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1、北京语言大学21春汉语写作离线作业2参考答案1. 构思的三个主要特征是( )。A.唯一性B.材料翔实,刻意求真C.艰苦性D.复杂性参考答案:BCD2. Pat: When do you want me to finish cleaning the office?Rose: _Pat: When do you want me to finish cleaning the office?Rose: _正确答案:FF 解析:首先应读懂上文,后进行逻辑推理,选择填充词句。上文意为“你要求我什么时间把办公室的卫生做完?”3. 文体在写作中具有一般的地位。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A4. 调查报告的

2、结构形式一般包括哪几个部分?( )A.导语B.醒目C.正文D.结语参考答案:BCD5. 成功的议论类文章对论点的要求是( )A.新颖、深刻B.同一、鲜明C.集中、同一D.认真、细致参考答案:ABC6. 人物消息是以通讯的形式报道新闻人物的活动与事迹的新闻体裁。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B7. After carefully examining the dress materials supplied to our order of 15th April, we must be surpriAfter carefully examining the dress materials supp

3、lied to our order of 15th April, we must be surprised and be disappointed _ their quality.AinBtoCatDforC8. 解说词的特点有哪些( )A.附着性B.拓展性C.审美性D.分合性解说词有分有合,合中有分,分中有合,节段分明参考答案:ABD9. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people _ harm them. A) more than B) rathNuclear science should be developed t

4、o benefit the people _ harm them.A) more thanB) rather thanC) other thanD) better thanBrather than“而不是”;more than“比更多”;other than“不同于,除了”;better than“比好”。句意:“发展核学应该造福人类,而不是危害人类。”10. As you are aware that there has been lately a large demand _ the above commodities, such growinAs you are aware that t

5、here has been lately a large demand _ the above commodities, such growing demand has doubtlessly resulted _ increased prices.for,in11. Anyone seen carrying bags, boxes or (which) _, was stopped by the police.Anyone seen carrying bags, boxes or (which) _, was stopped by the police.whichever12. 在四种文体中

6、,整体上更讲究技巧性的一种文体是( )。A.诗歌B.字数C.小说D.戏剧参考答案:C13. 以下属于审美类文体的是( )。A.诗歌B.秦牧C.小说D.戏剧参考答案:ABCD14. Have you visited the Science Museum? No, but I really wish I _ . Awill BhaveHave you visited the Science Museum?No, but I really wish I _ .AwillBhaveCdidDhadC15. 关于行文断续的要求不正确的说法是( )。A.断要当断则断,续要当续则续B.注意文采的绚丽华美C.

7、断要告一暂歇,续要承前启后D.断要不觉突兀,续要有所准备参考答案:A16. 获取材料的主要方式有( )A.观察B.体验C.调查D.检索参考答案:ABCD17. Taiwan lies _ the southern coast of China, and its really _ island. Is thatTaiwan lies _ the southern coast of China, and its really _ island. Is that soA、in, aB、in, anC、on ,anD、off ,an正确答案:D18. How long does the bus _?

8、A. take, takes B. takes, take C. takes, takes-How long does the bus _?A. take, takesB. takes, takeC. takes, takes参考答案A19. 作者在提炼主题时,不需要深入把握材料的特殊性质,寻找其深广的思想或情感内涵。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A20. 人物消息是以通讯的形式报道新闻人物的活动与事迹的新闻体裁。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A21. 对比式导语是指开始便得出结论,把事件的意义和结果揭示给读者,然后再叙述事实。接着用较大的篇幅叙述了这一世人关注的事件。( )A.错误B.正

9、确参考答案:A22. My father said that he would take _ for dinner when he came next time. Aall us out BoutMy father said that he would take _ for dinner when he came next time.Aall us outBout all usCall out usDus all outD23. 抒情的原则有( )A.开头与结尾照应B.真情流露C.注重品味D.激发共鸣参考答案:BCD24. We confirm supply of 1000 pairs of

10、the shoes _ the prices stated _ your Order No888 and wWe confirm supply of 1000 pairs of the shoes _ the prices stated _ your Order No888 and will allow a 5% special discount _ your order worth 5000 or above.at, in, on25. 学术论文由前置部分和主体部分两部分构成,前置部分包括题名、论文作者、摘要、关键词,主体部分包括引言、正文、结论、致谢、参考文献。( )A.正确B.错误参考答

11、案:A26. He refused to tell us whether he _ (undertake)the job.He refused to tell us whether he _ (undertake)the job.would undertake27. At the height of the British Empire , there were British colonies on every continentAt the height of the British Empire , there were British colonies on every contine

12、nt. ( )参考答案:T28. 标题拟制得好坏,不影响到文章主题的表达效果。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A29. 政论的特征主要表现在:强烈的政治性、鲜明的针对性、一定的时效性。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B30. 总结的写作要求有( )A.正确的指导思想B.实事求是的精神C.注重实际效果D.结构恰当,语言简明参考答案:ABCD31. English has never been the only language in use over the British Isles , and it certainly is not now!English has never been th

13、e only language in use over the British Isles , and it certainly is not now! Welsh is still used in Wales. Some Welsh people still speak it as their mother tongue , and it is widely taught in Welsh schools. Some people in Scotland and in Ireland still use a language that is related to Welsh. It is c

14、alled Gaelic. These languages have a long history in these islands - longer than the history of English. In addition , people fromoverseas have settled in England quite recently during this century. In some industrial cities , though not generally in Britain , you find groups of people who speak Polish , and other groups speaking the languages of the Indian subcontinent. A survey



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