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3、局的,对双方均有约束力。第九条其他约定事项:_出卖人(甲方):_买受人(乙方):_年_月_日英AGREEMENT TO PAY OVERDUE DEBT BY INSTALMENTSI/We _ agree that I/we am/are indebted to School Governing Council Incorporated (“the school”) for the sum of $_ and that I/we will pay this sum in accordance with the following terms:1. I/we will pay an insta

4、lment of $_ every week/fortnight/month.2. The first instalment must be in the hands of the Principal no later than 4:00 p.m. date.3. Every following instalment must be in the hands of the Principal no later than 4:00 p.m. on every Monday/every second Monday/the 1st day of every month until the full

5、amount of the debt is paid.4. Should two instalments not be paid on time, the Governing Council may, without any further notice, cancel this agreement and undertake legal proceedings to recover the sum outstanding.5. I/we agree to notify the school immediately if I/we change my/our address or teleph

6、one number. I/we understand that, if I/we do not notify the school of such a change, the school may, without any further notice cancel this agreement and commence legal action for recovery of the amount outstanding.6. This agreement will only be operative if a signed copy of it is in the hands of the Principal before the date stated in Paragraph 2 above.Name:_ (Parent/Caregiver)Signed: _Date _/_/_Name:_ (Parent/Caregiver)Signed: _Date _/_/_Signed and agreed by Principal _ Date:_/_/_


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