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1、初中英语演讲比赛稿初中英语演讲竞赛稿范文 下面是我整理的关于年初中英语演讲竞赛稿范文,欢迎阅读。 初中英语演讲竞赛稿范文1 Man eope ve favite pces the like go to hn they re fln doored.I,o,have favorit laces a I to as oftens can. He rthe treasthat I lik ost. Firstof al, lke the z. Th animals areamazig beause ome are socut ndsome rso ugly!Ilike opete,eed theand

2、 wach them pror.Museus are col pla,toTey havegoodexhibts nd fascinatig pls lihe orkso rt there Sme meusteach me a lot abuthistoy an sciece. From inosus t obots,I love it al aly,tme parks are blat. loe t go nthewd rides thin the roer coasters ar the es. It' fun o sream ad et scard. Tese placesawa

3、 hee m u. tyr to goto eahomyfortepaces once a yea. am goig to find moefavrie pceo goto hn g p. 初中英语演讲竞赛稿范文2Yth i ot a timef ie;it isa stte f m; itis a aer of rosy cheek, re ip an ul kees; t a atter of te i, qual of the iation, vigo of he emoo; i is hefeshness of the deep rigs o lfe. Yuh mans a tempe

4、ramentalprdomiace ofourae ov timidiy,f e ppte oradventeoer t loe oease. Ths oftn exits n a man o60 moethaboy of 20. obody rows l m by a number ofears Wew old bydsinour ideals. Yasma wrinkle e sin, utto give up thsiasm wrinkles th oul. Worr, fe,self-irust bowtehar ad tuns th piit backto dust. Whtr 0

5、r16, there is very huma bn&39;s heartthelre of wods, th uniling aptte fo hat's ex ad he joy fhe gameof living.I th eter o your earnmy eart, thre a irlessstatio; so lng aitceivesmesages of at,oe, courage a powr rnan fr e nfint, so longa yu are young. he you aerials ae down, and your spirit is cov

6、redith snows o cynicsm and the ie fsimism, n yu'vrwn od, een at 2; aslg as your ara are up, to ach waves of otmism, re#39;sheou may de yunat8. 初中英语演讲竞赛稿范文3 adies and enlemen, teachers, y fell studs: mveyexcit afeelt'sa rea hoo t snd her to lier my seech whati goig to tak about is;hoi iny

7、 life; cn sti eeber te first time i failed in asnng ontest. i immdielyrn omy gradma, sheddin lo of tar of ourse! criedludly and could hrly ute aord! hen, balyedd cofortig ords nd tuh camefrom gradma. adualregie mysnse ofprie n a ensile ontrol of myfeins. yet, e own, i i: ;granda, ihaven chice,and ha

8、e to gveup, right?; ;lok t m, my dear!;shsaidgentl. i loked up, tright ino hr e wh i sa wassing, sweet, ad lovingtram fromhebottom of he heart! he, thercame the gen oice ers: ;o, no,n&help; her ed akin, whil e miling ;wy don';t you ve moe atteti the detal?; she cotinud.nothe wr wre needed ny re!

9、i srted ratiing n reeingonce again,ayigpecialatteniontothose ltte thngs tt usedto gnore. as a nsequene, my overll pformancewas qukly eevae to anew high!withotmh true,in another singgontest hdonts later, wn! hatdo i lear fromhis exeience? eve gie u ightly! lfe'sfllof ortuiis, nd lotsf them!to rea

10、lize u ms ad fulfill you otetal, you st lern to work harand smt and ser yor lfeboat wsely! as ali lig&3;s sporea cmmercialoes ;everythgi pse!;bt twhout sweat, devtion, nd tears sometim! life is a long orney,during hi arerlygoing tce ma cllee, expence lotsoffaiure, and eally,mny pprtnties ae wavin o

11、us, whileswt rewards arewaiti fors! totrnsorm thse ppotuniies in uiful sults, or ur tose callengesand faile int valuabe sets, we mut learn o sez the god nes an noto retat ligtlyin front of diffcultieswinners can evee qutte! hn youall!本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页


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