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1、四年级英语上Unit1 my classroom单元测试题总分:100分 时间:40分钟 得分_一、根据中文提示,在横线上填上适当的字母。(8分)1f_n(风扇) 2w_ _l (墙)3fl_ _r (地板) 4c_mp_t_r(电脑)二、圈出与其他不同类的单词。(4分)1. duckbuscar 2teacher desk chair 3floor light boy 4TV classroom fan三、选择相应的图片。(10分)()1.window A. B. C.()2.picture A. B. C.()3.bed A. B. C.()4.desk A. B. C.()5.light

2、 A. B. C. 四、给单词或短语选择正确的汉语意思。(20分)()1.many()2.our()3.classmate ()4.have a look()5.seat ()6.near()7.clean ()8.good idea()9.all right ()10.good jobA干得好 B好主意C座位 D许多的 E同学 F好吧;好的G看一看 H我们的I打扫;清洁;擦干净的 J在的旁边五、选出不同类的一项。(10分)()1.A.hat Bboard Cdesk()2.A.bread Bgood Ccake()3.A.light Bfan Cschool()4.A.boy Bidea C

3、girl()5.A.cat Bant Cegg()6.A.box Bsix C seven()7.A.peach Blamp Capple()8.A.teacher Bdoctor Cdesk()9.A.bread Bcake Chand()10.A.chair Bdesk Cdog六、单项选择。(6分)()1.We have six new_.Alight BlightsCthe light()2.My classroom is so_!Atall Bbig Cbest()3.We_ new classroom.Ahas Bhave Chave a ()4.Lets go_have a lo

4、ok.Aand B/ Cto ()5.I have a_idea.Awell Bgood Cgreat()6.The sharpener is near the fish_.Abowl Bglass Ccup七、情景交际。(8分)()1.你想询问教室里有什么,你应说:_AWhats in the classroom?BWheres the classroom?()2.你想介绍你的新朋友张鹏,你应说:_AThats Zhang Peng.BThis is Zhang Peng.()3.你想询问自己的座位在哪里,你应说:_AWheres your seat?BWheres my seat?()4.

5、你想表达自己喜欢热狗,你应说:_AI like hot dogs.BI like dogs.八、连词成句。(12分)1me,clean,board,let,the(.)2.us,clean,classroom,let,the(.)3.they,what,are(?)4.is,clean,it,nice,and(.)5.our,is,new,this,classmate(.)6.wall,is,the,blue(.)九、阅读对话,完成表格。(8分)Ann:Our classroom is not clean.David:Yes.Lets clean the classroom.Li Ming:O

6、K.Let me clean the window.Liu Xin:Let me clean the board and sweep the floor.David:Hi,Ann!Lets clean the desks and chairs.Ann:Good idea!Lets clean the classroom.floordesks and chairsboardwindowAnnLi MingLiu XinDavid十、写作。(14分)新学期开学了,用英语向你的新同学介绍一下你们的新教室。参考词汇:nice,big,light,desk,chair。四年级英语上Unit1 my cl

7、assroom单元测试题 参考答案一、根据中文提示,在横线上填上适当的字母。(8分) 1. a 2. al 3.oo 4. a; u; e二、圈出与其他不同类的单词。(4分)1. duck 2. teacher 3. boy 4. classroom三、选择相应的图片。(10分)1.C2.A3.C4.B5.B四、给单词或短语选择正确的汉语意思。(20分)1.D2.H3.E4.G5.C6.J7.I8B9.F10.A五、选出不同类的一项。(10分) 1.A2.B3.C4.B5.C6.A7.B8C9.C10.C六、单项选择。(6分)1.B2.B3.C4.A5.B6.A七、情景交际。(8分)1.A2.

8、B3.B4.A八、连词成句。(12分)1.Let me clean the board.2Let us clean the classroom.3What are they?4It is nice and clean./It is clean and nice.5This is our new classmate.6The wall is blue.九、阅读对话,完成表格。(8分)Li Ming:windowLiu Xin:floor,boardDavid:desks and chairs十、写作。(14分)We have a new classroom.Its big and nice.There are six lights,many desks and chairs. The wall is white.I like it.


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