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1、2022年考博英语-扬州大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Certain decisions were made that seemed obvious and necessary at the time, but( ), we know that some of them are not as beneficial as the creators then believed.问题1选项A.in retrospectionB.in retrospectC.with reminiscenceD.in nostalgia【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。in retrospec

2、t意为“回顾往事,检讨过去”。句意:有些决定在当时看来是显而易见和必要的,但回顾过去,我们知道有些决定并不像当时我们所认为的那样有益。选项B符合句意。2. 单选题Tomorrow morning I will have to( )a conference.问题1选项A.joinB.take partC.attend toD.participate in【答案】D【解析】考查近义词辨析。A选项join“加入;参加”;B选项take part“参与, 参加”;C选项attend to“注意;照料” D选项participate in“参加;分享”。句意:明天早上我要参加一个会议。A, B, D三个

3、选项均有 “参加”的意思,但是join多指参加某组织,成为其中的一个成员,take part和participate in一般是说参加某项活动,而take part比participate in更有主动的感觉,且侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事业、工作或活动,突出参加者在其中发挥一定的作用。Participate是正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个积极的角色参加。因此C项正确。3. 单选题Despite the opposition from his family, the boy remained( ) in his decision to marry her.问题1选项A.faithfu

4、lB.constantC.staunchD.resolute【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项faithful“忠诚的”;B选项constant“不变的”;C选项staunch“坚定的,忠诚的”;D选项resolute“坚决的,果断的”。句意:尽管遭到家人的反对,男孩还是下定决心要娶她。这里是指果断的下定决心,所以选项D符合语境。4. 写作题Directions: Write a composition on the topic The Social Function of Health. You should write at least 250 words and you shoul

5、d base your composition on the outline below:1.健康在个人行使社会功能中的作用。2.健康对于整个社会的作用。3.健康不仅是医学问题,更是社会问题。【答案】略5. 单选题He could tell by the( )in her lower lip that she was about to cry.问题1选项A.quiverB.stiffnessC.stillnessD.facilitation【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。quiver“颤抖,震动”;stiffness“僵硬,坚硬”;stillness“静止,沉静”;facilitation“简

6、易化,助长,容易”。句意:他可以通过她下唇的颤抖判断出她要哭了。由she was about to cry可推断出下嘴唇是颤抖的,故A项正确。6. 单选题One of the major pleasures(1)life is appetite, and one of our major duties should be to(2)it. Appetite is the(3)of living: it is one of the(4)that tells you that you are still curious to exist, that you still have an edge o

7、n your longings and want to bite into the world and taste its multitudinous(5)and juices.(6)appetite, of course, I dont mean just the desire for food, but any condition of(7)desire, any burning in the blood that proves you want more than youve got, and that you havent yet(8)your life. Wilde said he

8、felt sorry for those who never got their hearts desire, but sorrier(9)for those who did. I got mine once only, and it nearly killed me, and Ive always preferred wanting(10)since.For appetite, for me, is this state of wanting, which keeps ones(11)alive. I remember learning this lesson long ago as a c

9、hild, when treats and orgies were(12), and when I discovered that the(13)pitch of happiness was not in actually eating a toffee, but in(14)it beforehand. True, the first bite was delicious, (15)once the toffee was gone one was left with nothing, neither toffee nor lust.So, for me, one of the keenest

10、(16)of appetite remains in the wanting, not the satisfaction. In this condition, of course, I know that the object of desire is always at its most flawlessly(17), which is why I would carry the preservation of appetite(18)of deliberate fasting, simply because I think that appetite is(19)to lose, too

11、 precious to be bludgeoned(20)insensibility by satiation and over-doing it.问题1选项A.forB.toC.inD.with问题2选项A.preserveB.deserveC.reserveD.serve问题3选项A.wantingB.interestC.keennessD.wishes问题4选项A.touchesB.hopesC.sensesD.expectations问题5选项A.dishesB.mealsC.smellsD.flavors问题6选项A.ByB.WithC.ThroughD.Of问题7选项A.diss

12、atisfiedB.unsatisfiedC.dissatisfyingD.unsatisfying问题8选项A.used upB.used allC.used overD.finished问题9选项A.moreB.the sameC.evenD.still问题10选项A.to havingB.than havingC.instead of havingD.but not having问题11选项A.wantingB.desiringC.curiosityD.expectation问题12选项A.popularB.manyC.fewD.a few问题13选项A.biggestB.greates

13、tC.mostD.largest问题14选项A.tastingB.imaginingC.bitingD.gazing at问题15选项A.butB.howeverC.andD.for问题16选项A.happinessB.delightsC.pleasuresD.well-being问题17选项A.goodB.bestC.perfectD.most问题18选项A.at a degreeB.to an extentC.to some extentD.to the extent问题19选项A.too goodB.so goodC.too hardD.too easy问题20选项A.forB.into

14、C.inD.to【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C第5题:D第6题:A第7题:B第8题:A第9题:D第10题:A第11题:D第12题:C第13题:B第14题:D第15题:A第16题:C第17题:C第18题:D第19题:A第20题:B【解析】第1题:1.考查介词辨析。这里表示“渴望乃生活之一大乐事”,因此选介词in。2.考查动词辨析。A选项preserve“保存;保护;维持”;B选项deserve“应受,应得”;C选项reserve“ 预订” D选项serve“招待,供应”。句意:而心怀渴望则成为一项重要的任务。这里表示 “我们的主要职责之一就是保护好它”,因此A项符合句意。3.考查名词辨析。A选项wanting“缺少的;缺乏的”;B选项interest“兴趣,爱好”;C选项keenness“ 敏锐;锐利”


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