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1、考研考博-考博英语-中国社会科学院模拟考试题含答案1. 翻译题Translate the following sentences into good English.1.当前,世情、国情、党情继续发生着深刻变化,我们面临的发展机遇和风险挑战前所未有。全党一定要牢记人民的信任和重托,更加奋发有为、兢兢业业地工作,继续推动科学发展、促进社会和谐,继续改善人民生活、增进人民福祉,完成时代赋予的光荣而艰巨的任务。2.学生活动是美国大学的一个显著特点,每周都有数不清的由学生组织的各种各样的活动。这些活动涵盖了体育、文艺、文化、政治和社会等各个方面,其主要目的是为了娱乐。 新的学生活动组织不断涌现,而中国

2、学生的参与使这一局面变得更加热烈,他们甚至在耶鲁大学上演了曹禺的话剧雷雨。3.中国是一个有五千年历史的文明古国,有着与外来文化取长补短、兼容并蓄的传统。 我们的祖先历来强调“以和为贵”。由此,中国人民选择和平发展的道路是基于中国的文化传统、是基于惨痛的历史与严酷的现实所做出的明智选择。【答案】1.At present, as the global, national and our Partys conditions continue to undergo profound changes, we are faced with unprecedented opportunities for d

3、evelopment as well as risks and challenges. The whole Party must bear in mind the trust the people have placed in us and the great expectation they have of us. We must aim higher and work harder and continue to boost the scientific development, promote social harmony, and improve peoples lives so as

4、 to complete the glorious and arduous tasks bestowed on us by the times.2.Student activities are another remarkable feature of American college life. Each week there are countless activities of all sorts organized by students athletic, artistic, cultural, political or social, all of which are just f

5、or fun. New student organizations are constantly being created, and Chinese students contribute to this ferment. They even stage CaoYus play Rainstorm in Yale.3.China is an ancient civilization with a 5,000-year-long history, having the tradition of seeking mutual complementarities, accommodation an

6、d integration with foreign cultures. Our ancestors have always emphasized the “cherishing of harmony”. Accordingly, the choice by the Chinese people to follow a peaceful path to development is a wise decision based on Chinas traditional culture, painful history and serious reality.2. 单选题For years sh

7、e had read The Wall Street Journal every morning in hopes of finding prescient warnings about future crashes, crises, and catastrophes.问题1选项A.predictiveB.omniscientC.unconscionableD.conscientious【答案】A【解析】划线词修饰的warnings about future crashes, crisis, and catastrophes,对于未发生事件的警告信息应表示“预知的,预测的”。A选项predic

8、tive“预言性的”符合题意。B选项omniscient“全知的,无所不知的”;C选项unconscionable“不合理的;昧着良心的”;D选项conscientious“认真的;本着良心的”。3. 单选题Inductive reasoning involves making useful generalization about the environment Aas a whole, based on a necessarily limited number of observations. BAs so, it is an important tool that people Cuse

9、 to build the models of reality they need to function effectively. DWhile conclusions can be wrong if observations are faulty or are drawn from an unrepresentative sample, if properly used, it can be incredibly powerful.问题1选项A.as a wholeB.As soC.use toD.While【答案】B【解析】考查逻辑关系。B选项错误,在前后逻辑中,没有as so这一说法,

10、去掉as保留so,形成因果关系。4. 单选题Batson et al. state that “egoistically motivated helping is directed toward the end-state goal of increasing the helpers own welfare, ( ) “altruistically motivated helping is directed toward the end-state of increasing the others welfare”.问题1选项A.asB.otherwiseC.whileD.although【答

11、案】C【解析】考查逻辑关系。句中提到了利己动机和利他动机,存在对比,四个选项中C选项while可表示对比关系“却,然而”。因此C选项符合题意。5. 翻译题Translate the underlined sentences into good Chinese.The notion that inanimate objects are subject to their own experience may sound absurd; and it is. However, the reason to dismiss it is not intuitionconditioned as the la

12、tter is by unexamined cultural assumptionsbut simple logic.(1)You see, the movement from “consciousness is the intrinsic nature of the physical world” to “subatomic particles are conscious” relies on a flawed logical bridge: it attributes to that which experiences a structure discernible only in the

13、 experience itself.The concept of subatomic particles is motivated by experiments whose outcomes are accessible to us only in the form of conscious perception.(2)Even when delicate instrumentation is used, the output of this instrumentation is only available to us as perception. Those experiments sh

14、ow that the images on the screen of perception can be divided up into ever-smaller elements, until we reach a limit. At this limit, we find the smallest discernible constituents of the images, which are thus akin to pixels. As such, subatomic particles are the “pixels” of experience, not necessarily

15、 of the experiencer. The latter does not follow from the former.(3)Therefore, that living bodies are made of subatomic particles does not necessarily say anything about the structure of the experiencer: a body is itself an image on the screen of perception and so will necessarily be “pixelated” inso

16、far as it is perceived. Such pixilation reflects the idiosyncrasies of the screen of perception, not necessarily the structure of the subject itself. As an analogy, the pixelated image of a person on a television screen reflects the idiosyncrasies of the television screen; it does not mean that the p


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