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1、新版物业内勤主管竞聘汇编 物业内勤主管竞聘 经历风雨,满怀信心迎接新的挑战 尊敬的各位领导、各位评委、各位同事: 下午好! 我叫,今年26岁,高中学历,202x至202x年在部队服役,202x年退役同年参加工作,202x年加入电信实业公司物业分公司,现任综合物管处内勤处代理主管。我今天来竞聘综合物管处内勤部主管职位。 非常感谢公司领导给了我这么个展示自我、参与竞争的机会。我十分珍惜这样一个难得的机会。我将客观地说明我自己所具备的竞聘能力,全面地论述我对于做好综合物管处内勤部工作的总体思路和具体措施,并且将心悦诚服地接受各位领导和评委的评判。 202x年有幸来到物业,一眨眼2年快到,近700个日

2、日夜夜,酸甜苦辣个中滋味自知晓。记住的是苦与痛,忘不掉的是欢笑! 内勤部主管这个职位真是让我欢喜让我忧。喜的是:近2年的内勤队员工作经历为我今年的工作积累了丰富的经验,在公司领导那里我不仅学到了宝贵的管理经验,更被他们身上那种忘我工作、秉公办事、大公无私的精神所*,为我今后的工作指明了道路。忧的是:今后在工作中我不知还要得罪多少人!说实话,内勤部的工作细小、繁杂,几乎每天都在重复着昨天的故事,可一旦某个环节出了问题,就会影响到整个物管处的正常安保工作秩序。所以,内勤部的工作必须做到“眼尖、腿快、嘴勤”,还有最关键的一点就是要有奉献精神。回顾这近两年的风风雨雨,酸甜苦辣,由于别人的不理解,我伤心

3、过;由于别人的误解,我委屈过;由于大家的宽容,我感动过;得到大家的支持,我激动过。不是有这样一句话吗?不经历风雨,又怎么会见到彩虹呢! 经历了近两年的风雨洗礼,使我更有信心迎接新的挑战!如果我竞聘成功,我为自己描绘了这样一幅蓝图:在公司领导的鼓舞下,更新管理理念。发展有新思路,改革要有新突破,开放要有新局面,工作要有新举措。培养队员创新能力的主动获取知识的能力,协助物管处领导抓好我物管处的管理工作。继承内勤部中好的光荣传统,继续发扬团结协作精神,不断完善种类规章制度。做好:活动有计划,验收有总结,考核有依据,评比有结果,避免盲目性,增加透明度,内勤部的工作要公平、公正、公开。 1、培训有目标,

4、落实有计划,总结有成果,个人有收获。内勤部周例会会议制度化,多层化。积极听取队员的意见,使管理工作更加科学、完善,尽量让领导放心,业主满意。没有最好,争取更好。 2、内勤部的工作主要是安全保卫。以人为本,德为先。根据公司的大气候,我们生存的小环境,以及业主财产现状,加强队员的日常行为规范,培养队员的责任感、责任心,加强对队员的责任教育是我们今后工作的重点。 3、不定期开展的活动要有特色,队员才能有兴趣,才能更有热情,内勤部的管理才会有变化。活动有记录,存档备案。 4、夜间、周末值勤的管理更加科学化、规范化,检查工作更加细致化、严格化,坚决杜绝形式化。 5、管理工作要责任化。内勤部要对物管处负责

5、,物管处要对公司负责,公司要对业主负责。“德信兴盛,是每个德信人的责任”。做到“业主门有人看,业主事有人管”。 6、加强各部门的配合。工作分工有中心,都为物业这个家,大家团结又协作,德信物业才能锦上添花。 支持我的朋友,我绝不会让你们失望;还在考验我的朋友,请相信,我会努力实现你们的愿望;不信任我的朋友,恳请你们给我一点点希望。 最后,祝各位评委所有的希望都能如愿,祝各位领导所有的梦想都能实现,祝各位同事有的期待都能出现,祝各位竞聘者所有的付出都能兑现! 我的竞聘演讲完毕。谢谢大家! 竞 聘 人 : (综合物管处内勤部) 二00六年七月三十日 work, continue to take mo

6、re effective measures, earnestly put the petition work well. To improve and perfect the system of petition letter work. Further perfection period analysis, top leaders personally liberating, politics and law combined with the receivers, direct dialogue System, strictly implement the responsibility s

7、ystem for handling, promote the implementation of the measures of letters and visits. Earnestly implement the petition work of the joint meeting system, regular analysis of situation of letters and visits, study and solve the outstanding problems in the petition work. Processing of a mass petition i

8、ssues reporting system, to deal with the problem of letters and visits related regular report, major timely reporting, to strengthen communication and cohesion. Second, we must seriously address the prominent letters. The masses more concentrated hot and difficult issues, departments at all levels t

9、o concentration time, concentrate, take effective measures, try to solve seriously. Focus on deal with matters, retain people, do not rebound three links, highlighting grasp the content Correct disability, easily lead to mass events of petitioners and long-term unreasonable tied to visit old petitio

10、n households two focus groups, in ensuring the progress at the same time, improve the processing quality, to consolidate the results. According to the central and provincial, municipal deployment requirements, and steadily solve enterprise demobilized cadres demobilized soldiers and other relevant p

11、ersonnel, not to go to the capital to save city large-scale gathering petition. On law related litigation cases should adhere to the mistakes must be corrected, the wrong correction and some wrong, good to do a good job, and earnestly safeguard judicial justice, safeguard the legitimate rights and i

12、nterests. To strengthen the supervision and inspection. According to the petition work in the new situation, new characteristics , departments at all levels to further strengthen supervision and inspection, to promote the implementation of the work. Tracking and supervision must be carried out on ma

13、jor petition cases; of major and complicated cases, and to organize special, special supervision. On law and litigation involving the processing time scheduling, summarize, informed. On the occurrence of major petition problems to summarize the examination, check induced, check information to troubl

14、eshoot network does play a role. Check the degree of attention paid by the leaders, check whether the work in place, check whether the masses satisfaction. Through the investigations, from found the problem, clearly define the responsibilities, to accept the lesson, improve their work. Fourth, we mu

15、st in accordance with the law to rectify the order of petitioners. To strengthen the propaganda of petition letter regulation and other relevant laws and regulations. Step further regulate the people's letters and visits, education and guide the masses through legal channels to reflect their wi

16、shes and requirements. In the implementation of mass petitions and letter three meet increase the intensity of the petitioners, the complaint acceptance organ must be signed petition two-way commitment book, and issued a petition reply submissions. On the long-term by petition of the irrational trouble, disturb social order, according to the law dealt with severely. Further


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