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1、.TapescriptListen This Way (Book 2)Unit 3A Sweet, Sweet HomePart IGetting readyA. Words & phrases1. foldaway2. blind3. detached4. estate5. sink6. appliance7. study8. furnish9. tile10. window paneB. Fill in suitable numbers in the plane figure of the flat.A list of furniture items:1. Foldaway double

2、bed and mattress2. Coffee table3. Refrigerator4. Bathroom5. Fitted wardrobe6. Electric cooker7. Sofa8. Tumble dryerTapescript:House agent:right, if you d just come this way.Woman: Thank you.Man: Yes.House agent: eron the right here we have theerthe bathroom, which asyoucan see is fullyfitted.If weju

3、stmoveforwardnow,weercome into the ermainmain bed-sitting room here.Anderon the left here are dining room table and chairs.Woman: Oh yes.Man: Yes.House agent: And erstraight ahead of usumfoldaway double bed andWord 文档.mattress, which I think you ll agree is quite a novel idea .Man:Oh yes.House agent

4、:And thenumtoWoman:Behind the armchair.House agent: Yes, behind the armchair. To our right, um in the corner there, a fitted wardrobe. And another one on my left here.Woman:On either side of the bed?House agent: Yes, that s right. That s right, so you can put all youernightattire or whatwhatever you

5、 like in there.Man: Yes, thats good.Houseagent:(facingthedoor)Then,therethewehavethesofahereerin front of theumthe window.Man:Oh yes.House agent: Erso there s plenty of light coming through into the room andas you can see theres a nice view through the windows there.Woman:No curtains, though.House a

6、gent: No curtains, but we ve got roller blinds.Woman:Oh.House agent:Yes, they re nice and straightforward.Noproblemsaboutthat- donthave to wash them of course. Andumon theleft of theersofa there, you can see nice coffee tables.Houseagent:Ififwemovestraightastraightahead, actually,intotheerthe kitche

7、n you can see that umon my left hereWord 文档.weve got a washing machine, tumble dryer andumelectriccookerWoman:Oh yes.Man:Mmm.House agent: All as you can see to the most modern designs. And there umonthe other side of the kitchenumrefrigeratorthere in theinthe corner.Man:Oh, yeah, yes.Woman: Oh what

8、a nice littlecubbyhole ! Yes, very neat.House agent: Yes. WellumI don tknow whether you ve got any questions.Thats it of course.Woman: Well, couldcould we perhaps see the bathroom, because wewedidn tsee that?House agent: Ok, yes, yes,. Let sumlets go on out of here andumendup in the bathroomPart IIT

9、he dream houseTapescript:1. My dream house would bea canal boat . I d like to wake up every morningand see the water. Erm, Id paint it brightred, and it wouldhave a littleroof-gardenfor all my pot-plants.2. My ideal house would bemodern , ermm, it would be made ofbricks, and itwould have white pilla

10、rs outside the front door, and it would bedetachedohyes, it would have a garage .Word 文档.3. My ideal home would be to live in a cottage in a small village by the sea. Er, somewhere like Cornwall, so it s unspoilt and there are cliffs and trees around.4. I think if I could have any sort of house, I d

11、 like one of those white-walled villas in Spain . (Itd) Be marvelous to be able to just fall out of bed and into the sea first thing in the morning. (It d) Be absolutely great. All that heat. Marvelous.5. I ve always wanted to live in a reallybig house in the country, a big familyhouse with, erm at

12、least two hundred years old , I think, with a big garden , and best of all I d like to have a dry-stone wall around the garden. I ve always loved dry-stone.6. Dyou know, I may sound daft but what Ive always wanted to do is live somewhere totally isolated, preferably somewhere enormous like a castle

13、orsomething, you know, right out in by the sea or even sort off in a little island, on an island, on an island, you know, out a sea, where you have to get there b y a boat or something, where it s cut off at high tide. I think it d be really great. Questions:1. According to the first speaker, in wha

14、t color would her dream house be painted?2. Where would she put all her pot-plants?3. in the second speaker s opinion, what would there be outside the front doorof his ideal house?4. What would there be around the third speakers ideal home?5. When the fourth speaker got up in the morning, what would he do first?6. What is Spain famous for?Word 文档.7. According to the fifth speaker, wha


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