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1、Book5 Unit1 复习资料姓名 _班级 _1、词汇A、单词拼写(根据句意及所给首字母写出正确的单词)1. The bell rang, a_ the end of the class.2. The hurricane lasted a week, causing millions of d_.3. The new railway station under c_ will be completed by the end of the year.4. It is Mary rather you who is to b_ for the accident.5. Mary is advised

2、 to have her eyes e_ without delay.6. A_ _ the conference is a great honor to him.7. It took the firemen ten hours to bring the fire under c_ _.8. You must be very careful to h_ such a complex case.9. Simon Lee was a famous footballer but his career came to an end when he developed a s_ disease.10.

3、Tom is so c_ _ a driver as never causes accidents.B、用所给单词或词组的正确形式填空。put forward,contribute to,instruct,confuse, strikeinvent,reject, make up,apart from,determine1.The boy should have been punished for using an _ name.2.Eating too much sugar can_ health problem.3.The applicant was rather upset for be

4、ing _by the firm.4._ being too big, the color of the skirt doesn t suit me either.5.The suggestion _at the meeting is under discussion.6.The boy is always _excuses for being late.7.The man left the office angrily, _ never to return.8.A storm is likely to _ our city tomorrow.9.A group of soldiers wer

5、e _to keep order at the station.10. As we get old, we can easily get _.2、 语法 (用过去分词作表语和定语补充完整下列句子)A) 完成句子翻译。1. 那位退休工人建议我多喝开水。The _worker advised me to drink more _ _water.2. 他脸上失望的表情表明计划下个月的旅行已被取消。The _ _ _look on his face suggested the trip _ _for next month has beencalled off.3. 令母亲担心的是,我昨天在足球比赛中摔

6、伤了右腿。To my mother s great worry, I _ _ _ _in the right leg in the match yesterday.4. 在这个工厂,工人是按计件拿工资的。In the factory, the workers get _the piece.5. 他父亲写的科学书籍很畅销The science book _his father sells well.6. 如果伤口继续暴露在外面,它就会感染的。If the wound remained _ _, it will get _ _.7. 输了比赛的那个男孩在埋头看书。The boy _ _ in th

7、e match was _ _ in reading books.18. 接受医生检查的那个女孩患了重病。The girl _ _ _ _the doctor suffered from a bad illness.9. 我们学校东边的那条被污染的河整天发出难闻的气味。The _ _ river _ _to the east of our school smells terrible all day.10. 当他听说了偶然中发现的这种物质时,这位教授感到异常激动。_about the substance _ _by accident, the professor felt most_ .B)

8、根据括号内单词的正确形式填空1. Will you attend the meeting _ (give) by Steven.2. _ (absorb) herself in the enquiry, she, finally, found out some supporting statistics.3. _ (announce) with certainty that the polluted water was to blame, he then instructed the company not to expose people to polluted water.4. With

9、a large amount of clothes _ (wash), I should go to the laundry right now.5. John snow, _ (dress) in black suit, is an expert physician of Queen Victoria.6. Mrs. White showed her students some old maps _ _ (borrow) from the library.7. Annie Salmon, disabled, is attended throughout her school days by

10、a nurse _ (appoint) to guard her.8. The specialist _ _ (refer to) at the meeting will give us a lecture next week.9. _ (open) in 1955, Disneyland in California is regarded by many as the regional fun park.10. Last night, there were millions of people _(watch)the opening ceremony liveon TV.3.用所学知识翻译下

11、列句子1.她提出的音乐会应该要推迟的建议被大部分人所接受了。(put off)_2. 经过 snow 的努力,最终霍乱终于被打败了。(defeat)_3. 对中学生而言,让自己长时间暴露于电脑游戏是不明智。(it is unwise,.expose to.)_4. 目前,人们对于癌症还是没有有效的治疗方法。(a cure for )_5. 沉浸在如何解这道数学题,她并没有注意到身边发生的事情。(absorb oneself in)_6. 证据表明,污染的水是霍乱的罪魁祸首。(be to blame )_7. 爸爸对开车很谨慎(be cautious about)_8. 只有你努力学习才能被大学录取(Only ifbe admitted into._9.贼进来了,手被绑在后面。(with )_10.工作太多而休息太少往往会导致疾病。(lead to)_



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