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1、历年工商银行笔试真题一、行测单元1.明代工艺品的名字大都先强调年号,然后再强调东西本身。但景泰蓝不是在景泰年间出现,而是在元代就出现了。到了景泰年间,皇家的重视使它_,因此有了今天这样一个通俗易懂且带有文学色彩的名字景泰蓝。填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )A.名声大噪 B.享誉中外C.声名鹊起 D.如日中天2.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是( )A.从人们早就耳濡目染的传统曲目天仙配女驸马,到让人耳目一新的现代佳作徽州女人、雷雨,这一发展历程表现出黄梅戏艺术旺盛的生命力。B.我省有关部门负责人多次就环境保护问题发表讲话,旨在加大环境监督的执法力度,强化环境保护的参与意识,因为环境与我


3、家”。“专家”只是掌握专门知识之人,而“大师”才是继往开来之人。缺乏“大师”,是学术危机的基本征象。这段话支持的观点是( )。A.没有“大师”,社会就不可能进步B.社会关注错位,并不存在所谓的“大师”C.人为的学科分割导致了社会缺乏“专家”和“大师”D.“专家”不一定是“大师”,而“大师”必然是一个“专家”4. 2,3,13,175,( )A.30625 B.30651 C.30759 D.309525.一个三位数除以9 余7,除以5 余2,除以4 余3,这样的三位数共有( )。A.5 个 B.6 个 C.7 个 D.8 个6.价格歧视是指企业以不同价格把同样的物品卖给不同顾客,尽管对每个顾客

4、的生产成本是相同的。根据以上定义,下面不属于价格歧视的是( )。A.厂家在报刊上赠送折扣券B.买两个同样的商品打8 折C.电影票对儿童和老人优惠D.厂家低价销售次品7.比喻拟人( )A.报纸课本 B.冰箱洗衣机C.金丝猴香蕉 D.月球月亮8.遇到高温时,房屋建筑材料会发出独特的声音。声音感应报警器能够精确探测这些声音,提供一个房屋起火的早期警报,使居住者能在被烟雾困住之前逃离。由于烟熏是房屋火灾人员伤亡最通常的致命因素,所以安装声音感应报警器将会有效地降低房屋火灾的人员伤亡。下列哪一个假设如果正确,最能反驳上面的论述?( )A.声音感应报警器广泛使用的话,其高昂成本将下降B.在完全燃烧时,许多

5、房屋建筑材料发出的声音在几百米外也可听见C.许多火灾开始于室内的沙发座垫或床垫,产生大量烟雾却不发出声音D.在一些较大的房屋中,需要多个声音感应报警器以达到足够的保护9.排序:(1)受到奖励(2)改进工艺(3)传授他人(4)获得好评(5)节省原料A.25134 B.21543C.34251 D.3154210.从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性( )阅读下列资料,回答问题。2009 年全国“农民工总量”为22978 万人,比上年增加436 万人。其中“外出农民工”14533 万人,比上年增加492 万人。在外出农民工中,“住户中外出农民工”11567万人,比上

6、年增加385 万人;“举家外出农民工”2966 万人,比上年增加107 万人。与上年相比,2009 年以下四项的增长率最低的是( )A.“农民工总量” B.“外出农民工”C.“住户中外出农民工” D.“举家外出农民工”二、英语单元Directions A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Fouranswer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the

7、letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.12. The fibers of cotton fire hoses _ up enough water to keep them wetand protect them from the flames.A) soak B) searchC) succeeded D) spare13.I wrote to him two weeks ago, but he hasnt _ yet.A) replacing B) remindsC) reply D) replied14. Passengers

8、insert _ boarding passes into automatic pass readers.A) they B) themselves C) them D) their15. Dont stack the boxes so high; they might _ overA) fall B) be falling C)to fall D) had fallen16. Automobile manufacturers today have to spend more on engineering to improve their safety designs to _ up with

9、 industry standards.A) make B) clear C) keep D) holdDirections A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.Questions 17

10、-19 refer to the following letter.4Jill Meiki4569 Bellamont AveEdinburg, TX 78539(956)383-5914Dear Hiring Manager,I am writing in response to the advertisement in The Monitor seekingcandidates for the Project Coordinator position. I am 17._ interested in this position and would like to formally subm

11、it my resume for your review.My professional experience and knowledge precisely match the 18._specified in your advertisement.My background includes a wealth of experience in business administration,specifically in communications and marketing. Plus, my professional experience is supplemented by my

12、academic background, which includes formal training in Business Management and Communication. I believe I can contribute a great deal to your organization in terms of dedication and innovation. My drive and motivation to get the job done in an efficient and professional manner have proven beneficial

13、 to my past 19._, and I hope to show you what a true asset I can be.17. A) hardly B) barelyC) extremely D) just18. A) qualifiers B) qualifications C) quality D) qualify19. A) background B) business ; C) education D)employersDirections In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) o



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