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1、Unit3 Language in use课题: Module9 Friendship Unit3 Language in use.【自主学习】一翻译下列句子。1.你能说明之后发生了什么吗?_2.你知道他为什么那样对你吗?_3.你能告诉我为什么它与众不同吗?_4.我不知道她是谁?_5.我问他为什么那天冲我笑_二.语法一、whether/if引导的宾语从句从句如果用 whether 或 if 来引导,表示“是否”。例如:He does not know whether they will plant trees on Saturday or not.He asks whether/if we w

2、ill go fishing on Sunday.注意:if与whether引导宾语从句时都有“是否”的意思,一般情况下可以互换。但是在动词不定式之前、介词之后或者句尾有or not出现时,一般只能用whether。 e.g. We havent decided whether to go or not. The old woman asked me whether/if I knew the way to the bank.二、疑问词引导的宾语从句。1. 用when,where,how或why等疑问词引导,这是从句意思表达的需要。2. 在疑问词引导的宾语从句中,一定要用陈述句语序。例如:I

3、want to know where he will go tomorrow.宾语从句三要素:语序、时态、引导词”用适当的单词补全句子。1. Could you explain _ happened then?2. Can you tell me _ shes different?3. Could I ask _ youve mentioned this to her?4. Do you know _ she treats you like that?5. I did not know _ she was.6. I asked her _ she smiled at me that day.学

4、习重点能阅读介绍友谊的文章并能写简单的文章学习难点if,whether,who,what,how,why,where,when引导的宾语从句学习过程(学案)备注二【合作探究】(模块重点词组及句子)1. 此刻at the moment 2. 带口信,稍个口信take a message 3. 分开 get separated 4. 保持联系 stay in touch5. 起初,首先 at first 6. 满怀自信feel sure of oneself7. 查明,找出 find out 8. 后悔做某事 regret doing 9. 对某人有耐心 be patient with sb 10

5、. 向某人解释 explain to sb 11. 没问题 no problem 12. 参加(活动)join in 13. 寻求,请求 ask for 14. 拒绝做某refuse to do sth15. 向某人介绍某人introduce sb to sb 16. 鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do sth17.一天天地,渐渐地day by day 18.黏在一起stick together like glue 19.安静in silence 20.初秋the early autumn 21.为某人担心worry about 22.被埋藏的宝藏a hidden treasu

6、re23.转身,调头,回转turn back 24.觉得孤独feel lonely 25.没说一句话without a word 26.在某人的朋友圈in ones circle of friends1) 我和我最好的朋友之间出了点问题 I have problems with my best friend.2) 我们分开了,但保持联系。We got separated,but we stayed in touch3) 或许她在新学校对自己不太自信。Maybe she doesnt feel sure of herself in her new school.4) 我敢肯定她后悔伤害了你。I am sure she regrets hurting you. 5) 对她耐心点,要向她解释她也可以和你的其他朋友交朋友。 Be patient with her and explain to her that she can she can make friends with your other friends too.6)我会鼓励她多加入到我们中来。Ill encourage her to join more. 课后反思:


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