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1、 Food Hygiene&Safety Vendor Awareness Training 供应商食品卫生与安全培训Margaret LeeDecember,2004来自希捷集团对我们的要求5/4/20241.Each year millions of illnesses can be traced to foodborne bacteria.Many more go undetected and unreported 每年数百万的疾病事件都可以追溯到食物中毒,其中还不包括未调查的和未报告的Public health officials estimate that at least2-3%o

2、f all foodborne illnesses lead to secondary long-term illnesses 公共健康组织调查证实以上食物中毒事件中至少有23%会引发相应的后段长期疾病For example:例如:Certain strains of E.coli can cause kidney failure in young children and infants 某些大肠杆菌会导致青年人和婴儿的肾衰竭Salmonella can lead to reactive arthritis and serious infections 沙门氏菌会导致关节炎以及相关疾病Lis

3、teria can cause meningitis and stillbirths 李斯特氏菌属会导致脑膜炎和死产 Countries all over the world are intensifying efforts to improve food safety 全世界的国家都在加强食物安全5/4/20242.Seagate has established minimum requirements for food service hygiene&safety希捷集团已经建立起对食品卫生与安全服务的最低要求标准Implementation of Seagate standards fo

4、r onsite food services as well as company sponsored off-site events 加强了现场操作与工厂送餐的标准Implementation of a reporting and investigation process for suspected foodborne illness 加强了对食物中毒疑似事件的调查与报告Deliver of training 培训的方式Establishment of food safety performance metrics to be reviewed monthly with senior ma

5、nagement 以高标准管理方式确立起对食品安全每月的监督和管理Your careful attention in meeting Seagate requirements will ensure that our Your careful attention in meeting Seagate requirements will ensure that our employees stay healthy and productiveemployees stay healthy and productive你对希捷集团的悉心关注将会确保我们雇员的健康和生产力你对希捷集团的悉心关注将会确保

6、我们雇员的健康和生产力5/4/20243.There is a set of common symptoms一些常见食物中毒的症状A person who has eaten contaminated food may experience one or more of the following:一个人吃了受污染食物后一般会发生以下症状:Nausea Vomiting恶心 呕吐Abdominal pain Diarrhea腹痛 腹泻Fever Dehydration发烧 脱水5/4/20244.There are many ways food can become contaminated

7、导致食物受污染的不同原因Sources of food contamination:食物污染的来源:Raw materials/Ingredients未加工的食物Water水Air/dust空气传播性/尘土Soil土壤Garbage&Sewage 垃圾&污水Rodents老鼠Insects昆虫Animals&Birds宠物&鸟Packaging material包装物质Food handlers/Man 食物操作者/人5/4/20245.Conditions for bacterial growth细菌繁殖的条件All of your practices need to be directed

8、 toward preventing opportunities for bacteria to be introduced and grow as you receive,store,prepare and serve food on Seagates behalf 你的所有行为都要针对于防止让细菌引入和繁殖,特别是你收货,存货,备货,服务时.Conditions for bacterial growth:产生细菌繁殖的条件:1.FOOD 食物2.MOISTURE 潮湿 3.WARMTH 温热 4.TIME 时间5/4/20246.Seagate Requirements 希捷集团的要求与标

9、准5/4/20247.Food Sourcing and Storage食物的来源与储藏Food must be purchased from a qualified source and stored in a manner that assures cleanliness,proper labelling and prevents contamination食物必须来源于正规的渠道,并且要正确的储藏,以确保干净,标签化,无污染Obtain food from a qualified source 食物必须来源于正规的渠道 (Source approved by the local Agri

10、-Food&Veterinary Authority,Ministry of Health)(食物必须经过食物卫生,健康组织的认证)Segregate appropriately when storing 食物储藏时必须细心的区分隔离开 (Raw vs.cooked;by food type)(生的与熟的;要根据食物的类型)Do not store raw or perishable food on ground/floor 不可以把食物放在地上 (At least 30cm above)(至少30厘米以上)Properly label/date 标签化/日期化Protect from con

11、tamination 防止污染 (Wrap,lid sneeze guard)(用包装,盖住的方式)5/4/20248.Practice“First in/First out”遵循“先进先出”的原则 (Prepared food in chiller/freezer used within 24 hours)(冰库冰箱里的备货需要在24小时内用完)Discard food with observable spoilage/contamination 食物损害或污染后要丢掉Do not re-use food 不可以重复使用食物 (Food not classified as“potential

12、ly hazardous”that are prepared but not sold in morning,may be served later the same day as long as protected from contamination and stored/served at required temperatures)(食物如果备好后不能在当日早上买出,在适当的无污染和温度保护下也可以继续售卖)Food Sourcing and Storage食物的来源与储藏Food must be purchased from a qualified source and stored

13、 in a manner that assures cleanliness,proper labelling and prevents contamination食物必须来源于正规的渠道,并且要正确的储藏,以确保干净,标签化,无污染5/4/20249.“Potentially Hazardous”Foods 潜在的危险性食物 Foods that might contain food poisoning bacteria and that are capable of“toxins”to levels that are unsafe 食物在有病菌和有让细菌繁殖机会的情况下是十分危险的Examp

14、le:例如:Raw&cooked meat and poultry products,gravy,soup and stock 生熟肉,禽畜类产品,汤汁,原料Dairy products e.g.Milk,Cream,custard,ice cream 乳制品 牛奶,奶油,奶油蛋羹,冰激凌 Processed fruits and vegetables 切配好的水果,蔬菜Fish and shellfish raw and in some cases cooked 鱼类和贝类 生的或烹调的食物Cooked rice,pasta 熟米,面食Foods containing eggs,beans,

15、nuts 蛋类,豆类,坚果类Any food mixture containing the above 等等5/4/202410.You must focus on key areas to prevent contamination of food请注意以下防止食物污染的关键方法1 CLEAN-Wash hands and surfaces often 清洗-洗手和经常清洁表面 Keep hands,surfaces,and utensils clean!保持手,表面,用具的时刻清洁2 SEPARATE-Dont cross-contaminate 隔离-不要交叉感染 Separate ra

16、w meat,poultry&seafood from other foods 分开生肉,禽畜类产品与海鲜以及其他食品的接触3 CHILL-Refrigerate promptly 冷藏-尽可能冷藏 Maintain temperatures at_54C for5 minutes.)(消毒:用至少54摄氏度的热水清洗5分钟)(Chopping boards:surface area scraped off,washed,scrubbed with detergent,rinsed and sanitized after rinsing)(切配的砧板:表面的刮洗)5 Small equipment cleaned&sanitized after use 小型设备的清洗和使用后的消毒 (Examples of small equipment:blender,mincer,electric chopper,dough mixer)(如下小型设备:搅拌机,碎肉器,电切机,揉面机)6 A cleaning/sanitizing schedule is maintained 清洗消毒的工作表必须



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