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1、 . . 外研版(一起)五年级英语下册期末复习题一、在下面各组画线部分读音相同的单词后画“”,不同的画“”1. plant , want() 2. lesson , these()3. social , borrow()4. wild , library()5. student , study() 6. flower , corner()7. active , trip() 8. classroom , room()9. radio , social()10. headache , speak()11. cold , old() 12. cough , mouse() 13. problem

2、, let()14. hundred , bus()15. toothache , cake()二、用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. Can I (borrow)your book , Tom? 2. She is good at (ride)a horse. 3. There (be)some toothpaste in it. 4. He(want)a book about animals. 5. Dont (speak)in Chinese. 6. You should take care of (he). 7. She doesnt feel today.(good) 8. How mu

3、ch the mirrors?(be) 9. Can I try on?(they) 10. Where your brothers bike?(be) 11. There is a lot of in the bag.(bread) 12. Tom a good idea.(have) 13. Come and the window.(open) 14. How are you (feel)now? 15. Dont (swim) in the river.三、单项选择:()1. I dont like this lamp . What about that_? A. one B. ones

4、 C. a D. lamps()2. I will _ this lamp . Here _ the money. A. get , are B. take , come C. take , is D. take , are()3. Can I have a look _ your watch? A. in B. to C. of D. at()4. _any paper on the desk. A. Are there B. Is there C. There isnt D. There arent()5. Listen _ the teacher . She is telling _ a

5、 story. A. to , to B. in , we C. to , us D. at , our()6. I want _exercises in the gym. A. do B. to do C. doing D. does()7. What can I do _ you? A. like B. in C. for D. of()8. Dont write _ the cloth. A. in B. at C. for D. on()9. He finishes _ his homework. A. do B. doing C. does D. are()10. There are

6、 many _ in the _ shop. A. apples , sport B. things , sports C. shoes , sports D. else , the()11. She can buy something _ money. A. for B. at C. in D. with()12. They paid _ these books . Now they have _ money. A. to , not B. for , no C. at , with D. of , at()13. Whats wrong _ you? A. of B. to C. with

7、 D. like()14. You have to take _ rest. A. a good B. boy C. girl D. children()15. Dont worry _ your lessons. A. in B. on C. about D. at()16. Some of _ have a book. A. they B. their C. he D. them()17. She is waiting _ her mother. A. to B. for C. at D. in()18. Dont talk _ class . Listen carefully. A. t

8、o B. at C. in D. for()19. We often play football _ the field. A. in B. on C. of D. for()20. Dont leave your things _ this. A. is B. like C. of D. for四、句型转换:1. Can the little boy swim in the river?(改为肯定述句)2. The walkman is sixty yuan.(就画线部分提问)3. We can do gymnastics in the gym.(就画线部分提问)4. We can go t

9、o the park next week.(就画线部分提问)5. Can your brother write in English?(改为肯定述句)6. There are some shorts in the bag.(改为肯定述句)7. My foot hurts.(就画线部分提问)8. Take the books to the room.(改为否定述句) 9. Do morning exercises.(改为否定述句) 10. I have a bad cold.(把主语变为she改写该句)五、连词成句:1. want , we , combs , some(.) 2. soap ,

10、 boys , and , want , some , girl , the(.) 3. wants , towel , he , a(.) 4. I , you , what , do , for , can(?) 5. mouth , open , please , your(.)6. my , hurt , arm(.) 7. have , you , stay , home , to , at(.) 8. you , head , can , your , lower(?) 9. will , lessons , help , I , you , English , with , yo

11、ur(.) 10. cherries , you , here , for , some , are(.)六、阅读理解:On a fine Saturday morning . Lily and Lucy get up at six thirty . They want to go to the Great Wall with their mother . At seven fifty they are in a big bus to the Great Wall . There are forty people in it . Some of them are Americans , som

12、e are English . There are two Chinese in the bus , too . One is a woman . She is driving the bus . The other is a young man . Hes now talking about the Great Wall in English . They are listening to him . At about nine oclock they get to the Great Wall.()1. Lily and Lucy want to go to the Great Wall_

13、. A. in a fine day B. on Sunday morningC. on Saturday morning D. in a cloudy morning()2. There are _English people in the bus. A. forty B. two C. some D. few()3. The young Chinese man is _now. A. driving the bus B. talking to the people C. listening to him D. doing nothing()4. They got to the Great Wall at abou


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