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1、清华大学英语系测试:为中学英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果哈佛大学英语系研究,美国布什推荐。专为中小学生英语量身定做。官方网站:http:/ 哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供初中完形填空经典训练 (一)I made up my mind to drive to South Carolina to meet my friends in my used car. Though I had only been there once 1 and did not know the 2 very well. I was on the 3 after I had made so

2、me inquiries (询问). At Ashvelle, there was a crossroad where I could go on along the main road or I could take a short cut. The short cut was to 4 several hills and was dangerous ,I hesitated (犹豫)for a little while and then chose the main road, for I wanted to be 5 . Something strange happened after

3、I drove a long 6 and found it was not the correct road that I wanted to 7, but the hilly road I decided to avoid .I realized that it was at the 8 that I had made the 9 mistake. “What shall I do?” I asked myself .If I went back to take that road again, it would be very late by the time I got to Colum

4、bia. Thin it 10 , I decided to go on. “If 11 people can go along this road, why cant I?” I 12 myselfThe short cut, to my surprise ,was not that 13 .In fact, it was only a very peaceful country road, 14 up and down two low 15 .There was 16 traffic. On both sides of the road, you could see trees, wild

5、 flowers, and 17 with cows and horses. My fear was 18 with the wind. Listening to the beautiful country music over my car stereo (立体声), I drove on and 19 the scenery which was so quiet and so natural .Even my used car forgot to give me 20 .It was just in this light heartedness that I arrived at my d

6、estination. My friends, after they heard what had happened to me, all said it sounded like an adventure.1. A. beforeB. agoC. alreadyD. still2. A. townB. countryC. friendsD. way3. A. trainB. carC. highwayD .phone4. A. haveB. goC. rideD. cross5. A. safeB. dangerousC. fastD. slow6. A. momentB. wayC. ro

7、adD. day 7. A. comeB. leaveC. takeD. drive8. A. crossroadB. cornerC. stationD. beginning9. A. directionB. roadC. disappointedD. interesting10. A. aboutB. overC. ofD. up11. A. anotherB. the otherC. otherD. others12. A. askedB. forcedC. encouragedD. told13. A. farB. safeC. dangerousD. dirty14. A. goin

8、gB. comingC. drivingD. walking15. A. landsB. carsC. farmsD. hills 16. A. heavyB. littleC. fewD. light17. A. farmsB. trucksC. housesD. villages18. A. togetherB. goneC. coveredD. coming 19. A. lookedB. likedC. enjoyedD. found20. A. happinessB. sceneryC. joysD. problems完形填空训练(二) Tick,tock,tick,tock. Im

9、 sitting here,watching the movements of my existence pass slowly away. My house has been 1 for such a long time,and Im lonely and forgotten. Sitting here, by myself, all that I can do is 2 and think about my past. I could tell you stories that only 3 would know. But walls cant speak. I came to this

10、place many years ago,along with an old man. 4 , he was with me for on1y three short years before he passed on.For a time,I was left alone,while people came and 5 the house. Then,one day a nice couple moved in with a young son. 6 , their son Danny liked to stay with me,and I was completely 7 with him

11、. He always looked as if he loved the stories I told,most of which began with. Back in my day” and When I was 8 .” I sometimes had the kind of idea that he didnt really understand what I was saying,but it felt good to be 9 When Danny went off to college, my heart broke. Soon afterward, 10 sold the h

12、ouse. New owners came and 11 . Then,One day it so happened that I was in when a new family was moving into the house. You cant even imagine my 12 when,unexpectedly, Danny walked through the front door. He had a 13 and kids now. I was so overjoyed when I saw him that I put all my 14 into my daily act

13、ivities. . I spent the next twenty years watching his kids grow up, with a mixture of pride and 15 about what would happen next.The kids finally became 16 and Danny sold the house. That was about five years ago. Some of the local kids have started the rumor that the house is haunted (闹鬼的)- and,in a

14、way,it is. It is haunted by 17 of all the people who have lived in it. Every second has 18 me so much. I have been 19 them down and they are almost up for me. I hope that someday somebody will 20 me, and drop in on me again. Maybe then Ill get a new home and an opportunity for a whole new set of memories.1. A. crowded B. empty C. paintedD. sold2. A. look back B. enjoy food C. have a dream D. chat with friends3. A. friends B. learners C. neighbors D. walls4. A. Luckily B. Happily C. Sadly D. Surprisingly5. A. looked at



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