事故是怎样发生的。故选 C。4B解析:B【解析】【详解】句意:-你知道我们的新经理吗?-是的,她原来是我姐姐的一个朋友。turns up 出现;把声

12、 音开大;turns out 结果是,原来是;turns on 打开;turns off 关闭。根据句意可知应选 B。 5C解析:C【解析】【详解】句意:孩子们不能去游泳,除非他们的老师允许他们去。if 如果;whenever 无论什么时 候;unless 除非,如果不;whether 是否。根据句意可知应选 C。6C解析:C【解析】【详解】句意:Thomas,四班的班长,带领外国游客参观了我们的学校,他是一个聪明活泼的男 孩。a 是不定冠词,修饰名词表示泛指一个;the 是定冠词,修饰名词表示特指。根据句 意可知,第一个空特指“四班的班长”,故用 the 修饰;第二个空表示“一个的男孩”,用

13、 a 修饰。故选 C。7C解析:C【解析】【详解】句意:有互联网连接的人能比他们在印刷品中更容易地找到更多的信息。easier 更容易 的,形容词比较级;easiest 最容易的,形容词最高级;more easily 更容易地,副词比较 级;most easily 副词最高级。根据句意和句中的 than“比”可知,这里表示两者相比,应用 比较级,故先排除 B 和 D。根据句子结构可知,该空修饰句中谓语动词 can find,应用副 词,故选 C。8D解析:D【解析】【详解】句意:错误的信息对社会是有害的,人们需要思考他们在网上读到的东西,然后判断它是 否有意义。come round 苏醒,顺道

14、拜访;reads out 读出来;throws away 扔掉;makes sense 有意义,有道理。根据句意可知应选 D。9D解析:D【解析】【详解】句意:丽莎喜欢阅读,她经常在星期六上午去图书馆。考查时间介词。根据 Saturday mornings.“星期六上午”可知指的是具体的某一天的一部分,所以应用介词 on,结合选项可 知 D 选项符合题意,故答案选 D。【点睛】本题考查时间介词。A. to 当分钟数超过 30 分,用“(60-分钟数)+to+(钟点数+1)”来表 示,介词 to 为“差”的意思,如 6:35 读作 twenty-five to seven (差二十五分钟到七点);B. in 后跟年份、月份和季节,也有固定短语 in the morning,in the afternoon;in the evening,也可表示“后”,表将来;C. at 表示“某一具体时刻(即几点几分)”;D. on 表示 “在具体的某一天”或“(在具体的某一天的)早上、中午、晚上”等。本题根据设空


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