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1、城基中学2012-2013学年度第一学期初一级英语科测试卷Unit 7 How much are these socks? 命题人: 黄 冰 2012.12.08 Class_ Name _ No. _ Marks _一、单项选择 20分 ( B ) 1. - Can I help you? - _A. Thank youB. Yes, please. C. Youre welcome. D. Im sorry.( B ) 2. - Are these your trousers? - Yes, _.A. theyre B. they are C. these are D. therere(

2、B ) 3. We have _ breakfast _ morning. A. the; in B. /; in the C. the; in the D. /; in( C ) 4. She wants to buy a shirt _ her son.A. toB. onC. forD. in( B ) 5. - _ is the computer game? - Its 31.00.A. How many B. How much C. How about D. How big( A ) 6. Lets _and see her new skirt.A. go B. comes C. g

3、oes D. going( D ) 7. - How much are the trousers? - _¥49.00.A. It hasB. It isC. They haveD. They are( A ) 8. John has a sweater, but he _ a jacket. A. doesnt have B. havent C. dont have D. has ( B ) 9. - The shorts are only¥18.00. - Ill _.A. buy itB. take them C. sale them D. sell it( B ) 10. I have

4、 white shirts but my brother _.A. doesB. doesntC. doesnt like D. likes red, too( B ) 11. My friend, Alan _sports but I dont.A. dontB. likesC. likeD. doesnt( C ) 12. - What color is it? - _.A. Its a green hat B. Its a green C. Its green D. Its green hat( A ) 13. We have _ baseballs.A. twenty-fourB. t

5、woty-fourC. twenty four D. twelve-four( A ) 14. We _ T-shirts _ only $13.00.A. have; forB. has; forC. have; in D. has; in( B ) 15. Please call me _ 8989766. A. in B. at C. about D. with( D ) 16. -Where _ Toms socks? - _On the bed. A. are; Theyre B. is; Its C. is; / D. are; /( C ) 17. That is _ Li. S

6、he is our teacher. We all like_.A. Mrs.; he B. Miss; himC. Mrs.; her D. Mr.; him( B ) 18. What do you_ do? A. want B. want to C. like D. to like( C ) 19. Mary and Tom are brother and sister. Mr. Brown is _father.A. his B. her C. their D. our( C ) 20. The shirt_white is _. A. in; my brother B. at; my

7、 brothers C. in; my brothers D. at; my brothers二、单词拼写 15分1. -How much is this _(双)of _(鞋)? -_(20)_(美元).2. We have _(毛衣)in_(所有的)colors for only 12.00.3. Come and_(购买)your _(衣服)at our great _(特价销售)4. We have some _(裙子)at very good_(价格)。5. I _(需要)two yellow_(T恤衫).6. Are _(15)_(女人)in the room?三、按要求改写句子,

8、每空一词。 10分(第4句为2分)1. The boy sells nice clothes. (改为一般疑问句并进行否定回答) _the boy_ nice clothes? No, _ _.2. The sweater is thirty yuan. (就划线部分提问)_ _is the sweater?3. We have red hats. (就划线部分提问) _ _you have?4. the; is; $ 20; hat ( ? ) (连词成句) _四、根据中文意思用英语完成句子,词数不限。 10分1、我们有质优价廉的各种颜色的毛衣。We have good sweaters i

9、n all colors _.2、Tom有一件黑色的夹克。 Tom _.3、那男孩喜欢这袜子。_these socks.4、这顶帽子看起来挺好看。 This _nice. 5、那个袋子多少钱? _五、完形填空 10分Alan works in a small store. Its near a 1 . Every day students come to 2 some things.In the 3 . Alan gets up (起床) at 6:00. And then he has 4 .He gets to (到达) the 5 at about 6:50. The store ope

10、ns(营业) at 7:00. He sells food and drink. He has school things, 6 , and some 7 and girls are often in his store. He has 8 in the store.At 7:00 9 the evening the store is closed(不营业). He goes home 10 have dinner.( C ) 1. A. farm B. factoryC. schoolD. river( A ) 2. A. buyB. sell C. takeD. want( D ) 3.

11、A. evening B. afternoon C. night D. morning( C ) 4. A. dinner. B. lunch C. breakfast D. rices( C ) 5. A. classroom. B. schoolC. storeD. book( A ) 6. A. too B. also C. andD. but( D ) 7. A. womanB. man C. boiesD. boys( D ) 8. A. dinner B. breakfast C. hamburger D. lunch( A ) 9 A. in B. on C. atD. from( A ) 10. A. to B. at C. withD. for六. 阅读理解 10分Mr. Green and his daughter, Mary are in a big store



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