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1、高考英语作文过关的 12 种句型和 8 种强调方式1 .表示原因1) There are three reasons for this.2) The reasons for this are as follows.3) The reason for this is obvious.4) The reason for this is not far to seek.5) The reason for this is that.6) We have good reason to believe that.2 .表示好处1) It has the following advantages.2) It

2、 does us a lot of good.3) It benefits us quite a lot.4) It is beneficial to us.5) It is of great benefit to us.3 .表示坏处1) It has more disadvantages than advantages.2) It does us much harm.3) It is harmfulto us.4 .表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能1) It is important(necessary, difficult , convenient, possible)for sb.to

3、 do sth.2) We think it necessary to do sth.3) It plays an important role in our life.5 .表示措施1) We should take some effective measures.2) We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties.3) We should do our utmost in doing sth.4) We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)wi

4、th.6 .表示变化1) Some changes have taken place in the past five years.2) 2)A great change will certainly be produced in the world s communications.3) The computer has brought about many changes in education.7 .表示事实、现状1) We cannot ignore the fact that.2) No one can deny the fact that.3) There is no denyi

5、ng the fact that.4) This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in.5) However, that s not the case.8 .表示比较1) Compared with A, B.2) 2)I prefer to read rather than watch TV.3) There is a striking contrast between them.9 .表示数量1) It has increased(decreased)from.to.2) The population in this city

6、 has now increased (decreased)to 80,0000.3) The output of July in this factory increased by 15% compared with that of January.10 .表示看法1) People have(take, adopt, assume)different attitudes towards sth.2) People have different opinions on this problem.3) People take different views of(on)the question

7、.4) Some people believe that.Others argue that.11 .表示结论1) In short, it can be said that .2) It may be briefly summed up as follows.3) From what has been mentioned abov,e we can come to the conclusion that .12 .套语1) It s well known to us that .2) As is known to us, .3) This is a topic that is being w

8、idely talked about.4) From the graph(table, chart)listed above, it can be seen that .5) As aproverb says, “ Where there is a w,ill there is a way.词汇和句型汇编在的对面是离很远,不远(汽车)把你直接带到 村子西边是直接通到的一条主干在左边,在右边在一边,在另一在后面是,在前面路线图、位置图1.opposite to sp. is sp.2 .be (not)far away from3 .take you straight to sp.4 .west

9、 of the village is5 .a main road leading straight to道6.on the left/right7.on one side,on the other side边8.Behind/In front of sp. is sp.是e out of your home and go straight ahead along走出家门沿着 路径直向 前走10.turn left/right at the second crossing在第二个十字路口向左/右转11.It is an hour s ride from your home to our scho

10、ofc 家至U我彳门学校乘车是 小时的路程It is an hour s ride/walk away to sp. 到某地去乘车/走路是一小 时的路程远12.walk ahead until you reach一直向前走直到你到达13.on the third floor在第三层一幢三层的大楼位于14 .a building of three storeys/a three-storey building15 .be located in/be situated in16.be/lie in the north (south,west,east)of位于的北部讨论、图表数据类1、The wa

11、y sb. do(es) sh. changed a lot from 年)to (容) 们做事的方式改变了很多。2、 The number/The rate of 年)doubled that of (年)从.年到.年人年的数字是年数字数字的双倍 The number/ The rate of whod dropped/fell/reduced by下降T()/to (下降至U)人的数字下降了/ 下降、grew/increased/rose by (上升了 )to 升至U )人的数字增长了/增长到The number/The amount of has dropped from (数字)in

12、 1990 to 数字)in 1990to数字)的数字已从1990年的(数字)下降到1999年的(数字)3、A spend twice as much time/money on sth. as B A?E在上的时间 /金钱是 B 的 两倍The number of the people who was ten timesAJ勺数目是 年的十倍。as large as in 年)4、5、6、7、8、9、The figures show that generally speaking on the whole the most striking contrast on the contraryA

13、 would like to do sth.while B wants to do sth.10、take up15% of one s time/30 minutes/30分钟11、Chart 1 shows thatAs is shown on Chart 2,这些数字显示一般说来,大体说来从整体来看最鲜明的对比相反的是A想而B想占用某人15%的时间表1显示一正如表2所显示的那样12、As is shown in the above diagram/table/picture正如上面的表格 /图片所展示的那样13、It s(high)time that sb.did sth.It s (h

14、igh)time that sb.should do sth.14、讨论类书面表达常用的的三段论模式:该是干的时候了议题:Recently we have discussd whether had a heated discussion about whether Or:Yesterday we made a survey about 观点: Some people idea 70% of the students /peoplethink it is right t do/agree with this自己的看法:In my opinion, /As for me,I think, 15.go online/Personally, 上网网上冲浪获取国内外的最新消让生活多彩多样 校内外给sb.带来sth.给sb招来吸引sb的注意力(总结时)总之/简而言之/原因如下留给学生太多的作业给sb.留给口信给sb上一堂课教sb干sth.向某人解释某事写信说同意这个主意/观点/决定同意这个计划/安排同意干某事同意/准许某人干某事宁可干也不愿意干某事不敢干某事害怕干某事为新中国尽一己之力集中精力学习与此同时赞成/


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