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1、Unit 2VI. Cloze1. developed2. disti ncti on3. fears4. arms5. works6. fissi on7. times8. that9. which10. pote ntial11. for12. eleme nts13. state14. emitti ng15. example16. years17. that18. with19. en ergy20. MuchUnit 4Keys to exercisesVI. Tran slati on:1. Asked about her next door neighbors honesty b

2、y the police, Put it this way, Mrs. Smith answered, he is anything but a person to be counted on.,2. I dont remember his exact words, but Im sure he did say something to that effect.3. Thank you for your application. We will be writing to you in detail in due course.4. The bitter experienee of the p

3、ast few years has shown that prosperity lies in unity and cooperati on.5. The country was on its way to an economic renewal, but then an earthquake in terve ned.6. It is clear that German fascists were trying to put the people in thatregi on un der their domin atio n.7. Parents of young children oft

4、en become depressed, and this is especially true of sin gle pare nts.8. Knowing what had happened, I avoided making any referenee to weddings.9. He seems to be devoid of any compassion whatsoever.10. The pace of trading slackened in times of recession.VIII.I- 5: took settling as6-10: architect after

5、wardII- 15: message dominant 16-20: master displayedIX.resist in spirerlink foresaw min ded less intense with comb in ati on sta nds but1. e5. sites6. make9. They10.catalogs13. locati on14.customers17. most18.before3. and4.sellers7. a8.it11 .can12.have15. with16.c on sumers19. going20. duplicateUnit

6、 5 The LoonsIII.1. cropped up2. put up3. flared up4. brought up5. hanging about6. hanged back7. hanging down8. carried . back9. act out10.hanging on to11.seized upon12.adhere toIV.1. a rough and noisy quarrel or fight2. very much3. Tm absolutely sure4. Why should I care? (Why is that important?)5. I

7、 am not supposed to do more walking than necessary.6. things like that7. what exactly8. Are you crazy or what? my father and I and the others9. first class, name10. excelle ntV.1. grabbed my purse2. lure3. stifled4. howling5. swung6. thrashed7. teetered8. squawking even once9. squashed10. scrambled1

8、1. flickeredVII.1. Only after her mothers death did the daughter realize that she was beg inning to un dersta nd her mother.2. She is a quiet person who does not enjoy others company.3. The sec ond gen eratio n of immigra nts are still marg in alized, bel ongingn either among the white society, nor

9、among the Chin ese America n com muni ty.4. The American couple put him up on the sofa in the living room for the night.5. This important news failed to find its way into the newspaper.6. These magnificent and ingenious things are displayed there to the bestadvantage for the admiration and temptatio

10、n of the public.7. The inhabitants in this neighbor were annoyed by the sporadic electricity supply.8. Compared with best sellers, profits from poetry are negligible.9. He is a little obstinate, but he is otherwise quite suitable for the post.10. With a flash of inspiration I saw what the answer mus

11、t be.IX.1. occupants 2. annihilated 3. from 4. year 5. massacre6.7. great 8. assass in ated 9. pay 10. rema iningplace11. refuge 26oos Who12. cavalry 13. overlooking 14. turn 15. firedooa2C27. 2.P2ess18cOV43. 9-4.WoT31itsoverX.7. becomi ng 8. which 9. of10.W6$ervediffere need1.12.13. mai nstream 14.

12、 behavior 15.fie117. cultivation! crops 19.20. mea nin gsUnit 7VI. Tr.1. He was obsessed with the fear of poverty.2. The old writer shaped the folktale into a film scenario/script.3. The history course has acqua in ted me with an cie nt civilizatio ns.4. In the end he succumbed to her persuasion and

13、 decided to change hisorig inal pla n.5. Many children succumbed to smallpox then.6. It was reported that after the resignation of the former Prime Minister, the political la ndscape in the country was teem ing with un rest and turbule nee.7. - “ Has nt he started his compositi on yet? Its due tomor

14、row-Thats Peter all over.8. Much to his horror, he found the cab in flooded.9. They made detailed investigations to acquaint themselves with the needs of the rural market.10. Long after the panic and the pain had passed, she was haunted by the experie nee.VIII.1. as2. there3. ourselves4. responses5. what6. of7. to8. today9. the10. other11. what12. argue13. schools14. who15. such16. take17. about18. you19. aware20. liste n


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