江苏省江阴市河塘中学 九年级上学期第三次月考含听力

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江苏省江阴市河塘中学 九年级上学期第三次月考含听力_第1页
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1、江苏省江阴市河塘中学2015-2016学年九年级上学期第三次月考 考试时间为120分钟。试卷满分110分。第卷 (客观题 共70分)一、听力测试 (本大题共20分,每小题1分)第一节(共10小题)听下面10段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。听第1至10段材料,回答第一至10题。1.What are they talking about ?2.Where is the mans father?3.Whats the mans suggestion?4.What did the

2、boys mum buy yesterday?5. How much do the notebooks cost?A. 6 yuan. B. 16 yuan. C. 60 yuan.6. Which subject does the boy have some difficulty in?A. ChineseB. EnglishC. Maths. 7. Why do they wear the strange glasses?A. Because they like them. B. Because they can keep their eyes safe.C. Because they w

3、ant to be cool.8. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. In a shop. B. In a bank.C. In a restaurant. 9. What is Tom going to do after supper? A. He is going to get ready for his talk.B. He is going to take a walk with the woman.C. He is going to give a talk on environment.10. What

4、do we learn from the story? A. There are many rainy days in May in the world. B. They are preparing to go to the mans hometown.C. The weather is nice, but it is very cold.第二节(共10小题)听下面3段长对话和短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。读两遍。听第1段对话,回答第11至12小题。11.How many times

5、has the boy read the novel ?A. Never B. Twice C. Three times12.What will the girl probably do ?A. She will borrow the novel B. She will go to buy the novel.C. She will work in the bookshop听第1篇短文,回答第13至15小题。 The two rooms FloorOn the _ floorHave a good look at the beach PriceThe price for each room i

6、s _ each night BreakfastBreakfast is free from 7:00 to _13Asecond Bthird Cfourth14A$200 B.$300 C$40015. A730 B8:30 C9:30听第2篇短文,回答第16至20小题。16.Where did Mr. Read live? A. Near a small hotel.B. Near the sea.C. In a big city.17.Why did Mr. Reads relatives like to stay at his house in summer? A. Because

7、they could spend less money.B. Because Mr. Read invited them.C. Because the hotels there were not comfortable.18.When did Mr. Reads sister want to come for a visit? A. In June.B. In July.C. In August.19.How long did Mr. Reads sister and her family plan to stay? A. For a week.B. For half a month.C. F

8、or ten days.20.How did Mr. Reads neighbour prevent his relatives from coming to his home? A. He lent money to them and then asked them to stay in a hotel.B. He asked his relatives to pay for their living.C. He borrowed money from the rich relatives and then lent it to the poor ones.二、单项填空 在A、B、C、D四个

9、选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (本大题共14分,每小题1分)1. Its not good idea to drive for four hours without break .A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a2. _ Amy likes to go to the cinema, but she doesnt like to see horror films. A. Since B. As C. Though D. 不填3. The _ documentary describes _ in the future. A. two hou

10、rs; how Wu Xi will be like B. two-hours; what Wu Xi will be like C. two-hour; how Wu Xi will be D. two hours; what Wu Xi will be like 4. -Look! That man looks like Mr. Brown. -It _be him, for he _to America. A. cant; has gone B. may not; has gone C. mustnt; has been D. cant; has been5. Lets go fishi

11、ng if it _this weekend. But nobody knows if it_. A. is fine; will rain B. will be fine; rains C. is fine; rains D. will be fine; will rain6. He lives to Joy, and in the factory he works with her as well. A closely;closely B close;closely C close;close D closely;close 7. Could you tell me _ ?A. what

12、she had done with the newspapers B. how we can call this ladyC. what is wrong with the little boy D. which gate I should go 8. Things are _ on Mars _ on Earth because of gravity.A. much lighter; than that B. much lighter; than thoseC. not so light; as that D. not so light; as those9. Rather than_ to

13、 school by bus, he preferred_ a bike.A. to go; to ride B. go; riding C. going; to ride D. go; to ride10. The National Sports Meeting will be covered _ tomorrow evening. A. life B. alive C. living D. live11. Many teenagers like to do what their parents mind _ they have grown up. A. showing B. to show C. showed D. show12. A large number of Hollywood movies _ in China every year. The number of imported (进口) Hollywood movies in 2014 _ 34.A. are shown; is B. are shown; are C. is shown; is D. is shown; are13. Ten _ the fans voted online for their favourite singers. A. tho


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