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1、沈阳市实验中学北校2014届高三12月月考英语第一部分 单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)21. _beautiesof_natureinspiredmanypoets.A.The;the B.A;a C.The;/ D./;the 22.“HaveyouallstudiedthepassageUsingtheMindagainstDisease?”“_.”A.Nobodyofushas B.NobodyofushaveC.Noneofushas D.Noneofusdid 23. As it is getting close to the Spring Festival, th

2、e _ in the street becomes more and more delightful.A.air B.atmosphere C.environment D.surrounding 24.Thenaturalresources,suchasmine,forest,andhydropowerinthatareahavebeen_.A.developed B.exploited C.improved D.expanded 25.Howbeautifullyshesang!Ihaveneverheard_song.A.thebetter B.abetter C.thebest D.ab

3、est 26. In the Great Depression, the American government couldnt find good solutions _ the unemployment problem.A.of B.to C.on D.about 27. Wasit_shesaidorsomethingthatshedid_youwereangryatsomuch? A.what;that B.that;whichC.that;whatD.what;which 28. She_hernotesbeforetheexaminationandtriedtorecitesome

4、importantpoints.A.lookedfor B.lookedup C.lookedthroughD.lookedinto 29. Themanagersdiscussedtheplanthattheywouldliketosee_thenextyear.A.carryout B.carryingout C.carriedout D.tocarryout sj.fjjy.org30. Tomissaid_anewmachineforourcompany,butIdontknowwhenhewillfinishit.A.todesign B.tobedesigningC.tohaveb

5、eendesigning D.tohavedesigned 31. -“Howdoyoulikethebook?”-“Itsquitedifferentfrom_Ireadlastmonth.”A.that B.which C.theone D.theonewhat 32. Mr.Green,whoisamemberofLaborParty,has_MrBrownasPresident.A.takenplace B.takentheplace C.inplaceof D.replaced 33.Thecompanyhasafreelong-distancetelephonenumber_cus

6、tomersmaycallwithanyquestionstheyhaveaboutitsproducts. A.although B.asC.evenif D.sothat 34. Many people_the topic on the Internet for some times, but there is still no clear agreement. A. will have discussed B. have been discussing C. were discussing D. had discussed35.Whyareyoudrivingsoslowly? _.Ic

7、antseeanything.Theressandeverywhere.A.Ihavenoidea B.ItcouldntbeworseC.ItsextremelyseriousD.Ithinkyoureabsolutelyright 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Today we had an American family, the Robinsons, for Sunday dinner. Mr. Robinson is my mothers co-worker.Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and their two young_36_ cam

8、e at about 6:00 pm. Mrs. Robinson gave Mum a bunch of fresh flowers,_37_ color, freshness and their good will. Mum did the _38_ and it was left to ourselves to get to know each other. The two girls Judy and Annie and Xiao Hong had _39_ fun with our little cat.Mrs. Robinson is much _40_ than her husb

9、and. There was a moment of embarrassment when Granny asked about her _41_. Mum was about to apologize_42_ Mrs. Robinson laughed and said it was quite all right and that she had been here _43_ enough to know its the Chinese custom. She _44_ told us that she was 32, though her husband was 52.And of co

10、urse they entirely _45_ the dinner. Like a perfect Chinese hostess, Mum and especially Granny, _46_ stuffing(填)them with food and urging them to eat and to drink, apologizing all the time that its a homely meal._47_, Mrs. Robinson said to Mum, “In the West any hostess would be proud of such a feast

11、instead of apologizing for it, and we dont urge the guests to eat or drink. _48_ so many good things before me, I certainly dont need any urging. The _49_ is how to prevent myself overeating.” We all _50_ laughter at that.36. A. sons B. babiesC. daughters D. friends37. A. bringing B. takingC. fetchi

12、ng D. adding38. A. decoration B. directionC. introduction D. reception39. A. powerful B. hopefulC. speechless D. endless40. A. older B. youngerC. thinner D. taller41. A. marriage B. ageC. belief D. salary42. A. while B. whenC. but D. and43. A. luckily B. happilyC. long D. short44. A. honestly B. graduallyC. excitedly D. loudly45. A. prepared B. tastedC. enjoyed D. swallowed46. A. continued B. stoppedC. suggested D. kept47. A. However B. BesidesC. Therefore D. Instead48. A. For B. WithC. Over D. As49.


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