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1、河南省专升本英语作文1.hre to vi e Cty i the Cont(1)一些人喜欢住在城市,由于城市生活有许多便利。 (2)有些人喜欢住在农村。 (3)我认为 Sme epe ikeii i te cy because cty life anyconvenncesadvantaes. They hin thr are oreob opptunities in ities,liing ther is me colorfu and eanngf thn tti thecountry,andhre are ore mod convnienc initie for eo t enoy. ut

2、 some otherpeople pfer to v hecountryid. Tysyi i he countysi s closr to nature ,bettr fr theiealhand is quiter adttcountry poe ae mreonest than ty peole.I would like to livn a ctywhenIam ont earenough moneynd I live i he countryside hen am old fr avn a quit life.2. aving and Sending Moy过去与现在存钱与花钱现象的

3、对比。 针对现象分析因素。 我的见解。Accordig to a statisical tudy, sveral yeas ago, peopl spent mortn hlf f thei toal income on fd. Afte tat, t trid teir be veth ret. Now, i ontras, heyspend ore thn wha they sav.Mot peops incmesputin conmptin ofclthe, rean, trel, ineste, education, etcheeae evera resns why people us

4、 heir ony iffeentlyinth patand presen. irst, it is dueto pepesiing standardIepas,mt pole idn have uch let fter they considered trdaly expens. Teefre, it ofte requird arof vngs by one o the neesarosehod ppiances. ow,pels ivng standard habee ased grealy, ad t ca afrd pensveting lke house or cild-eucat

5、ion. Thecaalsonjoyvariety f receins. The second raon lies i peopls ideoy and tei life yle. In th ps, hy mus save up hei own moey cent by cn to buy nting tey antd. Nowadays,teydare sped moy thatleaned tomorw thruh loan, nstlln r mortage.Fiall, eople ca ejoy long holdays anthey dd eore.ael agencie, bi

6、g shp anstock marketall arouse eopl desire to consue.A to m opinion, wesulddivde wt weve gotio three parts:on for invetme,oe fr avingand n or pndng, Olyn thisay caefeel secue if oe otm comet nothing one day ockefelr nc sid,“Dnt utll your eggs n one baskt.”【范文解析】 这是一篇议论文。第一段,作者运用对比法说明了过去与现在人们关于存钱与花钱的

7、不同表现。第二段运用列举法说明导致这一现象的因素。最后一段说明自己的见解。3. Which t Prefer, Healh or Weath? 健康与财富,哪一个更重要? 阐明理由。 得出结论。I I wee ake t choos etweenhealh nd wealth, Iwouldprefr health oealh, fr I hik nothigismrevaluab tn helth.Ters a saying: “Good ealhi the est wealth” Although money cnbrinmch to us, it mans otigto one whoi

8、s t in go health. A pers who sin or health can omak good e o abilities r rihes, n wilgralyose al hi iterest i lie duetollness Money ca buy many hing, buti can not uy oohelt and hppines. O th cotrry, fone is strog, een toug es notric, h can ty his est to overcomall saes lying ahe of himan aciev suces

9、s oe da.Therefor alh ith udaton of ons ftre succssnd health i happiness.In oneword, ealth is boveealth, usty evr means kep it. ealth is the mo vabe osssion one can have.No ne cnafford t lse it.【范文解析】 这是一篇议论文,第一段直接阐明自己的观点:健康比任何东西都更珍贵。第二段作者从正反两个方面论述健康比财富重要,身体不好不能实现自己的抱负,金钱无法填补这一缺陷;反之健康能给人带来成功和幸福及财富。最后

10、一段作者总结观点,强调健康胜于财富,告诉人们应想尽办法保持身体健康。4.How o Make Goo se ofCoege Li 大学生活是我们一生中的重要时期但有些同学不爱惜我们应成分运用在大学的时光oleelie iste mst imprtat perioiou leI hi specil eiod, eget ourseswll pepareoth enallyn phicay fr our future. Wearn ot only rombook b als put o book kowldge inopractce throughvarius socil ctivs. Meanw

11、hil, we mak our life-log fendsho would be of grthein th futur.ut somsdetdo ot chrish the precious college life The o not know the im of ducaton and theiresonsibility frthe sociy. Thy usuallyspnd msto thei time an nery on aciviies which ae no relvnttotheir tdy. As arsu,thywsttheirolleg feThrefore,wes

12、uld akethe bt se cle lie.We hould fist nw our responsibiitfr he society.We souldasoreali thao a tudn, the priot should la b given to stuy. Bsi,collee sudtsshoud prticipe in eficil scialctivtis to wdewledge andto enihexperence范文解析:这是一篇论说文。一方面提出文章论点并给出充足的理由支持该论点。第二段用反证的方法再次强调应当爱惜大学生活。第三段得出结论并给出合理的建议我们应当如何运用大学生活。整篇文章层次分明,有理有据有建议,论述充足。5. Sports Aoteveryboy lkessprt Peope iiffertplaes lie different sort s fr me,Amost evrod lks e in fsrs nowaday Sotsareno lnger iite a few professional sportsen. In fce, habecom the mostpopular form o rcation an relaxation. Tis


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