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1、英语应考必备范文观点类作文模板(一) eope oinion are awaysdifferent once healk bot _Thoe who_ mantan ta _. They alo fir belve th_(第一种观点) Mny peoplethink oherise O e on han, _. Onte hhand, _.(第二种观点)Myon oinioni hat _. If w ant to _, weave _.(明确自己的观点)观点类作文模板(二) Difern pol havdiferent viewson _. Sme people thik that _,

2、whileohesarge tha _. (提出两种观点) As fa a a ccern, I agree th te_opinon. or one hing, I imly elieve_. or anoer, _ Just thik of _,ho_. (明确表白自己批准某种观点) Takngallte ftors into coieation, w may afel cometo the cnclsion ta _.Onlyif _ can _,jua e saying oes _.(结论)范文 M Viwn Oppruy1. 有的人觉得机会是很少的,另某些人则觉得人人都会有某种机会。

3、2. 我的见解3. 结论iferent people he ifferntviews onopounity Smeeple think hatthee ar few oprtunte in t orld, whle others guha everybod il havesom knd of oportunity aoghislif routeAs ar as Iam ccrne,Iagee wtthelatteropni. For oetin, I rly belve tht opprtunitesare eerywheoun us. Noperonwi uluy nugh to he no

4、 opprtuniiesall tetm, ecue “evdg has itsday” ornoter, sne opprtitiesare trient, we have toe goodrearatins and imprv orslv ut thnk eto, whodscoverethe a of Gravityhen manyeop hd atced npe faling ahd of tem.Taingal factrsinto onsidatio, e my safely come to the cclusion that the re uite af opporntes n

5、our soiet. Oly if ege prared can weseizh opporuniisintea of lttingthemsl by, he old sayngoes, “orusar oly frte preparedmins.”M iewn Studens TkingPart-mes1. 有人觉得大学生做兼职工作是有益的2. 有人觉得大学生做兼职工作是有害的3. 我的见解Nwdas, _. Hoeer, eoples opinions ar stildiidd on his po. (提出某一事物)Thoe who ar infavr ofcli tt_ asalo of

6、 advntages Firsly, _.Scndl,_. atbut t th lest, _.(支持者的观点:利)ose wh areoosed to _ old that tere are stil may diavatges _ I he irstplace, _. Inthe secnd pl, _inal, _. (反对者的观点:弊)Alln al, we can safel come e onluson that te ro utegh thcon. _.(作者的观点: 利不小于弊)批驳类作文模板owada,the is agring edncy _.(第一句提浮现象) Pers

7、onallyseakng,Ido nt agree with thisprcce at al.(第二句表白自己的观点)Fis all, _ Scd,_. Thir, _. (分三方面进行批驳) concuson is tha _.(结论)ecety, t eems at _.Mny peole, espcialy _,think hat it wl certanly do ood to _ because_.Mreove, _ (阐明某种做法及支持这种做法的观点)After cefu consideration, I havto sa_ Onhe oe han, _.On h her han,

8、 _.(从几方面进行批驳) We an see learly thltouh _ abng avrl resuts, here re still a ot to or about tsencssry _ (结论)措施类作文模板所谓问题解决题型是指题目规定人们对社会上存在的某个问题提出解决措施;其常用形式是:一、目前存在某个问题;二、这种问题的危害或产生因素;三、给出解决措施。写作要领: 此类作文的重点在于如何解决问题,因此在简朴地提出问题和分析问题之后,应当将文章的中心定为于解决问题措施上。另一方面考生在列举对策时,不仅要使问题的因素和问题的解决相应起来,并且要通过fily, econdly,

9、was moe, finll等连接词的使用来保证文章的连贯性和条理性,从而使构造紧凑有序、论证有理有据。 (二)基本提纲模式: 第一部分:开篇。提出问题,即对现状、形势或者困难的描述 第二部分:主体。分析问题和解决问题,即列举做某一件事情或是解决某一问题的几种措施第三部分:总结。评价或选择,即对第二段提及的措施进行简要评价或是从中选择出合适自己的措施简要论述选择根据。 常用模板With evepmenf_, _. (问题浮现的背景)S i s fgreat imtne fo u to_. (提出问题)Onthe e had, _.(必要性或后果一) Onthe other ad,_.(必要性二

10、或后果二) To _, have fiur outany as t _.(提出解决问题的措施) Firs,_.(措施一)Secnd,_(措施二)Finaly,_.(措施三) In awrd,_.(总结上文)T sm p, _(重申主题)It is ih timefor s to _(进一步强调主题) hereor,_.(总结全文) 举例Diectio:For thi part, yoareallwed 30 nutesto wrte a composition n thetpi ar Shage inhn. ou should writ at east 120 wordsad bse yr composio o h ulie(gven Chnee) below: 1.缺水的现状 2.缺水的因素 3.解决的措施Wat Shortage in CinaWiht veopnt of modnindustryan e growth o pulan, watershortageha eco a go cocen orCe gvernmnt and people. S t of grtimortanefrus to t soe idasonthe factors cont


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