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1、散货船装卸船/岸安全检查表SHISHORE SAEY CHELSTFoLoadngor Ulodig D BulCaro Cariers船名Shis nam日期ate港口Por码头emnalQua泊位水深Avalble ethf water beth最小水上高度*Minimum Air draugt*到港吃水(读数/计算) Arrivdraught(a/caculated)水上高度Ai rauht计算出港吃水alculated epartuedught水上高度Airdagh本表应由船长、码头负责人或其代表共同填写;填写内容参见所附指南*。操作的安全规定所有问题做肯定回答并在方格内相应标记;否则

2、应写明因素。并且,船方与码头应达到采用的避免措施的合同。如某一条不合用,则填写“/A”并注明因素。The Master and terinalmaage,r teir represetativ, shoul cmplte heheckl joiny Avie on oinstoe onsidere i gve inthe accopyng guidlinesh saty o peatosrequirs hat aluetonshou be answeed affirmatieanthe boxs tcked.If this i no possibe, th reason hl gie, ada

3、grement eaced upn precation o be tken betee ship d termial. f usio s conideedtobe t ppliab te “N/A”,xplainig hy i prpriat.*注:详见散货船装卸安全操作规则及船员和码头人员对散货船检查指南附件4-船岸安全检查项目表填写指南序号NO项 目Item船方hip码头Trminal备注Remak1.泊位水深及水上高度与否适合货品装卸?Is theeth of water at te berh, anthe ir drgh, aequae fo thecaropertion?系泊设备与否

4、适合本地所有潮汐、海流、天气、通航及船舶离靠港的影响?re morin arrngementsadeqate foall local fetsftie, curnt, weater, traic ad rftalogie?3.紧急状况下船舶与否可以随时离开码头? mergn,is the shipae t leave the berth an tim?4.船舶与码头之间的通路与否安全?Istre afe access betee te shi and the harf?由船方/码头(不合用者划去)负责Tend bySi/Tmil(crs t he aproprat)5.船方码头批准的通信系统与

5、否有效?s the agee hip/terial communaios ystm operative?通信方式 Communcati mthod 语言 anguae 无线电话频道/电话号码 Radio chanes/poenumber6.操作时通信联系人员与否可以辨认?Are the liion cntact peronduringoperatnspsiielyidntified?船方联系人员 Shi ntct peros 岸上联系人员 Shreconta person () 位置 Locato 7.船上及码头与否配备足够解决紧急状况的人员?Areadequt crw n bard, and

6、 dequatsaf i te termina, forerency?8与否准备或筹划进行加油操作?Hav ny buneringoperatns enviedand red?9船舶靠港期间与否准备或筹划对码头或船舶进行修理?Hve y intended rpar to haf or ship whst aongsde bn avisd an aged?0.与否接受由于货品装卸操作导致损坏的报告和记录程序?Haa roceuefo eprtng and ecoring dmage from aro opeations ben ree?11 船上与否具有港口和码头规定(涉及安全和防污染规定及应急

7、措施)的副本?Hatheship ben rovided with opso pt and eml regulaions,including safety d pllutionreqireentsanddetails f emerenyservices?2.托运人与否向船长提供SLS 等 VI章规定所述的货品性质?Ha theshierroded the astrwiththe propets th crgo n ccordance wth requiremens f hpeI ofO.13.对于也许需要进入的货舱和围闭处所,其空气与否安全?熏蒸货品与否标明?船方和码头对需要进行大气监控与否达

8、到一致?s heaosphere safin holdsand enclosed spc to whichaces ay be required, e fumigatd cargoes been entiie, and hate eed fr onitor o atmspe bee agreed by ship and emial?14.货品装卸能力和每台装卸货机运营限制与否已告知船方/码头?Hav th ca aning capacit n any limts ftravl r ach loadr/ulode bee psed to thesh/termina?装货机 Loader 装货机

9、Lder 装货机 Lad 15对于装货排压载或卸货/加压载在各个阶段的装卸货操作筹划与否已经计算?Has aagloding or nloading an be cacated forall stages o ldng baltrunloding/alsi?筹划副本持有人C lodged th 1.装卸货筹划中与否已经清晰地阐明作业货舱,与否标明作业顺序及每次作业货舱转移的货品级别和吨数?av thehols to e worke been clearly idntiied nthe oadi or unloadingpla,shwing t sece ofwrk, and tga nd on

10、age cargobetransferredatie thold s orked?17已经讨论货品与否需要平舱?其措施和范畴与否已获得一致?Hs theeed o trimming o cron te hold ee dscused, n emethoanexet bee rd?1.船方和码头与否理解并接受如果压载和货品作业失调,货品装卸将暂停直到压载操作调节正常?Do bothsp d trmil understand nd accpt tht ifth bllt rogam becoe ouof step with e cargo peaton,lle ncessar to susend carooeraton untl he ballst opeat has caup?19.船方与否已经懂得并批准卸货时移去遗留货品的预定程序?Hav he tendedpceduesr removng cgo resdu ded th hols whie uloadng, ben expaedto te ship and acceptd? 20.船舶最后纵平衡程序与否已确立并获得一致意见?Havete ocedurs adjust e inal rim othe lodng shi been decidedandagreed?码头传播系统传播记录的吨数 nnge eld b



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