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1、EUnit2 Witnessing time exercise第一节:单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1_ Xrays were first discovered by _ German scientist , Wilhelm K. Rontgen, in 1895, almost by _ accident.A/, a , / YCYBThe , a, an CThe , the , /D/, the , the 2Our class will certainly win the tug-of-war , because all the classmates

2、 are highly _ .Aselected Bfocused Cmotivated Dpromoted 3Most artists care more for the _ success of their research than their physical conditions .Acultural Bcommercial Cclassical Dacademic 4Recently in Taiwan , the manufacturing industry has _the information industry .Afound a way to Bchanged the w

3、ay of Cgiven way to Dhad a way of 5Has she done her weeks washing ? _ , Ill ask her to see a film tonight .AIf so BIf not CIf any DIf anything 6Toms got a first in English in the monthly test . _ is no wonder that he looks so happy these days .AIt BThere CWhat DThat 7Can you give me the right answer

4、 ? Sorry, I _Would you repeat that question ?Ahadnt listened Bhavent listened Cdont listen Dwasnt listening 8California has more electricity than it knows _ it , but everything else is very expensive .Awhat to do Bwhat to do with Chow to do Dhow to do with 9Lindsey , youve never been to the Great Wa

5、ll since you came to China , Im afraid ? _ ANo, Ive just been there with Rebecca .BYes , never . How about you ?CNo, but how I wish to someday . DYes , but Id like to have .10Its not _books you read but the way _ you read them that decides how successfully you gain knowledge .Aa number of ; in which

6、 Bthe number of ; /Ca good many ; which Dquite a few ; in which 11Im sorry we are late . _ Well, I got the time wrong and when we arrived at the station, the train had just left .AIt doesnt matter. BHow did that happen?CTheres no excuse . DWhat a pity!12Mary _ my letter , otherwise she would have re

7、plied before now .Ahas received Bought to have received Cshouldnt have received Dcouldnt have received 13Bird flu , a contagious disease of animals , is believed_ by viruses that normally infect only birds and less commonly pigs , and rarely humans .Acaused Bbeing caused Cto be caused Dto have cause

8、d 14The police got to _ was once an old school _ the peasants used as a store .Awhat , that YCY Bwhere , which Cwhere , that Dwhich , where 15This is the last chance to go abroad for further education, dont _.Atake it away Bgive it away Cput it away Dthrow it away 第二节 完型填空阅读下面短文,撑握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个

9、选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项How would you like to do a weeks worth of grocery shopping in ten minutes ? Rather than 16 the kids into the minivan (小型货车) on shopping day , you can send them out to play and 17 our shopping from the comfort of your 18 . Thousands of 19 people have traded their shopping carts for

10、 20 . Rather than fighting the crowds in the Chicago and san Francisco areas , they log on (登录) to the Peapod , an online shopping and delivery 21 .Peapod is giving us glimpse into the future of shopping virtual store . Peapod is a pioneer in a rapidly 22 industry that is devoted to 23 us to buy alm

11、ost 24 from our PC. Peapod subscribers (订户) go shopping at the 25 grocery store by logging on to a 26 that lets them interactively shop for grocery items . Rather than running from aisle (过道) to 27 , you simply point and click around the screen for the 28 you want . Once online you can choose from o

12、ver 20,000 items, 29 prices , view images of products , check out store specials , and choose delivery time that fits your schedule .Peapods online shopping system is linked directly to its partner stores computer systems. 30 you send your shopping list to Peapod, an order is transmitted to the near

13、est partner store . A professionally trained shopper takes your order, grabs a shopping cart , and 31 your shopping for you . The professional shopper takes a small part of the time you 32 take because the list is ordered by aisle and the shopper knows exactly what to get. Food is delivered 33 tempe

14、rature-controlled containers .The Peapod system has made life easier for a great many people . It has 34 saved them time and money . Working parents gladly trade shopping time for more time with the kids .The virtual supermarket is sure to change the 35 we shop .16Acarrying Bleading Cloading Ddirecting 17Ado Bcarry Cgo Dmake 18Aoffice Bhome Cbusiness Dcompany 19Abusy Bfree Chard-working Dlazy 20Ashopp


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