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1、初二上学期期末复习练习Module 1 Name: _一选择( )1. When you read English newspapers, please _ translate every word. A. dont try to B. try to C. try not to( )2. Why dont you _ hello to them, Tony? A. to say B. saying C. say( )3. Do you find it easy _ a conversation in English? A. to do B. to start C. to take( )4. I

2、ts a good idea _ friends all over the world. A. to make B. for making C. makes( )5. How about _ the radio in English every day? A. hearing B. sounding C. listening to( )6. Everyone should _ a pen friend. A. has B. have C. had( )7. Tom is _ excellent student in the school orchestra. A. an B. a C. the

3、( )8. One of his telephone _is 7956896. A. number B. numbers C. notebooks( )9. Please match the words with the pictures. A. repeat B. translate C. match( )10. -_ do you need, Madam? -Some chicken, please. A. Where else B. Who else C. What else二单词拼写1. Jim is very _(害羞的 ), but Tom is _(害羞的) Jim. Who i

4、s the _(害羞的) in your class?2. _( 每个,各个) of us studies hard, so we all get good marks in the test.3. I _( 听见) the baby cry loudly last night.4. Dont _ (忘记 ) to correct your mistakes in your notebook.5. I _(忘记) to send an email message to him. But he hasnt _(忘记) about this.6. Will he _( 寄,发送) me a Chr

5、istmas present? He _(寄,发送) me one last year. I have never _(寄,发送) him anything. How about _(寄,发送) a watch to him?7. He often _(微笑 ) to us. Hes _(微笑) at us at the moment. He seldom _(微笑) when he was a little boy.8. I bought a few _(手表 ) and several _( 收音机) in the supermarket.9. He said “Best _(祝愿 )”

6、to all of us.10. Where is the _(深的 ) part of the Atlantic Ocean?11. He _(借 ) some English newspapers from the library this morning.12. His English is _(提高 ) quickly by speaking it every day.13. -Where did you _(放置 ) the English-Chinese dictionary? -I _( 放置) it beside the radio on t he desk.14. Can y

7、ou give us some _( 建议) about how to learn English?15. How many _( 语言) can you speak?三完成句子1. 一起踢足球,怎么样? _ football together?2 去英语沙龙是个好主意。 _ go to the English Salon.3 你应该写下正确的拼写。 _ the correct spelling.4 你为什么不听英语歌呢? _ listen to English songs?5 尽量不要犯同样的错误。 _ make the same mistake.6他已经把语法写下了。他是刚才记下的。我们也

8、正在记下。 He has _ the grammar. He _ a moment ago. We are also _ now.7让我们以小组形式互相帮助吧。 Lets help _ in groups.8我希望你能过得愉快。 I hope you can _.9上周六我过得很愉快。 I _ last Sunday.10他一直成绩不好。 He gets bad marks _.四完型填空 It was too late at night when an old man came to a small town. He found an inn( 小酒店 ) and wanted to sta

9、y there for the night. After he had gone to his room, the owner(酒店主人) said to his wife “Look at his bag. There _1_ much money in it. Lets _2_when hes asleep, shall we?”“No, no,” said the woman. “He must look _3_his bag tomorrow morning. If he cant find it, hell telephone the police.” They thought fo

10、r a few minutes. Then the woman had an idea. “We have forgetful grass. Why not put some forgetful grass into his food? If he _4_the food, he will forget _5_his bag away.”The old man ate the food _6_the forgetful grass and went to bed. The next morning when the owner got up, he found the door open an

11、d the old man had left with the bag. He woke his wife up and said to her _7_. “What a fool! Your forgetful grass isnt _8_at all.”“No, I dont think so. He must forget _9_.” His wife said.“Oh! I remember now!” Shouted the man suddenly. “He forgot to _10_for the night.”( )1. A. must have B. must be C. was( )2. A. take it away B. take it off C. write it down( )3. A. at B. like C. for( )4. A. has B. buys C. brings( )5. A. taking B. to take C. to bring( )6.



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