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1、江苏省新沂市王楼中学2020学年八年级英语第一次学情测试试题(无答案) 牛津版一用所给词的适当形式填空:151、Its cold outside, you should keep the door _ .(close)2、We cant live _ (with) water.3、Look! They are listening to the teacher _ .(care).4、Lily is helpful. She often visits the home for the _ (old).5、Mr. Sun _ (can not) get out because he hurt hi

2、s leg.6、The story is _ (fun),it makes us very happy.7、The man came into the room _ (quiet) and did some reading.8、Sandy is a member of the_ (swim) Club.9、Some_ (science) will come to my school next week . 。10、Fire an be_ _(danger) if were not careful about it.二选择题:15( )1、without _ a word, he left.A、

3、saying B、talking C、speaking D、telling( )2、Is it possible for you _ all the exercises? A. do B. does C. to do. D. doing( )3、_ good time they had yesterday!A、How B、How a C、What D、What a ( )4、_ useful information it is!A、How B、how a C、what D、what a( )5、Dont pour water_ his jacket. A. over B. in C. thro

4、ugh D. above( )6、There _ a pair of red _ under the chair.A、is, shoe B、is, shoes C、are,shoes D、are,shoe( )7、When there is a fire, we can _ with a blanket. A. put off it B. put it out C. put out it D. put it off( )8、It _ him an how to play basket ball every day.A、spends B、took C、costs D、takes( )9、Dont

5、 leave the stove_. Its dangerous. A. on B. off C. close D. open( )10_knows anything about him, because he never tells us _ about him.A、Nobody,something B、Nobody, nothing C、Nobody, something D、Nobody, anything( )11、There were _ people in the street at midnight,so he drove fast.A、afew B、few C、little D

6、、a little( )12、June lst is _ Day and September 10th is _ Day. A、Children, Teacher B、Childrens, TeachersC、Childrens Teachers D、Childrens Teachers( )13、Will you come to the party next Sunday?_.I will visit my grandparents in my hometown.A、I think so B、Id like to C、Im afraid not D、Im afraid so( )14、-_

7、the woman there be our English teacher? -He _ be, but Im not sure. A、May, mustnt B. Can, may C. Can, cant D. May, can ( )15、My mother _ at six thirty every morning .A、wake up me B、wake me up C、wakes up me D、wakes me up三、句型转换:201、How bad the weather is today!(同义) _ _ weather it is today!2、This T-shir

8、t is Kittys(划线提问) _ is this T-shirt?3、To be careful with electricity is important. (改为同义句) _ _ _ to be careful with electricity.4、This sweater is Amys (同义) This sweater _ _ Amy.5、Elephants walk on tiptoe(划线提问) _ _ Elephants walk?6、There is nothing unusual on the street.(同义) There _ _ unusual on the

9、street.7、Can you look after this old man for me ?(同义) Can you _ _ _ _ this old man for me ?8、This next day, the men and the women left Shanghai.(同义) _ _ _ _ _ _ ,the men and the women left Shanghai.9、Andy does her best to learn her lessons. (改为否定句) Andy _ _ _ _her best to learn her lessons.10、Daniel

10、 could wash his own clothes last year. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _.四、动词填空:101、Im frightened of _ _ (travel) by plane. 2、What _ (happen) to you just now?3、Thank you for _ (write )to me.4、Its interesting _ _ (look) after the baby.5、It _ _(take) us 3 hours _ _ (finish) the work yesterday.6、I will go to the libra

11、ry _ _ (learn) some animals.7、Andy is crazy about _ _ (dance).8、The following Saturday,we _ _(visit) the great museum.9、He always practises _ _(speak) English in or out of class.五、完成句子:151、那个声音听起来像火车。 The noise _ _ _ _ a train.2、我们的自行车与他们的不同. Our bikes are _ _ _.3、 那个书架上有数百本书。 There are _ _ _ _ book

12、s on that bookcase. 4、我妹妹还未到上学的年龄。 My sister isnt _ _ _ _ _ _ go to school.5、没有你的帮助,我无法到达那里。 I cant _ _ there _ _ you help.6、多勤奋的学生啊! _ _ _ _ the student is !六完型填空(10)Dear Mr. zhang, I would like _1_ Tao Lei for this years Young Award. Tao Lei _2_ boy. He often helps clean the classroom and do many other things after class. He is very good at swimming. _3_ he teaches other students to swim. He is also a member of the Helping Hands Club and he spends a l


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