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1、2022年成人高考-英语考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Over the summer. my family took a trip to Iceland to see the natural beauty of it. Little did I_21_ I would wake up one morning to have my eyes swelled up( 肿胀)like balloons! I was frigbtened,So many questions were _22_ through my head. Am I allergic(过敏的)to somethi

2、ng? Was theresome Icelandic discase that I _23_ ?The only help I received was some allergy medicine _24_ a clinicnearby.Nothing Was working.When the trip was over,I went to see my doctor, She gave me eye drops, but clearly theywerent worth the time or _25_ and the swelling got worse and worse.I fina

3、lly decided that it would be best for me to _26_ being so sad and take it easy and havefun.It was summer after all.I had a fun night with my friends as if nothing was _27_ .The next morning Iwoke up and went to _28_ how swollen my eyes were,only to find myself _29_ at my normal face, Itwas a miracle

4、(奇迹).I _30_ asking myself why I hadnt done that earlier. Was being with my friendsand having fun really the _31_ to my problem?To this day I still do not know what I had,and _32_ do any of the many doctors that I _33_ duringthe summer, I would really like to go back to Iceland to see the Northern Li

5、ghts, _34_ I am verymuch frightened that I am just allergic to the country. I hope I never _35_ having such terribleswelling in my eyes ever again.21. _问题1选项A.knowB.doubtC.insistD.fear【答案】A【解析】【考试指导】词义辨析题。压根不知道有一天早上醒来我的眼命会胂得像气球一样!know知道;doubt怀叙;insist坚存;fear害怕。政选A。2. 单选题Spring is by far_time to visi

6、t the island问题1选项A.the betterB.betterC.the bestD.best【答案】C【解析】【考试指导】该小题考查形容词最高级。句意:春季是参观这座岛屿的最佳时间。形容词比较级前不需加定冠词the,而形容词最高级前常加定冠词the,故排除A、D两项。by far意为“尤其,更”,常与形容词最高级连用表示强调,故选C。3. 单选题25_问题1选项A.painB.adventureC.weightD.money【答案】D【解析】【考试指导】推理判断题。医生给我的眼药水使我的眼睛肿得更严重了,由此推辦出这些眼药水不枝得花赍分间和金钱。pain疼痛;adventure冒

7、险;weight壹量;money金钱。故D正确。4. 单选题24_问题1选项A.onB.fromC.withD.to【答案】B【解析】【考试指导】词义辨析题。我得到的唯一帮助就是从附近的小诊所买的一些抗过敏药。on在上;from来自;with用;to到去。故选B。5. 单选题“Troublemaker”J was what was given to my friend Peter by his teachers. They also said that he had no future and no hope! But now I suggest that anyone who said th

8、at should say “sorry” to him. Peter finished Grade Nine,and then he went to study at a technical college. He became a leader of a group of bad boys. After graduation he had nothing to do,so he just hung around by the market with his friends.It looked like nothing could change his life. It was not un

9、til the day that his father died. He left the boys and went to help his mother who sold food by the roadside.He really pitied his mum and wanted to do something to support her. He loved reading cartoon(漫画)books and had been collecting them for years,so he decided that he should sell them. Soonhe rea

10、lized that his books were very popular. So he made up his mind to set up his own business. He went around buying cartoon books from other people. He bought them for 25% and then sold them for half price.These days, he doesn, t have to go around looking for cartoon books because there are always peop

11、le coming to his shop to sell their old ones. He now has a monthly income of about 55,000 baht (泰铢).He was a “troublemaker” to his teachers but he is a hero to me. If you are judged by your teachers as aubad student ,1 suggest you ignore what they say. Just do your best in everything.Dont give up so

12、 easily. Believe me,one day you could be successful,tooWhy does the author think some people should say “sorry” to Peter?问题1选项A.They considered him hopelessB.They refused to help himC.They made him give up his friendsD.They looked down on his parents【答案】A【解析】【考试指导】推理判断题。由第一段前两句可知,老师称皮特为“捣蛋鬼”,有人说皮特没有

13、希望和未来。由此不难推断,作者认为一些人应该向皮特说“抱歉”的原因是他们认为皮特没希望。故A正确。6. 单选题When Anna_ the room,a group of young men were talking eagerly round the table问题1选项A.entersB.has enteredC.was enteringD.entered【答案】D【解析】【考试指导】本题考查时态。句意:当安娜走进房间的时候,一群年轻人正围着桌子热烈地讨论着。when引导的时间状语从句中主句用的是过去进行时,所以从句也应用过去时。同时,安娜走进房间是一个短暂性的动作,因此动词用一般过去式。

14、故D正确。7. 单选题Who is Yanira in the story?问题1选项A.A volunteer OJS supported.B.A student Nancy helped.C.A teacher from John Jay College.D.A relative of Nancys.【答案】B【解析】推理判断题。文章第五段第一句提到南希和一名叫雅妮拉的女孩把大部分时间都花费在学业上。第六段南希说自己不同于雅妮拉生命中的其他任何人,与她相识,看到她的改变、成长与进步是很棒的事。此外,第一段第三句提到南希在过去的几年里一直在帮助一名高中生。由此可知,雅妮拉正是南希所帮助的那名学生。故本题选B。8. 单选题According to the text, Nancy feels great to see Yanira _.问题1选项A.make progressB.travel to New YorkC.go to collegeD.sing in the holiday show【答案】A【解析】事实细节题。第六段南希说到自己不同于雅妮拉生命中的其他任何人,与她相识,看到她的改变、成长与进步是很棒的事。故本题选A。9. 单选题These books should not be_from the library.


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