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1、Ui Ius t afraidofth daketia2一、【教材分析】教学目标知识目的1 能听、说、读、写下列单词:inflece, eldm,prud, absent, fal,examination,bordi, eacy,prid2. 掌握并纯熟运用下列常用体现:e proudof,tk prd in, n perso, b bsenfrom clases, used to, et googrades scrs, be teren, one urpre,n lnge,beafaof ing alone, ake s.d t., ecide/ akea decision t do st.

2、,look ter/ tke r of3. 纯熟使用下列句型:1) t is hrd obeiev ta h sed o have dicuties in scool.2)He wa n lonerinteresti stdyig.)L esnappies begto nfluece is school-wok) tas extlywhatneeded. )Itsveriporafor parnts to be here for ther hildrn.能力目的通过阅读训练,提高自己的阅读理解能力;学会与人沟通交流,提高分析问题、解决问题的能力。情感目的通过本课的学习, 学会正视自己的问题,多

3、与父母沟通交流。教学重点纯熟掌握单词,灵活运用常用短语,并理解文章的大意。教学难点通过阅读训练,进一步提高阅读理解能力。教学措施情景教学法;任务型教学法二、【教学流程】环节师生活动二次备课I.复习热身1检查生词预习状况竞赛游戏,尽快说出英文单词及汉语意思。 Studns read ew or b thmselves. ave disussi abou h difficultie. ead anrebr n wods.自由交谈使用us to 句型谈论自己或她人的性格特性及爱好的变化。I s toe short ndthin,t now Im f meium eightI.阅读训练1.Lang-i

4、n 以询问学生自己的问题导入新课)Do you hve any probles? havepoblemsiffclties eringEglih am afrid of gvna reor ic am afraid of einlnHow do ou dal wit yur roblems?2) Predition通过观测图片猜想L We 的问题:Wt premsd u hikLi Wenmigh h?A. miss hs entB. fel lnlyhaveno interes indyng2. 速读 (Fast Reang)Read th passage caeflly and put h

5、esences 【A-D】in the corc paces.Missing LngaeA: hada lng alk.B: Now Li Wn has reallychangeC: Hever, thngsbegno cha a ew year oldD: s tcher waswored ut Answers: C B3. 细读(refl eadig)as 1:ea he passage n unerln he pblems that Li We used o hav. eflt onely ad nhapp. H cam lessterestd studying Heald his ex

6、minatons. Hewasshy adwas not abe to me friendsqucl. e wanted ole school.Task 2Rade pasag and anwer the uestins1) Re Paa. 1 crefully an nswer.From what tim didi Wen becomelessinterete intuying?Did Li Wes prents livefar fom him? How d yo no? ask 3 d Uscue froh pasage to hlyouuss the meaingsof he ordsi

7、 h bake sentence witheachword r phrasDon let e inluenc yor eision.Mny stunts werebsent hs mornng.here is a sal bording sch n the littetow You better spek hm son.4. 朗读 (odang) d atr he tape twie. e tepasagebythemselves tudent howtime5.精读 (Ienie Read)Task 1. 2e Compleethepasageit proer oms o th ords n

8、phases in theox.1)absent: adj心不在焉的; 漫不经心的 *e absent fom:不在.地方 *be abst oee frm: 使.不到场2) *dvise b to o h advi +(名词或代词)tha (从句谓语动词用虚拟式) * vis 名词或代词 + 疑问词引导的从句). inperson: 亲自;亲身sk 2 Wok togthe tlearn th impotantlanuage pit nd ake nes on your tebook.II.强化巩固1. Dissin2 Wht ou think Li enndhs antstalkeou n

9、their overain? Write conversatinand role-playit with our gro. Think of te folling tngs: Possibl etinsi nmiht askhpants Queins hsparentmht s Wen osenswer rom Li en ai parens2Sdets how time.IV. 语言运用1SpeakingWhen yo have diffren opios withyur pan, how o yo el ith that?2. ringpratce Wrte pasagbout th ta

10、lk betee you and our prent.3. Emoinal dcaiOu prents love us.fw hae difclies, tre alay the t hels.V. 总结反馈1. SmmayTranslate tephrses 15-yar-old boy 一种15岁男孩doell in hool 学业好;在学校体现好cae poblems 制造麻烦ok forjo 找工作 tke cre of 照顾、照顾feel lnelyand unappy感到孤单和不开心b be frcsses 逃课2. ExecisVI 作业布置 aveatal withyou pa

11、rts.2. ed baoud theetes.3. Wiea page about youral betweenyunyur parnts. 三、【板书设计】Un 4 uso arid of the dark. SectionB 2a2fHe studies harder than he used to. 1 lealone 独自居住 feel loely 感觉孤单2. ifee v 影响; n影响,作用,有影响的人或物 ave a ifluenceo 对有影响.absent aj. 缺席 e abset from. 缺席,不在 nabscefil . fi (i) e examiaio考试不及格 al to d. 没能做某事4. tak pridein beproud of 为感到骄傲、自豪 be prou t ost.为做某事感到骄傲/自豪四、【教后反思】


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