How Are You Feeling Now?

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《How Are You Feeling Now?》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《How Are You Feeling Now?(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、How Are You Feeling Now? 教案【教学目标】知识与技能:使学生学会关于身体状况的表达以及怎样询问他人的身体状况:How are you feeling now? I feel /dont feel well. 这也是本课的重点内容。能听、说、读、写四会单词: model、runny nose、slight fever、high fever。在学习的过程中培养学生综合运用语言的能力,能用更多的语句来丰富自己的语言,如:Glad / Sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself.过程与方法通过引出新知,传授新知,理解新知,应用新知,总结检

2、验的过程,在学习的过程中培养学生综合运用语言的能力。情感态度与价值观:懂得关心同学,爱护他人,健康比财富更重要。【教学重点】How are you feeling now? I dont feel well.本课的核心句子,询问和表达身体的状况。runny nose、slight fever、high fever 三个表示病症的词组。【教学难点】Glad / Sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself.用来丰富学生的语言,重在灵活应用。【教学过程】一. 课前热身:1.Sing an English song :Clap your hands 2.问候,复

3、习旧知T: Hello boys and girls. How are you today? Ss: T: Im very well. Because there will be an English party in our school tomorrow. I hope all my students can enjoy my party. But Im sorry to hear that some of my students are sick. Now lets have a look. Whats the matter with them? 2. 旧知复习,引入新知出示课件,学生进

4、行问答练习,复习相关的疾病名称:headache、stomachache、toothache Whats the matter with Mike? He has a stomachache. Whats the matter with John? He has a headache. Whats the matter with May? She has a toothache. T: They are sick. So Im sorry to hear that. (在恰当的情境中引出新句子并讲授更容易让学生们接受。)二. 情境铺垫,新知传授 1. 重点句型的讲授教师在新授时以feeling

5、为重点词语,可从How are you?这一句子入手。引导学生们回答此刻的身体状况:I feel well. 或I dont feel well.并进行讲授,情境中运用语言易于理解。教师可根据学生不同的回答给与相应的回应,Glad to hear that.或Sorry to hear that. T: Im glad to see you here. And I feel well. How are you feeling now? (新知) 2. 教师演示,学生进行Pair work T: I have two funny faces. Can you ask me the questio

6、n? Ss: How are you feeling now? 这时教师出示事先准备好的教具funny faces( ),进行对话演示。演示后,同桌之间进行对话练习。练习内容: How are you feeling now ? I feel /dont feel well. Glad / Sorry to hear that. 3. 学习生词,巩固新知在情境中学习runny nose、slight fever、high fever,讲授中巩固前面的新知。 T: My best friend Sandy cant come to our party either. Lets have a lo

7、ok. 出示课件: 教师可引导学生问:How is she feeling now? 然后讲授新短语:runny nose 讲授的过程中,可先提示学生run的意思,这样更有助于学生对此短语意思的理解。教师在讲授runny nose的同时还可以把它与 funny face、sunny day 结合起来,runny、funny、sunny三个有共同特点的单词可以帮助为学生进一步体会字母的发音规则。接着出示课件: T: Look the poor boys are twins. T: Look, Sams temperature is 37.2. So he has a slight fever.

8、Tims temperature is 39.8. So he has a high fever. 讲授词组:slight fever 和high fever 除了读音、拼写以及词义的理解之外,教师可出示一些温度卡片让学生看温度说答案。 37.2 三点会上 39.8 三点会上 如 high fever slight fever 进行巩固练习。 4. Join the chant.跟节拍读英语。听书上P86的chant ,熟悉刚刚学习的知识并找到所谓医生的建议Take care of yourself.进行新授。 T: Oh, so many students are sick. Lets as

9、k the doctor, what you will do? Listen and repeat. 5. 听课文回答问题,进行巩固训练。教师打开礼物 T: You know our friend Sandy cant come to the party. But she sent us a present. Lets open the present. T: Oh, its a model. (新单词) 在情境中出现生词model,进行讲授。model有两个意思,可在例句中加以解释,如:Sandy sent us a model car. (model:模型) The tall girl i

10、s a good model.(model: 模特) T: Sandy is a kind girl. I think you must worry about her. How is she feeling now? Do you know? Lets listen to the tape and then answer my questions. 教师出示多媒体课件,放课文的录音。听音后学生回答问题,并进行跟读训练。注意语音语调的模仿。 Answer the questions.:1. How was the vacation ?2.Whats the present for Dongdo

11、ng ?3.How is Sandy feeling now ?三.游戏活动、操练运用1. Play a game 教师事先准备一些关于病症的单词卡片,如headache、stomachache、toothache、bad cold、runny nose、slight fever、high fever,还有一张 。以小组为单位进行对话活动。一人抽签,其他同学可以问:How are you feeling now? 抽签的同学根据卡片的内容进行回答。其他学生给予回应。 2.出示学生的生病时的照片巩固,在练习中进一步学会运用本课的知识,并能用恰当的语言去关心安慰生病的同学四. 家庭作业.巩固理解请学生们给因病而不能参加Party的Sandy写一封信,表示慰问。


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